need help sexing got pics

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you clearly are ignorant.

if you see pistils, tell me why again you dont think this is a female.

please, IM BEGGING you, my silly quote of the month is LONG overdue to be changed
dood i just took a closer look thats wwhy i posted i saw them im fuckin zoot off the wake n bake so really cant see shit bout 2 smell an addie bump
dood i just took a closer look thats wwhy i posted i saw them im fuckin zoot off the wake n bake so really cant see shit bout 2 smell an addie bump

you should probably get in the habit of refraining from posting until you're coherent....
exucse me!
this is a marijuana forum!
you dont like it?
then get the fuck out

lol, i'm not the one who's making a fool out of himself.... i'm just trying to help. i, too, have made posts earlier than i should have, and know first hand how it can bite you on the rear. so, once again, perhaps you should refrain from posting until you're coherent.

and this is a marijuana FORUM. people post their opinions and reply to others' posts.
you don't like it?
then get the fuck out :twisted:
True that... and its male :twisted: those hairs are orage not white, i have the same exact ones on a MALE plant, i even let it go as far as to get balls before i killed. Have fun

don't be an idiot. those "HAIRS" are orange, not white.... males don't have hairs. don't act like a jackass.
yo im gettin sick and tired of ur shitty attitude
clean out ur sandy vagina and stop bitchin like your king shit and know everythingkiss-ass

lol. you have no fucking idea how funny you are. YOU are the one with a shitty attitude, I am the one who is frustrated at all of the ignorant assholes who are willing to help fuck someone else up. i've culled more seed grown plants than most will ever attempt to germinate. i AM king shit, i do not know everything, but i know enough to get pissed off at all of the wannabe so-called "experienced" growers. if you don't KNOW what you're talking about, don't post. it's pretty simple. stop trying to be a e-heros and learn from others. things would be better for all if people would stop spreading misinformation that they HEARD or READ somewhere, and have no experience to prove or disprove their findings.
there is no fucking proof of preflowers in that plant i just looked again those are just browning stiples bitch get yer facts starigh actually y not call out an expert huh?

any elites here???
cmon show this asshole that there is no evidence of whit female hairs!
you are in no real danger yet schtott, wait few more days and if you see more balls then get rid if you see them lil white hairs forming dream of big buds lol i found that in most cases if that lil pod ball thing is fat its gonna be a male if its skinny your having a girl hope this helps!
there is no fucking proof of preflowers in that plant i just looked again those are just browning stiples bitch get yer facts starigh actually y not call out an expert huh?

any elites here???
cmon show this asshole that there is no evidence of whit female hairs!

jesus christ. so now you DON'T see preflowers. what's your deal? are you retarded? seriously, if you are as mentally challenged as you appear, tell me and i'll just ignore you. the plant is a female, and has calyxes at every node.

get YOUR facts straight, or just stop posting. you're embarrassing yourself, and you help define the stereotype of "stupid pothead", which makes us all look bad.

you want to see what real females look like? elite clone only's and such? ok, here you go...







just did a seach and apparently your a interactive barbie princess doll!
and also if yah still think im clueless here is a close up on wat a flowering fem is supposed 2 look like it is also my fem
guess wat
nutha fem! this time its my biggest one 13"
also pulled a male
which leaves me with all plants in thier own pots
3 fems 1 unknown
wen i took them out of the closet damn the air was skunky!
these are gunna be sum dank buds i can tell
even though mids i didnt let any males get 2 them sooooooooooo
seedless sensi!
so 3 fems?
will i yeild at least a qp in dry wieght?

judging from your last reply in your mediocre grow journal..... you cant even spell and you trying to tell somebody about being elite.

your ignorant replies speak for themselves
now kid i got no beef with u plaese dont get into this with this asshole
yes i am ignorant and i will rep u for pointing that out
but i aint a retard

this has nothing to do with 'that asshole'

i dont care if you have beef with me or not.

If i see BULLSHIT information imma call it out. If i see MISINFORMATION imma call it out.

I AM THE LOUDBLUNTS, its no secret.... i've always been this way.

first you say you dont see pistils, then you said you do, now you saying you dont.

i mean for fucksake....get your shit together.

you dont even know what you saw.

then to top it off you go off and insult a reputable member?

you = fail
if you dont know wat stipules look like wen close 2 preflower wellll...
then you really are a noob

so, lets go over this for a second...

cant tell by those pics those stipules are unusual
never seen broad ones course this is evident in most indica doms im sure

so you can't tell...

i see no preflowers wat so ever
you guys get this doods hopes up wen its not even flowering yet..kiss-ass

ok, you CAN tell, but you see nothing...

i saw them in 2nd pic y are the pistils orange already?
how much heat and light are they getting?

oh wait, you SEE them now!!! cool, it's a female.

that made no sense lol orange hairs are still female you might have a herm WWN

hairs, awesome. gotta be a female, right?

there is no fucking proof of preflowers in that plant i just looked again those are just browning stiples bitch get yer facts starigh actually y not call out an expert huh?

any elites here???
cmon show this asshole that there is no evidence of whit female hairs!

....ok, so seeing the calyxes and hairs is not proof of preflowers. i'm glad we got that sorted out!
now kid i got no beef with u plaese dont get into this with this asshole
yes i am ignorant and i will rep u for pointing that out
but i aint a retard

not a retard. that's FANTASTIC! now i won't feel guilty about showing you how ignorant you're making yourself look... YOU were the one with the attitude, I'M the one who's got a wee bit of experience and a lot of common sense. i am helping the op by showing that the plant truly is female, i'm helping you by showing you what's really going on here. in the end, others will read this and learn from both of you, and what you have learned. i am doing my part as "elite".

i will accept your apology when you are ready.
yo im dun with you immature attitude you may be rite or u just maybe been drinkin 2 much cough syrup?
idk but im dun with this thread
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