My second 12/12 from seed with 150w CFL/10,000 lumens(organic-perpetual)

Yea I figured they would like a little co2 boost if it get warm, co2 to plants is like Gaterade to us on hot day. Im a pretty smart person but who knew I could make everything DIY lol. Its pretty funny I can do all this and spend less than $50 bucks because I diy everything.
just checked again and temps are at 83 that seems to be holding steady so thats good, one of the seedlings is growing really fast it started off the biggest and is now getting its second set of true leaves which Ive never seen happen in two days out the soil before. None of them are stretching to the light if anything there staying short and getting bigger leafs and thicker stem, some of them all that is out the dirt is leaves two leafs about a inch from tip to tip sticking out the dirt with no stem. I really like the way things are looking, my funnel I made works perfect no leaks at all and makes it so easy to water in that tight space under the lights. In these small party cups I see I will have to water at least every 2-3 days depending on how much water I give them at a time. I water a little more ofter for the first week because they dont really have a great root system then and the roots they do have are very shallow in the dirt so you want top of dirt to be moist.
I just a built a clone/veg cab out of a cardboard box and put a fan on top to pull out heat and mounted two light fixtures, I cant stop building. That means now I have 1 veg and 2 flower so I can start my perpetual. I switched the 26w 6500k to the clone/veg box It is flat white on the inside of cardboard box so I didnt use reflective material.

#1 flower cab( 10"x14"x26" ) ( 2-55w 2700k)

#2 flower cab( 8"x10"x12" ) (42w+26w 2700K)

#3 Veg/Clone( 8"x12"x24" ) (1-26w 2700k + 1-26w 6500k)

Any ideas for the best perpetual harvest I could do I was thinking wait until I start flower get the best looking healthiest plant with the best bud 4 weeks in to flower and take it out #1 box and put in #3 box to be re-vegged which I would say takes two weeks buy then the others would be at 6 weeks flower then I take 2 clones by the time they root the others in #1 box will be at 8weeks flower by the time the clones are developed enough to flower them the others in Box #1 will be at 10weeks flower and ready to harvest then I will move the 2 clones to flower and take 2 more clones off my bonsai mother I revegged in the beggining. By the time the clones in flower are showing sex the other new clones should be rooted and started growing 2 weeks later I move these clones to box #1 to start flower and take 2 more and repeat the process. In other words harvest every two weeks hopefully never done perpetual before and really havent researched it too much just wanted to give it a try. Also Box #2 will be every time I put 2 clones in box #1 I will put 1 clone in Box #2. I dont expect to get much from Box 2 but if I get a clone or a seed from some actual quality weed I will be doing this with the good bud. I wish I had the northern lights x Big Bud strain to do a perpetual harvest with because I heard the yeild was great and potency. With this method I will have 8 plants in my Box #1 at all times but 2- 2weeks flower, 2- 4weeks flower, 2- 6weeks flower, 2- 8weeks into flower, I expect flower period to be within 8-10weeks but they wont make it to 10weeks before they get cut they all will be cut at 8 weeks to keep this perpetual right on track unless they absolutely need more time.
By the way never done clones either so any cheap techniques please share the info I ask of you post any and everything with information possible, because the more information in my thread the more it is helping others.
i use rooting powder,to soil,in 2" jiffy cups. Clones twice sucsessfully. Took 13 days for nice good roots both times. Also use domes only misting domes.dont touch for 1st 4days. Thats my way.
I think it day 4 now or something close to 4 anyway I got some new pics up. I put another fan in my veg/clone box because I wasnt happy with temps and now temps dont get anywhere near 90 like 78-80 depending how my room temps are. I put a light trap on that fan because it is pulling air from under my clothes and I dont want light shining out from under the clothes but I took a pic with no flash and the lights on for you to see there are no light leaks even when it is pitch dark in my room not 1 tiny little light leak its crazy because last grow light leaks were my biggest problem now heat seems to be. I moved like 4 of my babies to the veg box to give the others more room to grow, and so I could get them under the light more evenly. Next update I will make you guys wait a week for because my grow boxes and everything is finally done, not 1 thing left to do unless my veg box starts stinking and I would have to make another diy carbon filter but I dont think it will stink bad. I got a pic of a blunt I rolled out of brown paper bag, LOL i was desparate with no cigar.
I think I covered everything any questions just ask peace. Also just so you know everything I wire up is wired with wire nuts for safety purposes as to not burn my house down, I take wiring and watering around electricity very seriously and I advise you do the same.:fire:lol fire:leaf:
I threw a pic of some mids from around here this shit is rock hard some brick weed for sure but not bad, believe me or not that little bud ways 1.5g and it is small as a penny.


