Need some Help with hydroponics

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Yeah, I concur... It's a good sign no sex, since the girlies come later.

You're good on head room, right? Sounds like they're gonna be some tall MFers by harvest

What else you got growing?
head room shouldnt be a problem just as long as they stay below 4-5ft. also i hear that topping during flowering stage is a no no. does anyone have experience with topping during flowering period?
What else you got growing?

some lettuce and tomatoes. but i havent been taking care of them at all. water here and there. im a bad mom to those plants. tisk tisk tisk. i just wanted to see how they grow indoors though. im not really focusing on them.
Ah I love home grown lettuce! I thought about trying to grow something else, but not big on the space :-/

From what i know you're right, no no on topping during flower

You should be good with 4-5 feet, I'm just thinking, since they're 1.5 feet, and the 8-10 weeks 'flowering' really doesnt start until you see pistils... they've got a lot left to do if they double or triple... Guess its a nice issue to have LOL... more nuggies!
I’m stoned...hahaha almost fell back leaning back on my chair; well I thought I was but then it hit me it reclines. Lol. I really don’t know about topping but I know if seen some threads here that topped theirs. I’ll see if I can find the links.
i think it should be ok if they're not even showing yet
i fimed mine like a week before flowering

Its not a problem to top during flower...Ive done this up to the 4th week of flowering but not cuz I wanted to..but cuz I had to.To either make head room or free up light for the rest of the plants bud sites....
Not only can U basicly top but u can clone flowering plants as well...Every one of the clones in my current sog tub either are or came from flowering plants well into flower....They just take longer to clone.
I wouldnt reccomend topping a female unless its done during early stages of veg..To grow more stem sites for colas to live on..
Otherwise unless ur going to clone ur top.U will be removing the cola thats going to bring u the best wieght when dry...
Also if u decide u want to clone later in flowering around week 4-5. U can easily take a lower stem shoot (one showing the least amount of bud action) why waste nuggies.. And clone it to keep her going....
U can bend ur tops around that lil hps with no prob my top on my pink mom is about 3 inches away again...every time i string it away,,it somehow makes its way back..
K im done ranting but u should know the truth shorty

working and more working. the computer job is really slow so im forced to airbrush a lot more now. its all good though, just a hassle trying to please these kids and their playstations lately
not lately. i took some of the geisha one but lost it on some random deleting binge. i usually dont bother with pics seeing as they are all local cats anyway. the boss is thinking about making a website though.
Yea sorry to hear been crazy for me as well...IM doing work at a private college right now and they are pushing to have it all done by xmas...Its a complete pain in the ass! ive been working till dark alot lately but oh well its work i guess..
YEA gurrrrl ...I have alot to be greatfull for I guess... U know of any good hacker programs? Ive got one but ur the pro.. What do u think about peer guardian?
YEA gurrrrl ...I have alot to be greatfull for I guess... U know of any good hacker programs? Ive got one but ur the pro.. What do u think about peer guardian?

hacker?? what are you wanting to do? peerguardian2 is used to block things. what are you looking for exactly?
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