Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers

thats how i got those bitchin shots of my nug, a mag glass with full zoom on that bad boy through the mag glass shit was AWESOME for some macro bud shots ;)
;) indeed, i ordered the new iphone, my phone plan just ran out at the beginning of november so it was time. Ill be takin 8 meg phone pics now mainly. but the beast is in reserve for nug shots lol. Check out the update mang.
;) indeed, i ordered the new iphone, my phone plan just ran out at the beginning of november so it was time. Ill be takin 8 meg phone pics now mainly. but the beast is in reserve for nug shots lol. Check out the update mang.

ill go without a cellphoine before i ever gett a smartphone. fuck that shit. government must love how easy its becoming to track everybody effortlessley between phones and shit like facebook. i hardly even use my phone n the thing is fallibgn apart LOL i wotn get a new one till it dies :D

hows things myles still fighting the trannies...

great bro. stretchhhhhh is stil goin on half of em.
ill go without a cellphoine before i ever gett a smartphone. fuck that shit. government must love how easy its becoming to track everybody effortlessley between phones and shit like facebook. i hardly even use my phone n the thing is fallibgn apart LOL i wotn get a new one till it dies
great bro. stretchhhhhh is stil goin on half of em.

In my real life I am a digital forensic Analyst, by which i investigate crime with electronic devices.
2 things about iphone... every time you press the home button it takes a picture.
it save ALL of your sms beyond what you can see, and location stamps your phone calls. BOO
if your a paranoid foil hat wearing human such as myself i suggest a BB and full encryption.
if it gets siezed theres no way we can get data from it... and if you set the wipe after 3 wrong attempts its GONE!!! protect yourselves gents..
if you hva an android i suggest getting an app that encrypts all user space android has pretty good security...
i can take your iphone and dump it with 3 mouse clicks! locked or not. lock screen is a joke... doesent lock anything..
hahahah confirmed all my fears in one post :p

i been thinking of just using a prepaid phone since i hardly use it.
hahahah confirmed all my fears in one post :p

i been thinking of just using a prepaid phone since i hardly use it.

use a prepaid phone with NO DATA PORT charge only.....
and one you can break in HALF.. not just remove the screen...but literally snap in two...
Water does not help we can NAND dump those

BB is still the BEST choice

what we use...
its a hardware dumper requires NO jailbreaking unlocking etc dumps the eeprom/NAND straight to disk.
the blackberry has built in encryption and a "tripline" if someone tries to circumvent the security it WIPES ITSELF!
hey bob, its a good and bad time to hear from you.... my grow partner housing my garden got into legal probs and long story short search warrent was threatened on him by cops n we have to give the plants away to someone or kill em all!!!! truly tragic :( better then jail fro him i guess. god dam i hate the laws

im bent all oudda shape bout it. at least bender came around same time as i got that shitty news
garden is gone people....sry to have to cut it short but all plants are killed or moved and my buddy is in heat for stupid shit he did. gunna grow veggies in there and i may keep a journal of that on here if people are interested
please do myles thats fuckin terrible man, too bad you cant do it on your own no partner... seems like you always get fucked by partners too....

As to the cell phone thing, my iphone isnt really going to be for "business" lol thats what my burner is going to be for, my iphone is for legit use, and any pics i do take on it, well lets just say theres going to be visible recs in the pics if i take em with that phone, more than likely pics will be comn from camera only now not phone anymore, as iphone also leaves gps coordinates on every pic you take... fuckin wack.. only thing that pisses me off about fuckin iphones but they so handy and i fuckin hate droids, and blackberrys with a passion, so that leaves me with one choice lol... stupid steve jobs had to go and die on us before makin a secure iphone...

Makes you feel really good about all the government pukes usin iphones for national security matters, knowin they can be dumped that easy... fuckin great, all we need is a terrorist to get his hands on some important government employees iphone he uses all day for fuckin work. Shit my dad knows a guy that worked with NSA that could move sattelites from his fuckin phone and not only that could zoom in on my fuckin house if he wanted to and watch me from his phone. Oh the joys of technology makin it safer and more dangerous day by day.

If I was within a state of you I would have picked them up, bummer man! I'll stick around for the veggie garden. You may want to secure the computer you are posting from, maybe get a new username. we'll find you.