
Well-Known Member
actually Im kinda depressed, I'm doin the whole 36 hour without light and I wanna go check on them right now but they are sleeping


Well-Known Member
okay so XxNinjaxX is doing a blue cheese grow and I got the idea from his thread (u have posted there before i believe). the theory is that it will force the MJ to begin flowering sooner. Ultimatly cutting down time to harvest.

I may have mentioned before but my dad has been growing for 25+ years and he swears by this theory as well. I figured I would give it a try.


Active Member
okay so XxNinjaxX is doing a blue cheese grow and I got the idea from his thread (u have posted there before i believe). the theory is that it will force the MJ to begin flowering sooner. Ultimatly cutting down time to harvest.

I may have mentioned before but my dad has been growing for 25+ years and he swears by this theory as well. I figured I would give it a try.
No leaves. No light. Genius! Shitty thumbs really knows his shit. When are you going to flush with the bleach?:joint:


Well-Known Member
so spare me going through ninjas whole thread, did he mention if he had any better results in the end with this method?? That he noticed at least.


Well-Known Member
I figured the worst that could happen is they get a little droopy from the lack of light and then they will pop back up.

mines an experiment grow. Hence why I have 2 plants in one pot, a LST'ed plant, and 2 plants topped 2 different ways :D

Why not experiment some more??


Well-Known Member
this is true my friend, lol. how they coming these days? mine look sad lately, lol well in pics anyway. Wish i woulda shown u guys what they looked like before I finger fucked 'em all up


Active Member
When I trim a plant it is a process that takes several weeks. I will only take a fan leaf 1 point at a time. Sometimes just notching the leaf to let light to a site. I would remove al other plant matter from the stem before removing the stem. They never really seemed to mine.


Well-Known Member
ah slow and steady...yeah i just went in there and cleared the way, lol hope they'll bounce back nicely though


Well-Known Member
I was going to re-examine your video during the process of typing my PM to you, but it seems there are haters in our midst so I will post it here.


Course they're sad right now man. You just chopped the hell out of them and they're bagseeds! Remember when we were looking at your post-topped babys and you sent me a concerned message about them tangling up? I said they'd be fine, they'd do their thing, everything would be okay.

This will be fine. They will do their thing, everything will be okay! I feel sympathetic pains for what you're going through atm dude, but be relaxed! What would Bob Marley do eh? Stop going all soccer mom over them (hypocritical soccer mom statement by Grizzly Adams).

Yes, your top colas look like shit man. They look nowhere near as magnificent as they once did, and they are likely to not look as magnificent again in their lifetime. They'll bounce back, but not be as bushy as before. Remember how fast your plant was taking up vertical space and we wanted to slow it down? We've slowed it down dude, but theres a reward lurking amidst your unenlightened pain and sorrow. High producing colas do not happen in CFL growing, the light isn't intense enough for them to build true weight. They can look big, but they're real fluffy and it takes 4 nugs to pack a bowl.

Allow me to direct your attention to below your colas. The top of a budsite always produces the most green. . . . . look at that gorgeous field of budsites waiting to be born. Your cola's are thin enough now to lower light between them. Your upper budsites will develop, the lower internodes on the colas will have over double the light, and all those tips. . . . . . . I didn't count them but those billions of tips? -they'll have over triple the light intensity.

Your plant lacking leaves is just fine, I'm going to recommend another minor trim into flower even. When your plant buds, its going to grow bud leaves that supplies the bud with most of its energy. Its gonna be fine, your plants are reacting very well. I'd like to see the top cola's a little more pretty but hell. . . that field of dreams below them warms my heart.

Feel good man, you're going to be damned happy at harvest.


Well-Known Member
im serious Polecat. Im not giving them light for 36 hours
Nobody seemed to know why/how.

Lowering the light hours brings about a chemical change in the plant's makeup that signals "flowering time bitches". Denying plants light entirely makes them all "SHIT SHIT WHO TEH FUCK IS SHOOTING US!" speeds the chemical signal, and can cut between zero weeks and two weeks off flowering. Typically the longer flowering your plant does the more time you save. I've actually used 24 and 48. Didn't see a difference, I think the flowering was like 3 days off between the two of them?
