good day 4 it the wind will make it really fun and dam u get up early if you need help let me know
glad to hear your doing a outdoor this year. i have to renew my card in about a week, but my grower takes care of the fees.
whats the reimbursement for?
i live in sutherlin and its going to rain all weekend
i dont live in oakland but ok
well after the summer harvest we will have to trade up on some good meds i like to have a choice right now im growing some Alphakronik Genes Alpha Dawg and White Diamonds both take 9 to 12 weeks longtime to me i got my seed from Attitude Seedbank and got like 10 free seeds i got there lucky #7 promo so i started Fruity Chronic Juice from Delicious Seeds , Blueberry Gum / G13 Labs and from greenhouse seed exodus cheese wich is the only 1 i have tried and its good its not bubba kush but its good
no not yet but i cant wait i like a good chem dawg and never had snow dawgHave you tried the Alpha Dawg yet? I bought some of these as well, and had a previous grower, grow them out for me, but I had to leave that grower, and never did get the chance to try it. Interested in how it is.