Kaptain Kron
Well-Known Member
i got a panasonic lumix, its pretty fuckin nice, 16 mp works good, not sure what it cost though...
indeed, i ordered the new iphone, my phone plan just ran out at the beginning of november so it was time. Ill be takin 8 meg phone pics now mainly. but the beast is in reserve for nug shots lol. Check out the update mang.
hows things myles still fighting the trannies...
ill go without a cellphoine before i ever gett a smartphone. fuck that shit. government must love how easy its becoming to track everybody effortlessley between phones and shit like facebook. i hardly even use my phone n the thing is fallibgn apart LOL i wotn get a new one till it dies
great bro. stretchhhhhh is stil goin on half of em.
hahahah confirmed all my fears in one post
i been thinking of just using a prepaid phone since i hardly use it.