Need advice and estimate of yield


Well-Known Member
My estimate is still 250g. If i win, do I get all the peanuts in the jar?

lol. Just joking, it actually looks like most of the leaves are still there, and it's a pretty dense canopy.

You should definitely look into lollipopping techniques for future grows though if you're worried about lower suckers getting no light and growing into popcorn. It allows you to cram more tops together with fewer suckers and long stretching branches that waste more energy stretching than growing useful plant matter.

Lollipopping is normally done once when going 12/12 (removing useless branches) and again a week or 2 in (removing useless sucker buds). What you're left with is a dense canopy of top colas with only a few buds below the canopy level. It takes some experience knowing which will be popcorn, but the sap that would have gone there can now be focused on other sugar sinks.


Well-Known Member
For a mensa member your spelling is atrocious. Pistils or "long hairs" as you put it are never clear and you shouldnt use them to judge ripeness specifically. Unless you meant trichomes?

Your plants are at best half way into flowering. Its damn near impossible to guess weight but with 250 watts and what i see there im going to guess that you get 4 ounces of bud.

Whether or not you know plant chemistry or about Botany at all doesnt matter as much as first hand experience......

bottom sucker branches draw energy from your buds up on the apical meristem or rather energy is diverted in order to try and make those lower buds successful at reproduction.

It is a MUCH better idea to remove the bottom 1/3 of scraggly growth than to trim sun leaves to get light to them. I promise that you will yield over all at least as much bud as if you hadnt removed the bottom crap, and they will all be dense top buds instead of crappy hash buds.

Some poly hybrids in particular will stress hermie when fucked with too much so keep that in mind. Next crop twy to LST your plants so that all bud growth is up top.


Well-Known Member
Recheck your calendar friend. Id wager a sizable sum that those are more like 3+ weeks old.

That is a pretty solid amount of light. 250 watts is sufficient for my use, although i would like the diversity of a larger grow. How do you get the large pictures?
I have added pictures from a few hours ago, the plants have been 15-16 days into flower now. can't really remember anymore, the date from my first post was when they got out of 3 days darkness to force flowering.

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I am awfully sorry at the terrible state of my English abilities, as for the English language is not my mother tongue. I hope you forgive me for every foolish mistake i make.
They had a three day dark period from 9-05 to 12-05, so they've been into flower for 16-19 days depending on point of reference.
I have been wondering about curing, i heard some place the buds in bags before they're harvested ("sweating"?), but i don't really get why?

And finally, removing the bottom growth now is way too late right? (would just remove to much starch and sugar to pay off?)


Well-Known Member
I just dry my herb and then paperbag it until its dry enough to jar. Sweating can cause mold. Yeah 3 weeks is a bit late to lollipop. Your English is good if it is not your first language.


Well-Known Member
Yea I just hang mine in humidity and heat controlled room for a week or so then to the jars for a couple weeks for curing. Drying is a very important last step, u don't want to dry to fast so your not trapping anything in the flowers.

I also, and this is just a suggestion am not too crazy about the jar full of wet flowers. To me it seems like it could create some nasty problems in there all wet.

Although I am not apposed to u trying it out and getting some experience points out of the whole thing. Or showing that it worked and you had good results.

Spiral outward!
Sorry, the picture was misleading, we only transported it to where we trimmed and put the weed in a drying box. it is simply the easiest way to not send offensive odors. It is right now all trimmed, 151 g, 51 g trimmings, with till 1/3 on the plant, and 3 weeks to go.


Active Member
Sorry, the picture was misleading, we only transported it to where we trimmed and put the weed in a drying box. it is simply the easiest way to not send offensive odors. It is right now all trimmed, 151 g, 51 g trimmings, with till 1/3 on the plant, and 3 weeks to go.
Good to hear! My mistake.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, the picture was misleading, we only transported it to where we trimmed and put the weed in a drying box. it is simply the easiest way to not send offensive odors. It is right now all trimmed, 151 g, 51 g trimmings, with till 1/3 on the plant, and 3 weeks to go.
Man had me worried for a sec lol. I got ya now though.


Well-Known Member
Just want to clarify that defoliation isn't as bad as everyone is saying. Unfortantly most haven't even tried it and tested the results. I pulled just under 1gw using the defoliation method, so if it doesn't work then I must have done something wrong lol. All you can do is try for yourself and check the results against other methods. Then you will know what works and what doesn't. Buds look tasty. Peace!!