Wow...guess he really did disappear...Guess that's that happens when you publicly ask for advice on how to spend counterfeit money....The government does NOT play when it comes to THEIR money

Altho, after reading a couple pages...It's pretty easy to assume that this wasn't the greenest leaf on the plant. Since when did acting really, really stupid become a point of pride for some. He talks like "at least I have the courage to risk going to jail."
Well son, it's pretty safe to say, that EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THIS SITE faces that same risk for the same reason that we came to the site to begin with. And it doesn't make you manly. Ripping people off isn't manly or smart, or even clever. It's just plain fucked up. It's called common sense for a reason, although from what i've doesn't seem all that common....
I would say...
If you wanna know if your plants ready to harvest, post here...
If you wanna know why your leaves are turning yellow, post here....
If you wanna know what soil to use, post here...
If you want advice on ripping off drug dealers, and where to spend your funny money, FUCK THE FUCK OFF!!!
The site isn't called Fakeabuck, it's rollitup. And for a REASON.
What a fucking tool. I truly believe (and hope) that he ISN'T in jail, because that would be costing US money through our tax dollars. I hope that he's being held hostage somewhere as a sex slave until he sucks off enough random men to pay back the fake money he tried to spend...
Sound harsh? Fuck him.