Name That Movie!!!


Well-Known Member
I think full metal jacket too!

"What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area."


Well-Known Member
the fugitive. great movie

"Why wander endlessly through this sprawling wasteland they dare to call a city when your dreams are all under one roof? Our roof! Corner of 3rd and East."



Well-Known Member
no guys, Full Metal Jacket is the right answer...
How about:
"That rates about a 9.8 on the weird shit-o-meter"


Well-Known Member
"It's impossible. it would be like a man walking on water."
"Well there was this one guy, a really long time ago"


Well-Known Member
Nice, nice...
Try this one on for size...:)
"Gra na weep gra ninny bop"

It looks fucked but it is an actual movie quote


Well-Known Member
Its the universal greeting from the original animated Transformers movie.
I know, way too obscure. Good for a laugh though..:)


Well-Known Member
ok so i have 1 for you guys
"ok so im going to have to fuck you on this deal because of all the complicatons with malcome."
if you love to grow you will know this movie