I had a dream where I walked into a concrete building with spray-painting all over it, inside there was a hallway I walked down. The hallway was concrete and had like lit up movie posters all down the hallway on the left, and pillars on the right. At the end of the hall their was a staircase and I went up it and the next floor was an identical hallway. I kept going up and up and at the top room there was a guy that was like 20 something an we were all teenagers and me and my best friend at the time (around kindergarten) weren't really paying attention, then the guy ran down a hallway and all the kids followed. Down the hallway there was a bunch of colored tubes that we could choose to go down, so all the kids went in pairs down the different color tubes. Me and my friend did not have a tube to go down, but then we found some school lunch room tables that were folded up and moved them to find a maroon tube. We went down the maroon tube and at the end of the tube there was a concrete room with concrete walls, and in the middle was a concrete staircase that took up the whole room, like the walls were each end of the staircase. And then we looked at the ceiling and a person that was folded up like a bat fell down towards us from the ceiling and I woke up.
Then there was one where we were running around an ancient place with tons of columns and high ceilings and we went into a drawer and found a paperclip and the paperclip was very important for some reason but I can't remember why.
The first childhood memory I have that is strong is playing with Fire in kindergarten at a camp-out. I do remember like playing with baby pumpkins in preschool though, and I might have other memories that I have mixed up and don't realize are from before kindergarten.