Any1 knows the song name / artist from episode 6?
Awsome tune!
If any1 wishes to take it upon themselves to give me some good "pot-tunes" please do
P.S. To watch the youtube videos in better quality add "&fmt=18" to the urls.![]()
yeah i thought bdw was some jacked 27 yr old dude. maybe 32 at the most but he's like 55....dayum!
it looks photoshopped.
nothing seems to fit right. the head, the background, the outline of the body. i'm sure it's just the shot.
that is scary... i would really be scared of him.. haha
i remember when i was little with my mom in sears. and i was walking looking down at the floor and my mom goes watch out! and i look up and get really really scared of this huge huge tall guy looking down at me almost running me over.... i was like SCARY! haha
Sick! you did a hell of a job BDW taking off the mask was a real strong point in the episode, i'm guessing episode 12 is gonna end it off for good eh
I dig the shit out of the movie & i'll tell you why, because it shows a side of marijuana cultivation that 99.9% of the population never dreamed existed,most people think all the weed they smoke is grown by gun slinging crack smokin gang bangers, or mexican drug lords who pay the farmers dirt wages,now they see a real person with the same shit going on in his life as they do in their own lives,it puts a face of a decent man where the face of a monster used to be,it shows that all marijuana growers are not evil,hopefully that was the intent of the movie.
The movie also has a plot that draws you in,weather your 100% for the legalization of marijuana or flat out against it in every way, by the middle of the movie your rooting for the good guy to win.
Im not ashamed to say it,i think this movie has the chance to be an important film & i could not give two shits less who thinks im a kiss ass for saying it,im to fukin old to be embarassed,its how i think about the film.
Instead of everybody bumming out over trival issues people should be happy that there is a movie that has a chance to be as well known as the propaganda film Reefer Madness,i'd prefer to be thought of as somebody from the BDW movie over one of the nut jobs from Reefer Madness anyday.
what am I? Industrial Light and Fucking Magic?
???? u mean is there going to be a twelve??? theres a total of 13 videos, one is the trailer for his compilation of videos, and one is a episode 10 teaser..then there are 1-11 videos and looks like one or two more will be posted probably..just who knows when is the questionwasnt there a 12?
nope, you're a duplicate user and we don't allow that. sorry but i think i have to ban this account now.![]()