Nashville Tennessee RV terrorist attack.

Lmao police it really when a dude has a knife in his hand and not complying. You sound rediculous per usual. Id love to see what you would do armed on the beat. There is a video of a pastor who cried police brutality so they asked him to a criminal simulation training class. He got shot in 1 simulation and prematurely shot a suspect on the other simulation. You are such an illogical pussy. Your fatass sits on riu all day and you think you know how it goes.
no one likes you
Lmao police it really when a dude has a knife in his hand and not complying. You sound rediculous per usual. Id love to see what you would do armed on the beat. There is a video of a pastor who cried police brutality so they asked him to a criminal simulation training class. He got shot in 1 simulation and prematurely shot a suspect on the other simulation. You are such an illogical pussy. Your fatass sits on riu all day and you think you know how it goes.
Lmao police it really when a dude has a knife in his hand and not complying. You sound rediculous per usual. Id love to see what you would do armed on the beat. There is a video of a pastor who cried police brutality so they asked him to a criminal simulation training class. He got shot in 1 simulation and prematurely shot a suspect on the other simulation. You are such an illogical pussy. Your fatass sits on riu all day and you think you know how it goes.
Because you said so?

P.s. And piss and moan all you want that I am not going to stand by and let paid propaganda trolls like yourself spam this one website with your hateful, divisive, militarized lies that are designed to hurt our society, unchecked.

I may not be able to do much for everyone, but if one confused person happens across this forum, I am more than happy to waste my time making sure dicks like yourself don't have a free space to attack our democracy.
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LMFAO! What a load of shit
Welcome to politics asshole! 101 messages and you appear to be a Canadian asshole as well, must be from Alberta.
I thought you were an American Trumper, but you're just an antisocial Canadian asshole. You do talk like a racist and bigot though, you view yourself as rightwing and you certainly have the stink of them about you.

I'm a liberal myself, small l and big L, liberals defend and support liberty, at best you appear to stand for nothing more than selfishness and greed, but I figure you have other character defects too. We play hardball here. :lol:

[IMG alt="MyMommaMakesArmyBoots"][/IMG]
Active Member
Joined Dec 18, 2020

LMFAO! What a load of shit
It's a truly shitty situation and what @Rurumo said is mostly true. White racist nationalists are responsible for most of the deadly acts of terrorism in the US over the past few decades. This last attack is an example of the kinds of terrorist attacks that Trump's neo-nazi supporters have perpetrated many times ever since Timothy McVeigh did his deed.

The “Key Takeaways” section of the next two drafts calls “Domestic Violent Extremists” the “most persistent and lethal threat,” rather than specifically naming white supremacists.

The document discusses white supremacists in greater detail when introducing the section titled “The Terrorist Threat to the Homeland.” Once again, language in the earliest draft is slightly stronger than the language in the subsequent drafts. The earliest draft introduces the threat from terrorism this way:

“We judge that ideologically-motivated lone offenders and small groups will pose the greatest terrorist threat to the Homeland through 2021, with white supremacist extremists presenting the most lethal threat,” it reads.

It's also consistent that white terrorists and their Republican Party base deny all evidence that this is true. After all, who needs evidence when they get every thing they think and say from Trump's twitter feed?