
What's wrong with her? Should I flush her? Is it mg,ca,and sulfur defs? Need help asap! Fedo her too much? Idk what to do..20151220_010621.jpg 20151220_010717.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like youre about 3ish weeks into flower. By the slightly burned leaf tips it appears that youre feeding a tad more than what might be needed, but now biggy.

But the leaf in your hand shows some deficiency. Im not experienced enough to know exactly what...maybe somebody else can chime in on that.

But... at this stage it is not unusual to see some yellowing/necrosis. The girls are using a lot of energy pushing out the bud. Nothing to be alarmed about.

Are you using bloom nutes yet? They need more p and k now...


Well-Known Member
Doesn't really look bad to me.

As a plant gets old, fan leaves will yellow as they are being used up for energy

It can be good. Plants with too much N and chlorophyll left at harvest can taste more 'green' or leafy


Well-Known Member
I just flushed my plant with a gallon of water, is this good?

Well it wont hurt.

Dont panic.

Your prob isnt a big one. Not yet.

Like i said....yellowing and a bit of necrosis happens in flower naturally. The leaves are just telling you that they need something specific. Probably p and k....


Well-Known Member
Ok will do, shud i wait to feed for a few days since I just flushed my plant?
Ya...wait till it is almost dry. It might yellow a bit more because you flushed the nutes out probably, but not to worry... nutes will help it...

Itd be nice if somebody who might have a better idea of what exactly it needs would chime in. But they might need more signs from the leaf to tell... because really you plants looks pretty healthy...


Ok, fuck sorry I was in panic. I thought she was in nute lock so I flushed her before anymore damage could be done. To make the toxicity in the soil lower bc I thought that was the problem. I'll take more pictures tomorrow.


I already gave her nutes2 days ago bc she was yellowing. but do I give her more or what bc idk wat to do! She's turning yellow what do I do? I fed her advanced nutes bloom,big bud, bud candy, & b52. Shud i put more? Need help asap. Today is the day 2 week 3 of flowering. She smells sour, lemon-fuel aroma it's dank.20151224_022908.jpg 20151224_022937.jpg 20151224_023022.jpg 20151224_023031.jpg 20151224_023040.jpg 20151224_023054.jpg

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
A deficiency doesn't mean that the nutrients aren't available it means that they're locked out not allowing the roots to absorb them so more nutrients are not going to help you need to fix the problem of why its locked out

Once a leaf has damage it will eventually die off it looks like they have had to much nutes I definitely wouldn't give them anything more right now you have a bunch of claw going on **N toxic**

I would flush the pots out with clean water if those are one gallon pots put 3 gallons of water through each one make sure there's a lot of drainage hole in those buckets it should look like Swiss cheese on the bottoms and several inches up the sides so your pots can drain

Then let them dry back out and try giving nutes at half strength in a couple weeks