My favorite hash is oil extraction mixed into a fine stiff paste with dried powdered buds,there are loads of ways to make hash it really depends what sort you want to make and what grade.
My favorite kind is easy to make using ethanol and a moulinex.
Buzz the weedy bits just a lil it in a food mixer,and i mean just a lil bit a couple of quick buzzes,then chuck it all into your ethenol and leave it for about 1 hour,then strain the ethanol though a coffee filter preferably to get rid of all the bits then put the resulting juice some where nice and warm to evaporate when you come back in a day or so it will be oil left only.
Now buzz up 4 times more weight in bud(nostalksorcrappyleaves)bud than you have oil,and i mean buzz it up till its like powder and mix it up with your oil youll need a sharp knife to do this well just keep chopping at it and pressing it and chopping etc. until its flat as a pancake and nice and evenly mixed.
Once its ready you can cut it into really thin slices or just roll it into lil worms and put it in a rizla or wateva you like to smoke.
This is just what i like there are many kinds and i rarely waste any weed on oil extraction,is lush but costly to my small setup and small amount that i have
PS totally forgot to write that you have to strain the ethanol though a coffee filter preferably to get rid of all the bits,lol,sorry bout that.