Shrubs First
Well-Known Member
Rhizotonic is great, Humboldt Roots is a great stimulant as well.
I also use a lot of Hygrozyme to keep them clean.
I also use a lot of Hygrozyme to keep them clean.
Rhizotonic is great, Humboldt Roots is a great stimulant as well.
I also use a lot of Hygrozyme to keep them clean.
I use Mykos mycorrhizae. Its only $14.99 for 2.2 lbs and the company that makes it is the nation's oldest grower of myco. I've tried a number of products that were considerably more expensive, but this is the one that delivered.
their site is
also worth noting that this product is the pure goods (all fungus and no ferts/humic -- ie things that can burn your plant in combo with the prods you're already using) -- only need 1-3 tblspn per plant to get fat inoculation
"Endo and Ecto Bacteria protect your plants roots and break down insoluble NPK, Mycorrhizal Fungi inoculate your plants roots"
I love bmo. but i would love to see a real breakdown on the product.
What I like to see is products reviewed by an impartial lab.
Yes , thats what i like ... no bullshit like an.
Do you know of anywhere i can send my brews to , to get tested ?
I thought you might enjoy this post from a buddy on a different site regarding Myco.
Originally posted by Secondtry at ICMAG.
I am not sure the myco will live through all that but it works great for beneficial bacteria in fish tanks..... but i have no idea if that same concept will work in the res. i have always wondered that myself.
has anyone tried to make a 5 gal.bucket bio filter and inoculate it with subculture M and subculture B then circulate the water from your Res. through it continuously? I was going to try this next grow.What are your thoughts on that?
I thought you might enjoy this post from a buddy on a different site regarding Myco.
Originally posted by Secondtry at ICMAG.
Here is the effect of P levels (ppm) upon AM fungi infection of pepper and tomato...both of those can be used to model the probable effect of P concentration upon AM fungi infection of cannabis:
Corroborates what Dr. Linda told me and what (I think) I posted about before in this thread regarding too much P shutting down the exudes from the host plant that support the fungi. I am currently using myco on a large commercial scale and am NOT putting down any food at the time of transplant.
I remember it being said earlier, but the levels I thought it became a problem at are actually much lower than thought. I look at it basically saying Myco and fertilizers dont get along. If you use ferts with myco, your basically flushing wasted money down the toilet.
Yep, and the reason why I entitled this "the caveats". I may be repeating my self but one expert (Dr.) said that the natives will "eat them suckas" meaning the native microbes will use your additions as food and two, you don't need alot of P as it will shut down the host plant's production of exudes, acids and such that feed the fungi. It's not an issue of the two getting along (which seems logical to me too), it's an issue of the myco colony going dormant if you feed your soil too much P which causes the host plant to stop producing goodies for the colony's survival.
IOW, may just be pissin' up a rope with this stuff, hoo nose?
How's IC Mag doing? Posted their a while......
Well Rez is still a giant douche. Ive only read like two of his posts and I can already tell he's a dick. Apparently alot of people feel that way about him. ahAha. Watch me get banned if he ever reads this.