My work won't let me quit

I'd leave now, 7 days notice, that way they get to train the new guy up

you may well know how disruptive the hospitality industry is,

working long hard hours for a pittance, nuf said, least the waiters get a tip you get sweat?

Tho you are leaving 'friends' behind, they are behind.. maybe never to be seen again?

unless the management can grease the deal, be out as soon as you can

already they have you differing ..?

good luck
people work in restaurants for the cocaine. Money is incidental.
Lmao no wey I did fuck up a lot of más fuerte guaca tho! I can call them beaneds cause they call me Mara
I had planned to move to Colorado around may 6-7. My reasoning behind the date lies with my job. I am a cook at a Mexican restaurant. Cinco det mayo is a huge business day for them, we prep extra food for 7 days, just to make it through one day.
If I quit before then, they'll be one guy short, or have to hire a new guy, basically being one guy short.
April 30 is a payday. I had originally planned on leaving april 30, but cause I'm a nice guy decided to stay and work the holiday.

I get to work today... They ask me point blank if I can stay until the END OF JUNE.
(Planned to leave april 30, then backed up to may 6-7, noe end of June???)

So they have to have a good reason right?

IF I do NOT stay until June 30...
NO ONE at this restaurant will get their 7 day paid vacation.

So its up to you Mike. Stay and give us a vacation. Or be THAT GUY. That ruins it for everyone.

This is a big decision man! I'm looking to move to Colorado where I can legally breed marijuana, which is something I've done before and WANT to do. I keep saying that once I move I'm basically retiring because weed is fun for me, not a "job"

So guys, what do you think? The decision is entirely on me I know but I wanted to share it and see what others thought.

I don't wanna be an asshole that makes you not have a vacation for two years. I also don't wanna stay any longed than I have to. But if I stay its a little extra money. But if I go the marijuana industry is lucrative.
Fuck Em... spread your wings bro.
My parents came into my job to eat dinner today, and talk about this "situation" my work has put themselves in. We had a hilarious conversation that went basically like this:
Mom: so if you leave when you said you were, then 4 people get screwed out of a week vacation?
Me: yes
Mom: so who are they? Pelon? Are you gonna feel bad if Pelon doesn't get a vacation?
Me: well not really but he's gonna tell his kids who will probably hate me forever.
Mom: ok so Pelon and co will have to get over themselves. Ok who's next? Maria? You don't like her though right-
Me: yeah
Mom: - cause she's super lazy. So fuck her. Who's next?
Me: uh Rudo.
Mom: what about him will you be upset and feel bad?
Me: (thinks for a moment about how much of an asshat rudo can be at times and cause it took longer than 2 seconds)
Mom: well you're thinking. So obviously he's not too important. So whos last?
Me: José
Mom: and what about him?
Me: (taking a couple seconds to think about this weirdo...)
Mom: so that's that then. You might be a little upset cause your pot smoking buddy can't go on vacation but you gave them six months right?
Me: yeah they had plenty of time to do something.

Oh my gods my moms reaction... If you only knew this lady.

So I'm just waiting on my friend to see if he can break his lease and I can move immediately or what. There's gonna be a lot of sad Mexicans at this cantina this year lol

But I might help them find a new guy before I leave. Give them a little help and not the screws (lack of planning on your manager doesn't mean anything to me)
I'm gonna have to test that out for you in that case. It seems like no one (that supplies st. Louis) even knows how to make purple buds, although someone sent me a pic of a miserably Mg deficient plant and said look at my purple branches! The buds gotta be purple right?)