My pot movie

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it looks photoshopped. :-?:-?
nothing seems to fit right. the head, the background, the outline of the body. i'm sure it's just the shot.

Its the low makes things that are out of focus look extra funky. Actually it makes everything look funky. Im almost positive thats real. I have some experience with filming and photography from my graphics arts courses and tv production back in highschool. :peace::blsmoke:
Its the low makes things that are out of focus look extra funky. Actually it makes everything look funky. Im almost positive thats real. I have some experience with filming and photography from my graphics arts courses and tv production back in highschool. :peace::blsmoke:

that's what i was thinking. :blsmoke:
yeah, well the background looked a little funny to me, thats why I asked, I thought there was a cliff or something behind him in the video.... maybe I was just mistaken.
is that pic a still shot from the acual vid? looks like it.

Yes, Yes it is. I just played it in high quality and took a screen shot. I have to admit though it does look like its been photoshopped. Maybe he did it.....I mean hes admitting to illeagaly growing a good few pounds worth of weed... Maybe he just not stupid.
that is scary... i would really be scared of him.. haha

i remember when i was little with my mom in sears. and i was walking looking down at the floor and my mom goes watch out! and i look up and get really really scared of this huge huge tall guy looking down at me almost running me over.... i was like SCARY! haha
I just watched 11. I feel your pain, well sorta. Iv gotten ripped of before and it really fukin sucks. It was only one plant and i was boiling mad. I could only imagine your pain and anger as you walked in on your crop and saw there was nothing.. I'm sorry for your lose and i hope it wont deter you from future growing. You just gotta keep at it and dont let any one stop you!
I just watched 11. I feel your pain, well sorta. Iv gotten ripped of before and it really fukin sucks. It was only one plant and i was boiling mad. I could only imagine your pain and anger as you walked in on your crop and saw there was nothing.. I'm sorry for your lose and i hope it wont deter you from future growing. You just gotta keep at it and dont let any one stop you!

oh the sting of theft..bastards
trippy 13th ep huh, hope he doesn't lose the last few pounds to the gotv. late
At the end of the prohibition trailer he is drying and curing what looks to be about the amount in those bags.... haha they probably took one look at him and were like were not fucking with this dude and let him pass:mrgreen::hump::blsmoke:
At the end of the prohibition trailer he is drying and curing what looks to be about the amount in those bags.... haha they probably took one look at him and were like were not fucking with this dude and let him pass:mrgreen::hump::blsmoke:

I'm somewhat guessing he made it past the checkpoint. I mean, he posted the 11th episode, right? :mrgreen: ...phew.
wow man the 10th vid was intense as hel my heart was pumping i hope you didnt get caught let us know what happened PLEASE!!
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