My urinalisis results LMAO


Active Member
Fucking backwards world! Getin ass raped because you smoke a bit of natural herb, where's the logic?
I wish we HAD pro MJ candidates here in the first place! And for those of you saying not to vote fora candidate purely on the notion of legal weed, that's bullshit, the rest of thier policies will be exactly the same as all the other candidates, they just have the added extra of MJ on the end.
If you vote someone in that legalizes weed, the only thing that you will notice is that weed will be legalized. The rest will all function normally. Atleast that's what I see here in Brazil with the politics that go on. There are 100 candidates that all promise different things, but end up doing the same bullshit as the last ones.

Weed SHOULD be legal the world over, and hopefully one day it will be. If in my life time it isn't I am moving to Amsterdam or Switzerland, before I get old and die, atleast live my final years in absolute peace and freedom.

Peace Galera!


Well-Known Member
if you smoke alot of pot everyday and your overweight pot can stay in your system up to 6 months
i know, it aslo depends on your metabolism, what type of foods you eat, and how often you work out and sweat. i told my po that he said uh no it only takes 30 days, so i told him if i still had it in my system in 3 months then i would get him proof and the facts so i dodnt get a pv


Well-Known Member
ya well my last piss 2 were clean, i had work crew for a month and did alot of sweating and drank gallons and fgallons of water so it cleaned out fairly quick


Well-Known Member
I'm on probation also, the 988 is a score out of 1000... it doesn't necessarily mean 988ng/mL. My score was 12 and I thought I smoked a lot before I was put on probo, lmao!
HAHAHAHA so that explains why she was so amazed... that shit is too funny thanks for the explanation.:joint::joint: The day I get off probation I can guarantee u the levels will return.