Myths That's All They Are


Well-Known Member
how about this...

myth: seeds have a shelf life
truth: as long as theyre kept an a safe enviroment theyl be fine

i kno this from first ever grow was a garden grow, i had some seeds in a 35mm camera film case for over 10 years and decided to try them out....i planted 16, everyone grew, and to my excitement only 1 was male! unfortunately the frost keeled them and i only managed to salvage around an oz :(
Unfortunately I can't edit the original post anymore, so I can't add anymore. Maybe we can get some more myths in and make a revised 2.0 list with more information and more myths exposed.


Well-Known Member
Put YOUR connaseur skills to the test,take 2 samles of the same strain,both using the same technique,only you know that both samples are the same,now give out free samples with one marked as flushed & the other as non flushed,tell the people in the test that you require them to fill out a questioneer instead of payment,ask questions pertaining to all the qualities that give you the ability to tell the difference between flushed & non flushed.
your a idiot and you like to talk out of your ass


Well-Known Member
your a idiot and you like to talk out of your ass
keep that negativity out of this thread. this is a thread to discuss and make people aware of the myths that are hurting our plants, not for being dicks just for the sake of being dicks.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna try and list off as many myths surrounding growing that I have heard of. If I get anything wrong or if you have your own myths feel free to post 'em. I figured that Newbie Central would be a good place for this so that people can learn and help people learn about these myths that are sometimes only hurting our plants instead of helping them.

This is by no means a complete list, nor do I claim to be an expert, but some of these are just common sense. If you have proof, not just "a buddies of mines friend said" kinda proof, but actual first hand experience or can show tests that have been done to prove that any of these are just myths, then I will take it off the list.

Myth: Miracle-Gro will kill your plants
Truth: It's a good soil if you know how to use it.

So many see this as an evil to growing marijuana because of all the bad rep around it. "Miracle-Gro kills your plants, my buddie used it and his plants were terrible and died." That's because your friend didn't know how to use Miracle-Gro.

Miracle-Gro comes with long release nutes in it, this is what kills most peoples plants. They see the long release nutes and think "great, I wont have to add much nutes to it". You don't have to add anything to it but water. Giving it extra nutes is a good way to poison your plant. The nutes are water soluble, so every time you water it gives your plant nutes. Over watering not only is bad for your plant in general, but with Miracle-Gro it also over feeds your plants.

Myth: It makes your bud sweeter. It makes your bud heavier.
Truth: It feeds your soil

Molasses is great for your plants, well it's great for your soil. Molasses does feed your plant a tiny amount of sugar (maybe 10% of the sugar from the molasses), but what it really does that helps out is feed the micro organisms in the soil. It gives the micro organisms carbs, sugars and trace elements. In return those organisms feed/protect/water your plants.

What it doesn't do is make your bud taste any sweeter. The only way your bud is tasting better is because of the benefits from the micro organisms in the soil helping your plant achieve it's full potential.

Nail In Stem Before Harvest:
Myth: A nail in the stem 2 days before, a week before, 2 weeks before harvest will get you a bigger yield
Truth: It only hurts your plants

There is an old myth that if you put a nail into the base of the plants stem that the plant will absorb some of the iron or copper from the nail or that it will increase resin production. Harming your plant as drastically as putting a nail through it is only going to stress your plant out and get a smaller yield.

Maybe it started because someone did it on accident and noticed that the buds weren't as big as on the other plants, but they looked more frosty in comparison, when in facts all it did was give you less bud.

Myth: It will help your plant out
Truth: It will help your plant out (if you can get past the idea of using urine on your plants)

You see people bashing others for asking about using urine on their plants. Urine is actually a decent source of nitrogen as well as trace elements, it's ph balanced (unless you have PH issues yourself), it's sterile, no pathogens passed from you will have an impact on your plant as human pathogens don't effect plants the same way. there are some pathogens that you can pass on that may harm your plant but if you have healthy soil the other micro organisms in your soil will starve it to death.

Farmers in norway are using urine as a fertilizer for their crops because they saw how it helped their plants and it's a free source of fertilizer, which face it, in these days free is always good. You just have to get past the idea that you are using urine on your plants.


This one isn't so much a myth as it is common sense. You see all these fancy bottles with all these promises on them and the guy at the store told you that the more expensive one was better, so it must be right? People spend tons of money on their nutes. I see people using 6 or more different nutes/additives/snake oils in their grow, most of the products all come from the same company. Nute companies are just like the big pharm companies, they want your money and they want it any way they can get it. They split up different nutes into small bottles and then charge you a big price instead of giving you a more full complete formula in the first place. Read up on what is actually in all these different products with their fancy labels. You can get some generic nutes for a fraction of the cost and the same if not better results.

Myth: Topping gives you 2-6 main cola's instead of just one
Truth: It makes the buds that would be smaller bigger, but you still get around the same amount of harvest.

