Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
You didn't watch the video did you? Well, did you? Can you show me a copy of this "social contract" ? Of course not. Is this "contract" enforceable in a court? No.
I'm not a pacifist, if attacked I'll respond with defensive force.
However I don't view things from a collectivist point of view the way you have presented your view point. I try to see people as individuals not automatically as "the enemy" because some douchebag has declared it to be so. I don't make excuses for collateral damage or accept legal yet immoral excuses to invade innocent peoples lives.
so, war is always avoidable, we should NEVER go on the offense even against those who have taken some of our territory, and we should sue for peace at every opportunity.
is that what you are arguing?
when an crackhead moves into your garage, you just cede him that territory, because you dont want to be "the aggressor" and hope he has no designs on your kitchen and bathroom?
or do you only cede the portion of the garage your wife parks in, because she has no "social contract" with you, and thus you cannot be expected to resist the crackhead on her behalf?
yep. pretty sound thinking.
your delusional refusal to accept that we live in a nation, and every person, every town, every county every state is sworn to defend every other from the predations of outsiders is impossible to justify.
if canada (because any other theoretical invading force would be construed as RACISM of course) invaded new york vermont and maine would you expect everybody in america to shrug and say aww shucks, but we cant take it back, there might be Collateral Damage, and somebody who is not a canadian soldier might get hurt?
collateral damage is not new, even lobbing catapult stones over a city's walls could crush a chicken which would have been part of the booty after the siege was successful. collateral damage is unavoidable, and pretending thats why you take your position is retarded.
the truth is, you cannot be bothered to shift your ass one millimeter for anybody else unless you see a percentage in it for yourself.
if you would simply admit that you are a Nietzschean, we could all move on.