'Name One Thing The Republicans Are For?'

asks President Joseph R. Biden..i second that question..what are you for?

They are there to balance power from the Dems, so that Independent Voters can hold the real power.

but the Child Care Tax Credit will assist families so they can go back to work as long as they've been quarantined and tested.

for each child you'll get money MONTHLY..how can Republicans not want this for their constituents?

it's in the THOUSANDS for each kid..people in West Virginia sure could use those THOUSANDS they'd start receiving right away once signed into law.

i guess they're happy with the Dollar Store like Manchin says..'25 or .50 is a big deal to them'..is Manchin saying poor people don't know how to handle money?:o
It is the pork fat tied to the bill to stimulate the corrupt politicians wallets.
Freedom and the constitution.

Gun rights
smaller government
less taxes
less welfare
legal immigration
pay your own way in life
America first

you forgot your most evil tool..The Filibuster; this does not exist in The Constitution (which you should capitalize out of respect for the document).
you forgot your most evil tool..The Filibuster; this does not exist in The Constitution (which you should capitalize out of respect for the document).
I’m ambivalent about the filibuster. If the GOP gains ground in the midterms, the filibuster is suddenly a good thing.
I’m ambivalent about the filibuster. If the GOP gains ground in the midterms, the filibuster is suddenly a good thing.
The filibuster is used for political advantage by the party that is in the political minority. As such, it's anti-democratic. Plenty of other countries manage just fine without a filibuster. Our friends to the north for example, but also just about everywhere else that has a healthy democracy.

If we didn't have a filibuster to stymy change, elections would matter more. What is wrong with that? In any case, I'm less afraid of what Republicans might do two years hence if Democrats are able to move forward on issues that matter most to people, such as healthcare, the environment, jobs and education. But no. Democrats won't manage much and this is exactly what Republicans want. The minority party is dictating what is possible. I'm for majority rule and democracy. Let's get rid of the filibuster for no other reason than it's antidemocratic.
LOL. See that's just the Dem's latest guilt trip designed to polarize Independents from the right, however in practice it has an opposite effect. Dems are no longer a welcoming party, it is a party of all in or all out.
As if the Rs aren’t five times as intolerant of diverse opinion! It’s this both sides nonsense. The two sides are not at all equivalent. That is why “both sides” is the argument of those out to weaken the republic even more.

the Democrats are visibly democratic.
The Republicans are visibly about dismantling the republic.
That is the nasty little fact that both sides trolls such as you are so vigorously trying to scratch deeper into the litterbox.

Lying about everything is the new normal in the GOP. This is not the case on the other side of the aisle where “good government” seems still to be a core value, unlike in the Rape and Pillage Party.
The filibuster is used for political advantage by the party that is in the political minority. As such, it's anti-democratic. Plenty of other countries manage just fine without a filibuster. Our friends to the north for example, but also just about everywhere else that has a healthy democracy.

If we didn't have a filibuster to stymy change, elections would matter more. What is wrong with that? In any case, I'm less afraid of what Republicans might do two years hence if Democrats are able to move forward on issues that matter most to people, such as healthcare, the environment, jobs and education. But no. Democrats won't manage much and this is exactly what Republicans want. The minority party is dictating what is possible. I'm for majority rule and democracy. Let's get rid of the filibuster for no other reason than it's antidemocratic.
I have not considered it very deeply. The fact that you (whose political opinions I respect) say this has weight with me. I’ll stay loose on this one.
I have not considered it very deeply. The fact that you (whose political opinions I respect) say this has weight with me. I’ll stay loose on this one.
It's a change to the system that I don't think most people are ready for. Republicans have turned the filibuster into a democracybuster. So I'm glad to see there is now a debate about this change.
What happens if the Democrats don't vote to fund the military?

There is a good reason why the Democrats are not going to be the ones to stop our troops from getting paid.