When you top your plant you cut off the main cola. You no longer have a main cola. Instead of having 1 main cola, you now have 2-6 false main cola's. Instead of the plant putting all that energy and nutes into the main bud, it gives it to the buds that would have normally been smaller. The other buds look like smaller cola's but they aren't really main cola's.

Don't get me wrong, topping is great for keeping plants shorter, or just for the convenience of the drying and curing process of not having a soda can sized nug to worry about rotting lol.

Myth: you can't get a decent harvest with CFL or FLOROS
Truth: you can get a decent harvest with CFL or FLOROS

HPS/MH is obviously going to out grow a CFL or FLORO set up most of the time. A lot of it has to do with knowledge and how much you use. Now most CFL growers are first time growers and they don't want to spend $120 for a HPS ballast, $120 for a hood and so on, they want to get a grow or two under their belt with CFL which are much easier to get and cheaper.

CFL growing is all about kelvin temperatures and lumens. Reading a CFL box can be confusing because it says 150w on the front, but it's actually a 48w that is comparable to 150 incandescent bulbs. Also you have to keep the bulbs much closer and need many more bulbs than you would with a HPS/MH

Femanized Seeds:
Myth: Gauranteed to be female
Truth: Not all are female and depending on the feminizing process that breeder used, you may end up with a higher percentage of hermies.

Femanized or not, you will always have a small chance of getting some males. It's just how it is, nature does what it wants. Femanized seeds may be herm seeds that come out female but with stress will herm on you. Don't expect a miracle out of these things.

Flushing 2 Weeks Before Harvest: For soil only.
Myth: You have to flush your plants for 2 weeks before harvest or else it'll taste bad and be harsh
Truth: Flushing for 2 weeks before harvest only hurts your plants more than helps.

Now everyone has heard about this one. Most people actually buy into it and flush their plants. How and why did this myth start? I am not sure. What I do know is that it is unnecessary and in fact does more harm than good.

When you flush your plants for 2 weeks before harvest you are starving them. So they start to cannibalize, taking nutrients and minerals from it's leafs and diverting it all to the bud. So when you harvest you have this half dead looking plant, but it tastes better right? Wrong.

If you flush it or not, nutes from your soil and the rest of your plant are still going up into those buds when you flush it. Besides that nutes don't drain out of a plant that way, the plant has to use it and convert it to energy to get rid of it. So it's going to be in your nug anyway. All your doing is depriving yourself of more growth and more resin production.

Plants shouldn't be yellow when you harvest them. You don't start strawberry plants for 2 weeks before harvest to get the nute taste out of them do you? No, because it doesn't work that way.

12/12 from seed:
Myth: Low yield. some people don't even think it's possible
Truth: You can get a good yield if you give the plant what it wants. You most certainly can grow a plant 12/12 from seed.

Some people don't think you can start a plant 12/12 from seed. Some people don't think you can get a decent yield. Some people don't think. The plant is going to go through a veg cycle and stretching regardless of what light cycle you use to start off with. So if you give your plants what they want, then you'll get good results.

In fact 12/12 from seed is great for micro grows or stealth pc grows. 12/12 from seed is great for a grow that has height limitations or even for doing a small scrog

If you have any doubts check out this thread del66666's 12/12 from seed thread.

Well this is all I can think of off the top of my head. If you know of any more, go ahead and post them and see if we can get a good list of myths so people know what to avoid.

Added 12/12 from seed
If you guys can think of any more post em up, I wanna get a good list going to help people out.

*NOTE* This information pertains mainly to SOIL growing, not HYDRO or SOILLESS, I don't know anything about hydro so im not going to try and act like I do and sound like an idiot.
Seriously man???? wow Flushing does actually benefit your plants. Its called toxic salt build up in the roots, thats bad. The only way to get rid of salt build up is to flush it out with water. Keep in mind your soil has to be good draining.

" they start to cannibalize, taking nutrients and minerals from it's leafs and diverting it all to the bud."
Why do you need leaves 2 weeks from harvest. i want more energy into the buds in my opinion.. Do you read much?


Well-Known Member
Seriously man???? wow Flushing does actually benefit your plants. Its called toxic salt build up in the roots, thats bad. The only way to get rid of salt build up is to flush it out with water. Keep in mind your soil has to be good draining.

" they start to cannibalize, taking nutrients and minerals from it's leafs and diverting it all to the bud."
Why do you need leaves 2 weeks from harvest. i want more energy into the buds in my opinion.. Do you read much?
If you read it, you'll see I was only talking about flushing during the last 2 weeks of growing in soil. Not talking about general flushing, not talking about hydro or coco.

Why do you need leafs 2 weeks from harvest? because the plant is still actively producing THC, absorbing nutrients and producing bud. All of which need's energy. Energy comes from light being absorbed by the fan leafs. The more energy you have, the better you final product is going to be.

