need help sexing got pics

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yo im dun with you immature attitude you may be rite or u just maybe been drinkin 2 much cough syrup?
idk but im dun with this thread

lmao. don't worry, i won't hold it against you. you can make peace when you're ready. :hug:
lol. you have no fucking idea how funny you are. YOU are the one with a shitty attitude, I am the one who is frustrated at all of the ignorant assholes who are willing to help fuck someone else up. i've culled more seed grown plants than most will ever attempt to germinate. i AM king shit, i do not know everything, but i know enough to get pissed off at all of the wannabe so-called "experienced" growers. if you don't KNOW what you're talking about, don't post. it's pretty simple. stop trying to be a e-heros and learn from others. things would be better for all if people would stop spreading misinformation that they HEARD or READ somewhere, and have no experience to prove or disprove their findings.

and you just got banned AGAIN, no need to come back this time. :peace:
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