Need real advice from parents with autistic children

The sad thing is there has been little actual research done. What has been passing for research has been agendized with the intent to demonize, paid for by the usual suspects.

It seems like the old study on cannabis and it's effect on brain cells is always brought up as well. Where most don't know that the monkeys were deprived of oxygen and were essentially strangled to death. When it is common knowledge that lack of o2 will certainly destroy brain cells.

The lack of information is astounding, even worse are the half truths and straight up lies that are told just to demonize a plant...
So my dellima is as follows;

My son is 3, has what is suspected yo be autism, we cannot get a sound diagnosis, and right now things are tough. My boy is non verbal, so just about any normal task can turn into a meltdown almost instantly. My wife and I have been working around the clock, learning and trying to teach him sign language, have specialists come in our home every day of the week, any and everything we can think of to advance him.

He has self harming behavior, he hits himself in the head, he is horrid to his little brother, and the list goes on.

Despite all of this, I obviously want nothing more than for my son to be happy and healthy. He is truly smart as a whip, and I love him to death.

I guess my question is, does cannabis help autistic people, or those in the spectrum, to lead a better life? Have any of you with young kids given them edibles, tinctures, etc. And noticed positive change? If so, is high cbd what helped? What strains do you recommend for helping autism?
What are the beat ways to administer cannabis to a child?

I don't want my kid high, I just want to help him.

Thanks in advance.
Sounds like that self-harming is stimming. I have High Functioning Autism, previously referred to as Asperger’s in the DSM-IV. I also know quite a lot about the Keystone State. If you ever want someone to talk to, I’m around.
There’s nothing wrong with administering THC to your son and him getting a little high. Honestly, it makes me normal. I smoke two bowls before college classes and am consistently top of my class. The high is like an adjustment side effect, just like pharmaceuticals for the first week or two.
The sad thing is there has been little actual research done. What has been passing for research has been agendized with the intent to demonize, paid for by the usual suspects.

i know, and that's what really sucks. Entities have been demonizing a plant, a simple yet sofisticated plant at that. A plant the can actually help people. With Pain, with Austism, with MS, with Parkinsons, with Lupus, etc etc.

And yet like we have here, a success story all in itself.

Our government has an actually patient on it, and yet they still demonize a plant. Won't even look at the idea of switching from phase 1 to phase 2 so that way people can do the experiments and the studies that need to be done.

You know its kinda of weird stoner thought, if the US government would legalize it, they could use all the tax money it generates to actually fund the ACA, Medicade, Medicare, Chips and other health programs......

Sorry to rant like this, my apologies
There’s nothing wrong with administering THC to your son and him getting a little high. Honestly, it makes me normal. I smoke two bowls before college classes and am consistently top of my class. The high is like an adjustment side effect, just like pharmaceuticals for the first week or two.

My wife and I discussed this recently, we both agree that the combination of both THC, and cbd will possibly work better in conjunction than cbd alone. When I have the Dinamed tested, I'm hoping for a nice 3:1 or 2:1 pheno where he will get the best of both worlds, but we don't want him stoned. Where when he is older, I won't mind if he gets a little blazed from time to time, I want it to be his conscious decision. If he were a teen, I'd be okay with it because he would have a understanding of what's going on, but being a toddler I can't explain in a way tha he would comprehend what's going on.

I hope that came across clearly.
My wife and I discussed this recently, we both agree that the combination of both THC, and cbd will possibly work better in conjunction than cbd alone. When I have the Dinamed tested, I'm hoping for a nice 3:1 or 2:1 pheno where he will get the best of both worlds, but we don't want him stoned. Where when he is older, I won't mind if he gets a little blazed from time to time, I want it to be his conscious decision. If he were a teen, I'd be okay with it because he would have a understanding of what's going on, but being a toddler I can't explain in a way tha he would comprehend what's going on.

I hope that came across clearly.
Totally understood, and I’d agree. CBD also tends to lessen or remove the negative side effects of THC, and THC in itself is beneficial, so it would probably be a good idea to use both in moderated amounts.
My wife and I discussed this recently, we both agree that the combination of both THC, and cbd will possibly work better in conjunction than cbd alone. When I have the Dinamed tested, I'm hoping for a nice 3:1 or 2:1 pheno where he will get the best of both worlds, but we don't want him stoned. Where when he is older, I won't mind if he gets a little blazed from time to time, I want it to be his conscious decision. If he were a teen, I'd be okay with it because he would have a understanding of what's going on, but being a toddler I can't explain in a way tha he would comprehend what's going on.

I hope that came across clearly.

works for time you know what to do, and when
One problematic aspect of THC is it's ability to cause paranoia, racing heart rate and a few other unpleasant side effects to a greater or lesser extent. Always keep Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) liquid on hand. It can ameliorate those side effects. Obviously run this by your son's physician.
Research the strain Candida CD-1. I’m growing it for my mother right now as she doesn’t want psychoactive medication for her fibromyalgia. It’s a 20:1 CBD strain that never surpasses 1% THC in all tests in all its phenotypes. I’ll be making her canna caps to take 4 times a day to try to alleviate her pains.
Best of luck with your journey
hate to jump a thread but how’s the candida doing with your mom
hate to jump a thread but how’s the candida doing with your mom
It’s a little early yet to say as she’s only been taking it a week so far, but she says she does feel some better and has an easier time getting out of bed in the mornings. I’m going to make her some tincture next round. Just wish I could find some everclear. The best alcohol I can get is like 76%.
It’s a little early yet to say as she’s only been taking it a week so far, but she says she does feel some better and has an easier time getting out of bed in the mornings. I’m going to make her some tincture next round. Just wish I could find some everclear. The best alcohol I can get is like 76%.
Keep me posted please?
So my dellima is as follows;

My son is 3, has what is suspected yo be autism, we cannot get a sound diagnosis, and right now things are tough. My boy is non verbal, so just about any normal task can turn into a meltdown almost instantly. My wife and I have been working around the clock, learning and trying to teach him sign language, have specialists come in our home every day of the week, any and everything we can think of to advance him.

He has self harming behavior, he hits himself in the head, he is horrid to his little brother, and the list goes on.

Despite all of this, I obviously want nothing more than for my son to be happy and healthy. He is truly smart as a whip, and I love him to death.

I guess my question is, does cannabis help autistic people, or those in the spectrum, to lead a better life? Have any of you with young kids given them edibles, tinctures, etc. And noticed positive change? If so, is high cbd what helped? What strains do you recommend for helping autism?
What are the beat ways to administer cannabis to a child?

I don't want my kid high, I just want to help him.

Thanks in advance.
No but move to California they have the best services for autistic children