Need help automated soil grow / air pump


This might not be the right forum for this post because it's not directly Hydro / Aero stuff but I thought I would get best tips here.

I'm going to automate my soil grow with 200l reservoir with faucet + watering hose and dripping tubes. I want to continue growing with soil because I know it well and I don't have the energy to study anything new at the moment.

I need about 13 liters / 3,5 gallons water per day so my reservoir should last about 2 weeks.

I guess I need some kind of air stone + air pump in reservoir If the water stands there for 14 days? I have no idea how powerful air pump + air stone I need. Can I please have some advices?

Is 1,3 l / min (1,8w) pump enought? This was the cheapest one I found (only 15€). I guess I don't need hardcore pumps + air stones because I'm not doing actual DWS, hydro, aero. Is this true or do I need to invest more on a better pump?

Thank you for your time,

Also, can I add nutrients as planned and how often should I clean the dripping tubes?

If you can spot any risks that I should consider that would be amazing. I think this is pretty straight forward upgrade so I think everything is going to be OK.

Thx again.
I guess I need some kind of air stone + air pump in reservoir If the water stands there for 14 days? I have no idea how powerful air pump + air stone I need. Can I please have some advices?
i would build a simple waterfall instead. will aerate the solution and keep nutes well mixed too. probably 10 dollars for a small pump, some tubing and some elbow fittings
Thank you for this tip rkymtnman

I didn't even think about doing a waterwall system. Nutrient mix is a nice bonus.

Are you 100% sure this system (cheap water pump + tubing + 200l reservoir) will aerate the water enoght? I dont know anything about this stuff.
Thank you for this tip rkymtnman

I didn't even think about doing a waterwall system. Nutrient mix is a nice bonus.

Are you 100% sure this system (cheap water pump + tubing + 200l reservoir) will aerate the water enoght? I dont know anything about this stuff.

soil plants don't really care if the water is highly aerated.

you could even build it so that there is a tee, one side is the waterfall and the other goes to your hose to feed the plants.
soil plants don't really care if the water is highly aerated.

you could even build it so that there is a tee, one side is the waterfall and the other goes to your hose to feed the plants.

I was thinking the automation is phase 2. First I want to make it work with out pump + timer etc.

Do you know how much water can you pass trough one dripping tube ( liter / minute or something ). I would like to know is 4mm tube (normal drippin tube) good for anything else than dripping. It would be nice if the whole watering process would take 5 minutes or less. Should I buy a thicker tube if I want to make watering in that time frame? I have 18 plants if that makes a difference.

My plan is to install 14mm tube to reservoir and then I attach 18 shorter (1 meter for each plant) dripping tubes to that 14mm main tube.

But thx again. This really helped a lot!