MYTHBUSTERS:19 plants from seed 2-10gal bins


Well-Known Member
Havent been on for, 5 pages.

I ended up with 22 ozs dried. I took 10 ozs and make hash and gave 6 ozs to a buddy who just moved out of town(he has no hook ups, glad to be a friend)

I still have about 4 1/2 ozs left. nothing worng with it, smells great, tast good, very couch lock high(thought I was going to make the whole thing hash)
Ive been really enjoying the blueberry to much to really smoke anything eles.
I got just above 1 oz of hash that is 5 star.

Now, I have only two plants growning(WW) and my thought is to clone them using the same set up as this thread. I still have the dirt and will stick with no food and little water using the 2 4watt hps(blubs are into their 4 grow)
At this point I have more weed then i know what to do with, so I bought a banana ru'(lol I'm growing bananas, 1 month in, three more to go) it's huge already, lol might have to scrog it.

This thread didnt workout for my brother, he ran into issue after issue.
The only difference is that he lives in another state.
I use lake mich water, after doing a ph test, my brother water supply tested that the ph was very high, while mine was 6. Giving just this one fact, I can see why this might not work for some.
To me root room was more based on age, like if one plant is a week younger he will be the smaller plant.the sq foot of root space needed can easly be debated.

photos of thread grow, dried. photos taken today 4/5 ozs(give or take)


toast master

Well-Known Member
Hey Joe..... great thread... just proves you dont need alot to get the job done... however after reading everyones posts the most important thing left out is you didnt care how it went.... most people need constiency.. thats why you need good everything to be consitant in a grow .. you know murphys law, if you needed it, it would have failed for sure... i find that while you can grow in a tea cup if you want, you must stick to proven guide lines to be sucessfull... its not just this grow but the next 50 that count.. thanks for all your effort ... great work... good luck


Well-Known Member
thats like ym gorw before i decided that will never work and went out and became hydro god and so on. Lol, reps. I am ok becasue you see life is a learning adventure lol and la la la i am so jealous


Well-Known Member
deleted the photo file on my pc.
have this one photo only.

This half of that I ended up with.....

I'll update soon...maybe tonight, with the new grow.

