National service bill (UK)

Joining up to fight with (for) American oil interests in an under equipped military? Where do I sign! Wait I don't have to

What a lost phrase, what a tampered emotion. The Gulf of Tonkin. Oil? No fuck no. The North fired on our war ships, as we provoked them to.

But, the goofs at the time, including me, said, stupid for 2 reasons. Any oil there belongs to China. Is there any?

OIL is a good thing. Fighting for resource and their fairly fair distribution, is worth the fight. But, don't worry, no draft.

WE don't need pussies and oil crybabies, we need the Warriors that sign up.
What a lost phrase, what a tampered emotion. The Gulf of Tonkin. Oil? No fuck no. The North fired on our war ships, as we provoked them to.

But, the goofs at the time, including me, said, stupid for 2 reasons. Any oil there belongs to China. Is there any?

OIL is a good thing. Fighting for resource and their fairly fair distribution, is worth the fight. But, don't worry, no draft.

WE don't need pussies and oil crybabies, we need the Warriors that sign up.

You say warriors, I say mentally underdeveloped sheeple. Vietnam, iraq, yeah good wars brah. Go throw agent orange over some kids
You say warriors, I say mentally underdeveloped sheeple. Vietnam, iraq, yeah good wars brah. Go throw agent orange over some kids

Well, you are an idiot....I say.

And we found out that idiots are whining losers and not worth training to fight and don't absorb enough shrapnel, being so cowardly.

So, you ain't no warrior, just a punk.
Funny I thought the army was home to the idiots, yes sir no sir three bags full sir, lmfao. Have fun eating shrapnel for a cause you have no understanding of. Baaaaaa
Well, you are an idiot....I say.

And we found out that idiots are whining losers and not worth training to fight and don't absorb enough shrapnel, being so cowardly.

So, you ain't no warrior, just a punk.

No, wanting to fight doesn't make you a coward. A real warrior knows when not to fight. But that doesn't mean Brainless isn't a punk. You labeled him for the wrong reasons.

Are you sure you aren't ex-military? Why does killing innocents give you wood? I feel sad knowing those in power are brutally murdering people. That includes the military, police and Feds.

Weed is about peace. Why do you have such bloodlust?

No, wanting to fight doesn't make you a coward. A real warrior knows when not to fight. But that doesn't mean Brainless isn't a punk. You labeled him for the wrong reasons.

Are you sure you aren't ex-military? Why does killing innocents give you wood? I feel sad knowing those in power are brutally murdering people. That includes the military, police and Feds.

Weed is about peace. Why do you have such bloodlust?


A street warrior knows when to not fight. A pussy thinks fighting is never necessary.

A professional warrior takes the fight to the enemy. And it is not cumbing, to any degree, I don't think. Quite the opposite, by all accounts. And when I have been in the shit, I don't think about fucking until later.

Your silly characterization of my forum discussions as blood lust, only reflect the lack of experiences. Weed is about peace? You say that here, in RIU Politics??? :)

Wars are always fought on weed, alcohol, poppy, adrenalin and every other gad dmn thing a warrior wants, needs, takes; to get his ass through hell.
Oh, and how did we get from my taking exception to spitting at warriors, to that being my bloodlust?
Oh, and how did we get from my taking exception to spitting at warriors, to that being my bloodlust?

If it's all about "the enemy" why were the Nazis taken to trial and executed for their bloodlust? Just following orders someone is the enemy, isn't justification for murder.
If it's all about "the enemy" why were the Nazis taken to trial and executed for their bloodlust? Just following orders someone is the enemy, isn't justification for murder.

So, you really are that under informed?

You two were spitting at warriors of the USA. Yeah, the one that volunteered so yo' young asses won't get drafty drawers.

So, wiggle all you want. Now you say I am a blood thirsty Nazi? funny. Who are you being, Stephen King? :)
Forcing people to handle guns is just asking for a bunch of active shooters. That woman rides around like jfk, waving and smiling... yep just like jfk.
Dude, you are not fucking with me that I can feel....just no arm wrestling, OK?

Look let's go thru it.

1) false. Yin and Yang will never be reconciled. For Eastern based philosophies of Martial Necessities, these are very common conundrums. There is never such a thing as no contradiction. That is a big clue for your, no perfection, angst.

2) Yes, most willing of all, I pay for the violence. It is the way we stay as our own shot callers.

3) No way, you cannot say what is the diffintion for feedom is for me. That is the essence of the 9th A.

And you certainly cannot propose that somehow a lack of violence is associated with freedom. Any move to stop me from protecting mine with violence, is a move away from freedom.

Only violence can create the tinniness we call freedom. And only constant violence can maintain freedom, if dullards and warlords constantly try to take it.

And I have answered every serious question you have posted, across Interstate Commerce even. I covered why a State cannot withdraw from the Union but can make a 2 new States.

All this goes by and you rudely ask the same questions in other ways, over and over. So, ignore it all and me as well.

One could say in this instance, there are two kinds of violence. The kind that is an INITIATION OF AGGRESSION and the kind that is DEFENSIVE. Insisting via a law that some people serve others is an INITIATION of aggression. Laws that break the peace, are not defensive and do nothing to protect freedom, instead they take it away.
Hand them guns, see what they do with those guns to the government who gave them the guns. And bombs and tanks, give them those, too. "Let's make enemies of our people and hand them weapons."
Forcing people to handle guns is just asking for a bunch of active shooters. That woman rides around like jfk, waving and smiling... yep just like jfk.

We want more active shooters, I guess. Why assault the 2nd A, when there is no problem? And then this bs managed to create a true Man Toy culture from fear, out of what was once, no toy, just a tool.

Teaching pencil safety requires that one handles a pencil. Gun safety could begin along with Pencil safety for kinder-kids.
One could say in this instance, there are two kinds of violence. The kind that is an INITIATION OF AGGRESSION and the kind that is DEFENSIVE. Insisting via a law that some people serve others is an INITIATION of aggression. Laws that break the peace, are not defensive and do nothing to protect freedom, instead they take it away.

There you go again. Not listening. What law insists some people serve others? The Draft?

As I explained that is the Social Contract relief for you. No draft.

And if you resist the draft, you can sit in jail. But, if you are on the wall, in the fight, you fight or the big yeti turns and guts you.
Balzac is super MAD!

Honore de Balzac:


or Balzac the Gusher?
