Name That Movie!!!

hmm..really don't know, but it seems times up.

"But I'm not gonna call you dad."

~What are you gonna call me then?

"Okay Professor Dickweed"
talledaga nights

"no your not. You need the company, nothings is as lonely as not sleeping feels like the whole fucking planet is deserted"
okay the movie was insomnia, Its kind of an older movie with al Pacino but I suffer from insomnia so the quote is awesome to me!!!!
well you stumped me, sounds like something out of knocked up but i know its not.

(i already looked up the anwser, and well i never heard of that movie haha)
yep, your supposed to make a new one... i got ya..

Condoms don't work. They either break, or they slip off, or they make your dick shrink. Nah, but you still gotta use em, yo. At least I did once.

hmmm not sure but i'm thinking that's from the movie KIDS

probally wrong though
mad max 3

The AK-47. When you absolutley, positively got to kill every last motherfucker in tha room!"

... i don't think anyone answered this... jackie brown.

he also had one that was Full Metal Jacket that no one answered

... i don't know yours prime...

"Oh, sugar, you just gone and done the dumbest thing in your whole life."
Last Boyscout
Bruce Willis is about to beat up the guy sleeping with his wife.
He wants to know where to start...:)
One of my all time favorites..;)