Nashville Tennessee RV terrorist attack.

Posts like this are exactly why we jump to the conclusion that the RV bomb this morning is retribution perpetrated by white authoritarian radicals on the majority in this country rejecting Trump in a fairly run election.

I understand why you want to talk about misdeeds from fifty years ago when white ethno-nationalists have caused practically all the recent indents of terrorists attacks that killed people.

I don't have to be fair about it. From recent past acts, this seems like another white terrorist attack on our Democracy and that's what I'll say until proven otherwise Just looking at your posts you are trying to gaslight for your fucked up white nationalist movement. I think you agree with me that this is probably an act by white nationalist terrorists but are unwilling to admit it.

^"the salt will flow"

We know you meant blood.

Very sad day.
For people who support democracy.
Look at how this troll spent Christmas, being a sucker for Trump and bull shitting steadily. They never even got paid for it, pathetic. I like to spend Christmas and New years alone most years, introspecting, but I still visit and have guests over. Had the traditional visitors this morning, but since there is so little covid here they got some beer and rum. I don't wanna get too social this year for obvious reasons.
Even on you bs snopes lmfao
You lefties sure did lose millions of voters this year. All the democrats that have a soul walked away from your divisive, terroristic ways. Only leaves you kkk left.
That’s right, I’m a black,
lesbian Jewish KKK member
Go back to Reagan psychos did the same crap then. This time you released a virus to the world just to do mail in voting. We coming for you terrorists
hey retardomussolini, haven’t you heard? China released the virus to get back at your boy because he screwed them over, like everyone else he deals with.
I watched the kenosha burning live from 4 different live streams. I saw the kyle shooting, i saw the game of hide n seek being played by the left antifas. They arrived on 2 buses that day. They also had Riot Kitchen show up. The van was loaded with weapons and shit.
So they do hamburgers or just hot dogs?