And it more so makes the smoke smoother and burn more consistently. When little to no salt build up
Salt doesn't build up in the plant, it builds up in the soil blocking out water/nutrients/oxygen. So salt build up has nothing to do with smoother smoke. Smoother smoke has to do with removing trimming, dry and curing properly.

Flushing won't make it any smoother or burn better. A good dry and cure will.

You don't have to listen to me about any of this if you so choose. I am just putting it out there for the people who want to help their plants instead of robbing them of their full potential.


Well-Known Member
Seriously man???? wow Flushing does actually benefit your plants. Its called toxic salt build up in the roots, thats bad. The only way to get rid of salt build up is to flush it out with water. Keep in mind your soil has to be good draining.

" they start to cannibalize, taking nutrients and minerals from it's leafs and diverting it all to the bud."
Why do you need leaves 2 weeks from harvest. i want more energy into the buds in my opinion.. Do you read much?
And it more so makes the smoke smoother and burn more consistently. When little to no salt build up
first off....he referred to flushing for 2 weeks before harvest which isnt good.....i leech the soil every 3 feedings to fix any buildup during the grow...not at the end....and as for the it makes smoother need to read me scientific evidence that flushing the soil removes anything FROM THE BUD..not a bunch of jumble spewed forth on a forum full of new i can show you scientific proof of how and why everything that is put into the soil gets broken down before the plant uptakes it and how no amount of flushing removes these elements from the plants...flushing ONLY prevents salt build ups that can cause nute lockout....nothing to do with the taste or smoothness of the bud...the nutes are never in the bud..they are in the soil then get broken down into the key elements that can be transported around the plant...and like i said i can share links proving all this...but unless you have researched other forms of botany outside of marijuana forums its going to be so far over your head to even understand a 1/8th of the information.

just in case...take a look....research...get properly educated in botany...then post advice on a site about growing any type of plants...


Well-Known Member
so glad i get information from and share information on another site that doesn't encourage killing your plants at the end (and during growth)....this site is slowing ruining the marijuana much shitty info from people that think they are experts after one harvest of bagseed weed..not pointing a finger at anyone in particular...just in general.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
total myth...growing is the easy part...researching before hand seems to be what holds people up.
Oh aye, certainly there's a learning curve regardless of research, but it's pretty straightforward. I've a good friend, previous flatmate, who can't get enough of me smoking as much as i feel like so is looking into setting up his own little op in his house (he's a whole house he owns outright and he's opting to grow 2 plants rather than kick everyone out and grow say 8 and sell what he doesn't need (his family are rather dealing orientated :D) yet he phoned me the other night and told me that he'd have money in a few weeks and that i should come over at the weekend and i can measure things up. Wait, why do i need to measure up for you? Ya look at what space you have, then look at what tents online fit said space... Essentially he's a lazy fucker and expects me to be at the end of the phone 24/7 to grow his plants for him. The last time he tried growing his research got him to buy a 400w hps, stick it in a wooden wardrobe covered in tin foil with no fans or ventilation with the hps bulb 6 feet above the seedling... Right now he won't stop talking about blue or red spectrum because someone mentioned it. Gah.


Well-Known Member
if it tasted like chems then it was the bud...or other factors..when the soil breaks down your fert into usable compounds that can be transported around the plant whether your growing organic or with chem ferts the same elements are going into your takes longer because of the whole eat...poop...feed thing... where chem ferts are instantly absorbed by the plant. so when your flushing at the end your not flushing the chemicals out of the plant...and not going into the science as to why...but nothing is removed from the plant when flushed...your just depriving it of food at its most important stage of development. flushing was started by shitty indoor dutch growers that over ferted their crops and told everyone flushing was good (to cover up their mistakes). in any other area of botany flushing is referred to as "leeching" so if someone says the word bullshit instantly
This is the time when the bulk of the final, "usable" part of the plant is produced. As you may well already know, there are over four hundred separate chemicals associated with cannabis and her effects. It is during the final bud-building stage that most of these chemicals are produced. Thus, it is very important to give the plant as much pure water as possible during this crucial period. I like to remember it as the "rinse" and "flush" cycle. Simply remember to give the plants only water for the last two to three weeks in order to rinse and flush them clean. This is to purge unwanted impurities from the plant.
Pot that has been fertilized right up to harvest is harsh to smoke, sometimes the joint will even sizzle and pop as unmetabolized fertilizer salts combust. Unflushed pot leaves black ash, is hard to keep lit and burns your throat. Pot which has been organically grown and properly flushed is more flavorful and fragrant, burns easily, leaves grey ash, is easier on the throat and is much more pleasurable to smoke.

properly flushed cannabis when burned has white/light grey ash.unflushed bud has black ash...imo flushing does improve the bud especially if you used chemical ferts.also if theres no difference between using organic ferts and chemical ferts interms of final product then whats the point of using organic ferts?


