Moistened soil in the pot, and moistened top soil to help keep falling debris to a minimum.
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Yeah, I got a little carried away w/ the watering the top soil
Poured 1/4 cup water into pot. Then bad idea?
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I hope I was not to rough with ladies. That is what a 3 week old root set looks like at the bottom. I was able to tap out a couple but a few needed a little extra help, so i pushed them out.
Measured the ladies and one of the mk was 6"!, The shortest was 3".
View attachment 1680892
Watered the top soil with another 1/2 cup for approx 1 cup water total water. I did not want to inflict any more stress so I will dust the ladies another day.
View attachment 1680895 I will be making a small change to my lights in a day or two.
View attachment 1680901So that's how it played out, for now

After looking at the girls in their new cribs, I feel an LST will have to wait until the next grow and I will be flowering the young ones soon. If my camera can get close enough I will try and get some pics, there is some great growth going on, these girls are gonna be thick. AWWWESOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Killed two extremely small spiders in the garage today, I hope it does not become a problem.
Thanks honey,