my plants seemed to stop growing.


Well-Known Member
so... my plants are about 3 weeks old. havnt added any nutes yet. the last couple days Ive been watching em and they havent growin much at all... I think it might be because they are hungry, I plan on going to the hydro shop tomorrow for some nutes. Is this the only thing possible? Other then that they look 100% healthy... hell one of em has 9 leafs already haha and 2 of them only have 8 leafs o.o it looks so weird having an even number of leaves...


Well-Known Member
if the PH was a factor it wouldnt look 100% healthy would it? (not a smart ass comment, its a serious question)

As far as the pots being the right size... Im not to sure... the roots ARE coming out of the bottom, but that doesnt always mean they are root bound or anything does it?


Well-Known Member
umm... I THINK it said 1 gallon on the bottom of the pot... but it looks alittle bit smaller then that... Ill probably repot this weekend...


Well-Known Member
What kind of lights are you using? If growth is stalled and they look healthy then nutrients are not the problem at all, and they're not old enough to be rootbound in containers that are close to a gallon size. I suspect you either don't have enough light, or you have too much heat and they're spending too much energy just sweating. Or something else like that. Any bugs in your grow? Little gnats flying around that you didn't think much of?

I grow 2.5ft tall plants in far less than half gallon contaners with just shultz type crap nutes.


Well-Known Member
What kind of lights are you using? If growth is stalled and they look healthy then nutrients are not the problem at all, and they're not old enough to be rootbound in containers that are close to a gallon size. I suspect you either don't have enough light, or you have too much heat and they're spending too much energy just sweating. Or something else like that. Any bugs in your grow? Little gnats flying around that you didn't think much of?

I grow 2.5ft tall plants in far less than half gallon contaners with just shultz type crap nutes.
heat- not a problem, stays at a average 80 degrees lights on.
lighting- not a problem, I have 11 CFL's 8 23watt and 3 40watt PLUS 2 T8's
bugs- not a problem, have checked my plants every day, no gnats of any sort, no spiders, nothin.

They have not COMPLETELY stopped growing, they have just slowed down alot.

This is my first grow tho... so idk if its common for them to slow down after 3 weeks or not...

Also a note I should add is, they seemed to slow down when I LST'd them, the side branches are growing nicely, but the top has failed to grow new nods.


Well-Known Member
the plant is currently in shock from the topping this is normal. how ever you should definitly get bigger pots. a good rule of thumb is 1 gallon of soil per foot of plant. so if you have a 1 foot plant that you flower get a 2 gallon pot because it will grow another foot ect ect. if you want an easy repoting meathod flood the soil with about 2-3 times the amount of water then their is soil basicly flushing then put the stem inbetween your middle and index fingers turn the pot upside down and the whole clump of dirt should come out as a solid piece so no root damage from digging it out. you should also definitly get nutes for your plants ( are they in MG pre nuted soil ? ) if they are be carefull how much u feed them


Well-Known Member
the plant is currently in shock from the topping this is normal. how ever you should definitly get bigger pots. a good rule of thumb is 1 gallon of soil per foot of plant. so if you have a 1 foot plant that you flower get a 2 gallon pot because it will grow another foot ect ect. if you want an easy repoting meathod flood the soil with about 2-3 times the amount of water then their is soil basicly flushing then put the stem inbetween your middle and index fingers turn the pot upside down and the whole clump of dirt should come out as a solid piece so no root damage from digging it out. you should also definitly get nutes for your plants ( are they in MG pre nuted soil ? ) if they are be carefull how much u feed them

thanks for trying to help... but umm, who ever said anything about topping? I would never do such a thing to my plants I am 100% anti topping...


Well-Known Member
ah read LST thought FIM my bad reguardless you are stressing your plant with the LSt but if you didn't top them and they are slowing down on growth with no signs of nute burn ( clearly no nutes added ) or ph damage then you need a bigger pot hands down if their in a 1 gallon pot and already have 9 leaves i assume your plant has out grown your pot. also why the anti topping ?


Well-Known Member
ah read LST thought FIM my bad reguardless you are stressing your plant with the LSt but if you didn't top them then you need a bigger pot hands down if their in a 1 gallon pot and already have 9 leaves i assume your plant has out grown your pot. also why the anti topping ?
haha my plants are only about... 4-5 inches tall...

Im anti topping because Im always against taking scissors to my plant until its time...

I like to treat my plant as I would like to be treated, sure I guess it sounds like a bunch of hippy/stoner bullshit but I enjoy growing weed and find it more of a hobby then anything and I love my plants and I know that eventually they will love me back. So I guess its just personal choice not to top them. But personally, I know I dont like stress and Im sure my plants wouldnt like it either.


Well-Known Member
fair enough this is my first grow i have implemented topping which is why i was wondering why you were against it. I do notice the stress it puts on the plants for 2 days after the topping but the benefit of all the side branchs catching up seems to outweigh the small amounts of stretching that occured due to the topping. I have done LST befor as well as just letting it grow on its own so it will be interesting to see the difference. here are my topped plants which seem to be doing well do you have any pictures of your lady i want to see how the cfls work



Well-Known Member
not off hand... those look nice and healthy, I just dont see the point in putting stress on them when I can just as easily LST them.


Well-Known Member
if you get a chance post one up it sounds impressive for sure. like i said this is my first experience with topping and its going well so far but low stress training is for sure a viable meathod


Well-Known Member
haha you think Id use tin foil? hell no... its mylar, I know it doesnt look like it anymore because its been bent so many times and it has so many bubbles in it, but I assure you, its mylar.


Well-Known Member
thank god then i have absolutely no problems at all with your set up i infact have praise lol that looks awsome. also i agree with you florida topping has worked well for me on this grow so far but LST is also the shit its just a personal choice