Need some Help with hydroponics

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you stated that yuo were a girl jsut having fun.

i said i wanna have fun.

so.. what shall we do to have fun? got the how world around us!
oh.. we can smoke a lot and go out to eat, then go play pool! yeah! sounds fun to me! but your too far away so lets just shoot the shit on the net.
tx at the moment.but ive been everywhere. my parents liked to travel when i was young and when i was old enough i had made friends everywhere i went so i started to travel too, living in different states and all that jazz. how about you?
just be careful and stay alert. one thing ive learned whilst traveling, is that you should take in as much as possible. see everything and take lots of pics!
tx? hahaha im heading down to htown this tuseday with my friend the airbrusher to pick up his next project car.
tx? hahaha im heading down to htown this tuseday with my friend the airbrusher to pick up his next project car.

no shit. that's awesome! a project car! i haven't been in on a big project in a while. I remember one big project when I was like 22. I helped paint a mural for our city. So i've only been to h-town like a hand full of times, but I never really liked it. Crazy ass drivers and a lot of shady parts. I usually stick to Austin, San Antonio, Corpus and Dallas. Have a blast! and be careful.
thanks and i will. we gettin poject car to have somthing to do befor spring. last year we went to austin for that heat wave car show, and won first place in his class. prob do that again this year.
there's plenty online, Urban Outfitters had them also, but they mark 'em up a little bit and have fun packaging...

I'm a 'shopper too, but sometimes you just can duplicate the surprise that Holga gives you, really need a nice sunny day to get the true effect

BUT anyway
How are the girlies doing??
Not much of an update. Just some pics. Enjoy!

aww just think how high those little buggers are gonna get you in about 2 months lol

your one on the left is really becoming a beast!
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