My pot movie

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:spew:...........not in AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!:roll::roll::roll::roll:
Thanks's your kind that make us Americans soooo proud, be cops.


Ok, so if I read that correctly, you just compared fdd's role as a perfectly reasonable moderator on a marijuana growing forum to our nation's overzealous desire to catch every criminal in the entire world. I guess I see the connection...but I wouldn't consider it an intelligent one. I'm hoping, for your sake and ours, that you were kidding.
I'm not going to complain about the slowness of the vids you put out.

The fact that you didn't throw yourself off one of those mountains is amazing. If I had gone through what you have with this grow, I'd probably just cry and drink myself to death.

I can't believe the raid went down on harvest day. I can't even think of how hard it is to lose something like that in such a bullshitty way.
:spew:...........not in AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!:roll::roll::roll::roll:
Thanks's your kind that make us Americans soooo proud, be cops.

your comparing moderating a website to "law enforcement" have to be shitting me..what did you run out of weed and decide to blame fdd for it:blsmoke:
yeah, 'cause helicopters never fly or land anywhere. dude could have been filming next to an airport. did you see helicopter and pot in the same shot? view from below.jpg
:spew:...........not in AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!:roll::roll::roll::roll:
Thanks's your kind that make us Americans soooo proud, be cops.


what's this i found in your pocket? i'm gonna have to take this into evidence, son. :twisted::twisted:

i must have a really strong ticker when that guy can fly over my house every day all summer without me having a heart attack. i know he sees me. :twisted:
You should grow your plants in the pattern of fdd so when they fly by they will know not to mess..:twisted::blsmoke:
browndirt is there any way for you to send the song Matts Anderson and Dylan Murray blazing ganja from the fist viedo i would love to have it on my comp a tasty grove. i would appreciate it much
episode 12... cant... wait.... bdw youre a legend my dude.. a warrior.. dont worry about some of the idiots on this site theyre just pissed that they buy the weed you grow for 25 half eigth. Pick up your shield and keep on troopin brother.
i cant find that tune on limewire pro,always a trojan in the there another name for it or does anyone know where to download it?

browndirt is there any way for you to send the song Matts Anderson and Dylan Murray blazing ganja from the fist viedo i would love to have it on my comp a tasty grove. i would appreciate it much
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