(mygirls)~~2012 outdoor greenhouse grow~~


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
the time is here, yep time to start the construction of my greenhouse 2day. should be off the hook this year beings i am living in a warmer climate. not sure what strains im going with yet. stick around for the ride, it should be wild.....:hump::-o:weed:
rained like hell yesterday and is still raining.. i bought the lumber yesterday and now waiting for the rain 2 stop so i can start the build.. shit is happening so fast, i have 2 renew my card next month, build the greenhouse, get clone, soil, nutes. i should have no problem getting all i need now that i got a surprise reimbursement check back from shasta county for $855.00 buckarooooooos.
glad to hear your doing a outdoor this year. i have to renew my card in about a week, but my grower takes care of the fees.

whats the reimbursement for?
glad to hear your doing a outdoor this year. i have to renew my card in about a week, but my grower takes care of the fees.

whats the reimbursement for?

not sure but when u get a check from the county you cash that bitch... LOL
well after the summer harvest we will have to trade up on some good meds i like to have a choice right now im growing some Alphakronik Genes Alpha Dawg and White Diamonds both take 9 to 12 weeks longtime to me i got my seed from Attitude Seedbank and got like 10 free seeds i got there lucky #7 promo so i started Fruity Chronic Juice from Delicious Seeds , Blueberry Gum / G13 Labs and from greenhouse seed exodus cheese wich is the only 1 i have tried and its good its not bubba kush but its good
state st. the gap ok i grew up here born in roseburg but lived in sutherlin most my life im 35 smoked pot 20 years seen a lot of changes and ready 4 more i was a millworker but now unemployed with max weekly benifits boy life is good 4 now thats y i said if u need help im allways free but it is nice to meet you and cant wait 2 c your grow pics
hi i would love to see your greenhouse with pics as you build showing how your putting it together. i always enjoy your pics of the wildlife around you and your hunts.

good luck getting things done.
well after the summer harvest we will have to trade up on some good meds i like to have a choice right now im growing some Alphakronik Genes Alpha Dawg and White Diamonds both take 9 to 12 weeks longtime to me i got my seed from Attitude Seedbank and got like 10 free seeds i got there lucky #7 promo so i started Fruity Chronic Juice from Delicious Seeds , Blueberry Gum / G13 Labs and from greenhouse seed exodus cheese wich is the only 1 i have tried and its good its not bubba kush but its good

Have you tried the Alpha Dawg yet? I bought some of these as well, and had a previous grower, grow them out for me, but I had to leave that grower, and never did get the chance to try it. Interested in how it is.
heres what i have accomplished 2day with the greenhouse. it 24 ft by 24 ft this year.. should have room this year....LOL i still need to buy lumper for my roof and the plastic..mom called 2day needed money to fix her car so of goes the lumber funds for now, just a week or so.. mom comes 1st.. as for the wild life not much here yet.. been busy still getting settled in after the move.. this is all i have for wild life for now...LOL


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Have you tried the Alpha Dawg yet? I bought some of these as well, and had a previous grower, grow them out for me, but I had to leave that grower, and never did get the chance to try it. Interested in how it is.
no not yet but i cant wait i like a good chem dawg and never had snow dawg
looking good mygirls, cant wait to see some giants in theri this summer. also nice hens, i just got another free coop and 2 Americana hens im now back up to 10 birds. this summer i will be raising about 10-20 meat birds.