Need help on first ever indoor grow!

Hey everyone, so I'm planning on doing my first ever indoor grow and I could use some help and feedback. I'm planning on growing 1 plant in a sunhut blackout tent that's 2.6 ft X 2.6 ft X 5.3 ft. The plant will be grown in a 5 gallon hempy bucket so that way it should have enough space for its entire life cycle, and it will also be scrogged. I was planning on using either a California Lightworks SolarFlare 220 full cycle LED light and then some cfl's if extra light is needed, or using a 250W HID light with a Sun System digital 250/400 fixture. For ventilation, I was going to use an 6" 435 CFM hurricane inline fan and then a 6" X 16" 400 CFM phresh carbon filter with a duct muffler attached and a fan speed controller so that the air can be scrubbed efficiently. That brings me to my first main question, I was in the hydro store yesterday and the guy in there said that fan speed controllers can wear down the fan's motor and decrease its lifespan, then he recommended a more expensive fan with 3 speeds. I just thought I'd ask here because I've heard that hydro store employees will try and rip people off. One other thing that I really need advice on is ventilation, because I can't exhaust my tent out a window. the room where it will be has a window, but its on the other side of the room and there's no way to arrange it so that I can exhaust out of that window. So what I did was I got one of those twin window fans that you put in the window to bring in fresh outside air and exhaust the room air, I'm hoping that will compensate for the fact that the exhausted air from the tent will be vented into the same room where the tent is, the room is 132 square feet. Now that window fan works the most efficiently when both fans are on intake mode, but the problem is that this is a stealth grow and the door can't be open all the time. And when the fans are on intake and the door is closed, it creates a pressure bubble. I was wondering if this will interfere with the intake and exhaust of my tent at all, because this thing will bring in quite a bit of fresh air if it won't interfere with the tent's airflow. To regulate temperature, I was going to have a space heater in the room since LED's don't put out much heat, but I don't know what kind of space heater would be best to use. This is also why I've started to consider using HID's instead because the temperature of the room where the tent will be is going from the mid 60's to the mid 70's right now, but its just gonna get colder in there as winter goes on, and HID lights put off extra heat unlike LED's. So I was thinking that might be a better option, especially if I have to run that window fan to bring in fresh air and that air is cold winter air. But I wanted to get opinions on here first before I made an official decision on lighting.

The final issue that I have is odor control, I was unsure if the phresh carbon filter would eliminate all of the odor so I was also planning on attaching a carbon sheet to the end of the exhaust ducting so that it passes through carbon twice and also getting some kushley natural odor eliminating spray. I was wondering if odor might become a problem since the exhausted air will be vented back into the room even though its passing through activated carbon and fresh outside air is also being brought in.

I could really use some help so any suggestions would be great, thanks!
Dude, calm down...your post is so long and overwhelming that you will not likely get many responses. Best suggestion I can offer is to read, study, learn and grow.

Ask some specific questions and you will get answers. But take the answer with a grain of salt not everyone who posts on forums knows the first thing about cannabis.
There are a lot of things that are speed controlled. If anything, the speed controller will fail. If the motor fails its most likely by defective/design or of course worn out by long wear/tear. I imagine the duct fans would have sealed oil bearings, and essentially would cause less heat/wear with reduced speeds. I wouldn't worry about it.

Get a digital oil heater, they are more efficient and in my mind a lot safer.

I don't know your CFM's between the window fans and exhaust tent fans, but if the exhaust tent fans, with the mixture of blowing fresh air from your window into the room, will create positive pressure and in turn look for the path of least resistance of escaping, which will most likely be your intake fan side of tent and the rooms door, the crack under it etc.
I'd exhaust the window fans instead of intake, which will in turn force air from outside the door, into the room causing the smell to stay trapped as fresh air always enters from under the door crack/seam etc

You want a negative air pressure in the room, from the rest of the house/apartment, and the exhausting out the window.
Holy shit haha, first off.
This post almost seems like you already know the best way to go about this and just want someone to agree, which is completely fine hehe.
I read half of the stuff in the post and I will attempt to read more shortly, but here's what I can say about what i've read.
the carbon filter will definitely be fine for one plant, and the hydro store worker isn't going to rip you off per-se.
I would also say instead of a exhaust fan have a look into a dehumidifier and instead employ some ''clip-on'' fans or mountable fans, as your working with quite a small area but ofcourse this is YOUR grow so do what feels right or better to you.
Wow thanks for the helpful advice everyone! Now I have a couple of questions that I have based on the replies that I got. I never would've thought to put the window fan on exhaust mode if 420PyRoS hadn't have told me that, but one question I have about that is if I have the window fan set on exhaust mode, won't it suck out all of the heat being generated by the heater as well? He said to get a digital oil heater and I know that those radiate heat instead of just blowing hot air like a fan heater, so maybe its different and the exhaust mode will have no effect on the heat level? And then dopeleader said to maybe use a dehumidifier and clip on fans instead of an exhaust fan, would that be better? I've been planning on using an inline fan with a carbon filter attached to it.
haha, ive just setup my in and out fans with carbon filter and ran through my cool tube.
I would seriously suggest using one of those, I paid about $150 for 2 fans a carbon filter and 6m of ducting hose, a,ll put together with the trusty duct tape.
Man that is a very long post best advice is don't panic and keep it simple, I know that sounds vague but trust what you've learned and give it a shot and remember we all had a first time. Good luck