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My veg box in the closet is sitting on top of a suitcase but if someone were to every take the suit case out the box is so tight in that space that it would stay right were it was, it took me forever to get in in there tight without bending up the box. So there is 1 intake and 1 exaust pc fan in the veg box not my temps are sittng right, I believe my ph of the soil is doing well even though its Mg I added the lime and it seems to be right, the seedlings are very dark green, its hard to get good pic in the red light from 2700k bulbs the seedlings look yellow in pics but they are very dark. I also have been constantly germinating seeds since the begginning of the grow just in case I had bad genetics, or ph was bad or whatever I prepaired for the worst senario as always. I dont check them but like once a day now but when they get a little bigger I will transplant some to 1/2 2ltre bottles so I wont have to check them but every 2-3 days depending how much I watered them last. In my last grow 3 days seem to be the day I had to water or she would wilt.
im watering every 2-3 days also. checked on'em b4 work& my dominas very bottom leaves were wiltting so i gave'em qwik drink-feeding when i get home.
Oh yea that second pic is a seedling that is getting really fat leaves like indica, but its to early to tell but if it is indica its probably some good pot. The mids picture I posted is some good mids but I gave some growing now that are better than that mids so idk maybe someone just didnt take care of there plants or had to chop early and sold it as mids.Hopefully.
Ok first things first I launched a container with potting soil in it about 3 days ago out my bedroom window, that container was the one I started most of my seeds in well half the dirt flew out but I walked up to it today and it had 3 perfectly green healthy seedlings so that brings me to 17 plants now because I also have 3 that just sprouted from the extra seeds I germinated I lost 3 to bad genetics a few days ago and that put me at 11 plants, but now I am past what I had in the beginning which was 14 and now have 17 plants also the new sprouts are about exactly a week younger than the others so I may start flower on older plants before the others if they dont catch up. I think those babies in the bottom chamber are growing faster and better than the top chamber because there closer to the light, but I can't lower the top chamber light anymore but they are still growing fine the bottom chamber is just doing way better. I posted some pics of some bud I just got called Mr. Nice but I believe it is actually from Mr. Nice breeders and actually called something different if you recognize this strain please let me know the real name. It has some purple all in it also has very sweet tasty like a peach it doesnt taste like purp but it is very purple and one of the best I have smoked great 50/50 cerebral/couchlock high. I posted a pic of a bigger bud of some good but dry beasters also:leaf:.


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They looked thirsty so I watered them right after these pics and they perked up more, I havent watered since day 4-5 so they needed it.
They looked thirsty so I watered them right after these pics and they perked up more, I havent watered since day 4-5 so they needed it.

Nice, be careful with that though. I have had times where they only showed sympoms of needing water for about 3 or 4 hours, wake up the next morning and the plant looks almost dead. Just keep an eye out
I usually can tell by how heavy or light they are if they are light and easy to pic up then they need water if they are heavy then they dont need water. like I said usually 2-3 days until I water again. They are very dark green now so I dont need to give any nutes yet but I think by day 14 I will give them 1/8 strength DM grow A, B, and DM silica. I already mixed the nutes up in 1 gallon jug of distilled water, I dont ph my water so I use distilled water that usually has a nuetral ph. I put 1ml of each thing in and that is what first feeding will be of then next feeding will be day 20 and I will feed 2ml grow A, 2ml grow B, 2ml Silica, then day 26 I will feed 4ml grow A, 2ml grow B, 2ml Silica and induce flower 12/12 on day 27. I will feed again on day 32(day 5 of 12/12) and I will give them 1 more round of veg nutes to increase bud sites before it shows sex probably like 6ml grow A, 2ml grow B, and 2ml Silica. The bottle says to use the same amount of silica through whole grow but I started the first mix light. After the last veg feeding I will flush on day 8-9 of 12/12 and give bloom nutrients, and DM Silica. The reason I am using Silica for flower is because Silica is for keeping a plant strong and disease, pest, and heat resistant, also to make it grow faster and stress free. Also take note that in between each feeding of nutes I will water thouroughly to clean any salt build-up from the nutrients also to just give them plain good clean water. I use more of the DM Grow A for increasing budsites because the Grow A is higher in nitrogen and lower in phosphorous the DM Grow B is lower in nitro gen and higher in phosphorous so the grow B would have probably been used for Bloom nutes but I ordered some Fox Farms Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom.
Use From Beginning Of Grow To The End Of Flower.
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Silicon is a very important nutrient to plants. It is a vital element of epidermal cell walls. Silicon strengthens plants so they can resist the ravishes of insects, drought, disease, heat and stresses. Dutch Master Gold Range SILICA substantially strengthens a plants ability to transport nutrients and other elements in the roots and internal plant cells. Gold Range SILICA will help increase cell wall stability, speed up root cell replication, build stronger and more extensive root systems, increase nutrient absorption and resist stress and drought as well as enhance the plants ability to resist insects and pathogens. Gold Range SILICA is a balancing and buffering substance that also helps your plants to deal with potentially toxic levels of minerals, salts and pollutants. Gold Range SILICA will help to give your plants a stronger, larger, more vigorous living infrastructure.
Dutch Master Gold Range SILICA is a special formulation of plant available silicon designed by our in-house Plant Physiologist and Biochemist to help restore natural plant levels of silicon so your plant can build strong cell walls resulting in a well-formed plant. When using a modern performance based nutrient like Gold Range NUTRIENT, Gold Range SILICA is essential to help maximise the results you get from these high tech wonder nutrients.
Gold Range SILICA use should be started early in the vegetative stage and continued right through harvest for best results as Gold Range SILICA’S benefits are optimized with long-term use. So now you can be confident in the fact that when you are using Dutch Master Gold Range SILICA, you are using the best plant nutritional technologies on offer today.
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Im not running ac in my house so my temps are getting really high in my safe during the day and I cant do anything about it because Im not running ac when it is 71 degrees outside so I guess the babies will just have to get use to 93degree heat hopefully the co2 will keep them under control even though I did see some small signs of heat stress last night but it wasnt bad. when I start flower the A/C will be on all the time no matter what so they arent stressed while budding.
My heat is still a issue but it doesnt really seem to bother them so far, but that isnt what this update is about. I just ordered 1qt of Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom so now I have flower nutes. I had some Bio bloom but very little amount like 100ml free sample. I ordered from amazon so is my nutes going to come in a box colored in foxfarms decal or will it be a descrete plain brown box. I found a 150w HPS on for $93.00 but I dont know if that would get just as hot, hotter, or maybe cooler than all the cfls I have now but I may get this in the future maybe not this grow but 1 day.:leaf:

even though I wont be flowering for a few weeks I cant wait to actually have bloom nutes in my hands since I have never used bloom nutes, especially the legendary FOX FARMS.


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