Well-Known Member
Oh aye, certainly there's a learning curve regardless of research, but it's pretty straightforward. I've a good friend, previous flatmate, who can't get enough of me smoking as much as i feel like so is looking into setting up his own little op in his house (he's a whole house he owns outright and he's opting to grow 2 plants rather than kick everyone out and grow say 8 and sell what he doesn't need (his family are rather dealing orientated :D) yet he phoned me the other night and told me that he'd have money in a few weeks and that i should come over at the weekend and i can measure things up. Wait, why do i need to measure up for you? Ya look at what space you have, then look at what tents online fit said space... Essentially he's a lazy fucker and expects me to be at the end of the phone 24/7 to grow his plants for him. The last time he tried growing his research got him to buy a 400w hps, stick it in a wooden wardrobe covered in tin foil with no fans or ventilation with the hps bulb 6 feet above the seedling... Right now he won't stop talking about blue or red spectrum because someone mentioned it. Gah.
i know the feeling...after people start growing before they research...they flood these forums after almost killing their plants...then follow what they are told on here by growers just like them because they dont know any better. in a way id rather sit down and explain start to finish what to do with some people..just to keep them from being misguided by forums


Well-Known Member
This is the time when the bulk of the final, "usable" part of the plant is produced. As you may well already know, there are over four hundred separate chemicals associated with cannabis and her effects. It is during the final bud-building stage that most of these chemicals are produced. Thus, it is very important to give the plant as much pure water as possible during this crucial period. I like to remember it as the "rinse" and "flush" cycle. Simply remember to give the plants only water for the last two to three weeks in order to rinse and flush them clean. This is to purge unwanted impurities from the plant.
Pot that has been fertilized right up to harvest is harsh to smoke, sometimes the joint will even sizzle and pop as unmetabolized fertilizer salts combust. Unflushed pot leaves black ash, is hard to keep lit and burns your throat. Pot which has been organically grown and properly flushed is more flavorful and fragrant, burns easily, leaves grey ash, is easier on the throat and is much more pleasurable to smoke.

properly flushed cannabis when burned has white/light grey ash.unflushed bud has black ash...imo flushing does improve the bud especially if you used chemical ferts.also if theres no difference between using organic ferts and chemical ferts interms of final product then whats the point of using organic ferts?
you obviously read nothing in this thread or what i not fucking going over it again or doing peoples research for them...we present the facts...if people choose to not believe thats fine...we are not smoking your shit. im not going to bother picking apart all the flaws in your statement...didnt bother reading it all...its the same shit all the other pro-flushers say...bring me SCIENTIFIC PROOF...ive provided it...why cant anyone else?


Well-Known Member
i know they feeling...after people start growing before they research...they flood these forums after almost killing their plants...then follow what they are told on here by growers just like them because they dont know any better. in a way id rather sit down and explain start to finish what to do with some people..just to keep them from being misguided by forums
I know the feeling,it gets old as hell watching newbs ask questions trying to figure out how to set up something simple,or try to figure out why their plants droop like an old hags tits after they used all the tricks they learned by reading bs,then a month later start advising others what to do by the youtube vids they watched.

Grow advice should only be given from personal experience,if not the whole learning process gets bogged down in a thread full of youtube links.


Well-Known Member
your a idiot and you like to talk out of your ass
Lets see here,ive been growing off & on over 20 years between soil & hydroponics with the last 3 years being solid flood & drain,ive posted countless pics of my grows & harvests as well as many pics of my many different lighting & cooling systems,ive also posted picture tutorials & how to threads on quite a few subjects,all on this site.

I do not watch youtube grow vids nor visit other forums,,im over 50 years old & only post from personal experience from things ive accomplished with my grows, or from setting up systems & grow rooms for other growers yet you say im an idiot who talks out of his ass.

Now lets look at your portfolio of growing credintials on this site,a quick check of previous posting shows you are still trying to figure out how to use fertilizers properly,by looking at the massive list of nutes your using it shows a clueless new grower who clearly understands very little about basic growing & is counting on what he's read about various subjects to help him with his grow,good luck with the superthrive,it'll do wonders for ya.

You are a text book example of a very new grower who is still learning but has made his mind up what he has read,and chosen to believe is actual fact,then meerly repeats what he has read in the form of advising others,an act known as parroting.

Welcome to Roll It Up,you will fit in nicely right along with the flock of parrot's & google grow gods on the site.


Well-Known Member
Myth: B vitamins help seedlings and clones.
Fact: Test done by U. C. Davis University and several large garden nurseries tested the affects of B vitamins and IBL (indole-3 butyric acid). The results revealed that adding B vitamins stunted plant growth.

Fyi...The brand CloneX adds b1 vitamins to their rooting formula. Many other brands do not.