My pot movie

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Man yea I just re-watched all the video's cause its exciting, but no episode 10 still. :( Oh yea and I'm pretty ripped right now.
Yea it'll be up. Have no fear. Although, BDW, when you do put it up I think you should just put it up and tell everyone on here, rather than trying to give 24 hr notice. It would make for a really nice surprise for all of us fans! And there wouldn't be any chance of disappointment. Peace
i just mined some wicked nose gold.

no episode 10 FTL.

on a side note, that has nothing do do with this thread, or this website. i just finished doing a rear disc brake swap onto my car. 4 new calipers, rotors, and ceramic bendix pads all the way around with synthetic brake fluid.

what a stinker. not up yet. i had my hour break in between jobs and i came home to watch. RATS! well, at least MY plants are doing well. I killed another box elder beetle though. 1 or 2 show up every 3 or 4 weeks. little bastards. until tonight, goodbye BDW and RIU fans.
yea yea sure sure!!!!
BDW is a theif and a lier! he killed my mother and raped my sister!!!!
no no BDW is a great guy, he is just alittle slow :P :)
Man I have been checking non-stop, I have been to my spot twice today to work on it and still no movie....sigh such a sad thing. Oh well guess ill shower and smoke a j then come back to check.
its probably all just a clever ploy to get 14342546t views and hits per person!!!!... thats working!!!! :P JK
brown dirt does it again!!!!yipee.

you'll are suckers. :)

oh no..we have to wait an extra couple days..whatever will we do.....keep your bitchin out of this need for it..i personally want to see it but i can wait the extra time BDW needs to get it together
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