Need some Help with hydroponics

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Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
damn shes big, should go get some wrapping paper made of myral. i read some wea that foil is no good and creats heat spots.

very correct sir. However with only a few plants and them being so far away I think that it will be fine in this instance. Unless shes had leaves just die and look like they fried up for no reason then she likely isnt going to.

If you are going to top next time Pirate, do it once when they are fairly small, around 8 inches or so, and then do it once again right before you put them into flower. This will promote a plant that grows with "spears" or many colas...This is how I raise most of my own plants(the one I showed a pic of in this thread was done that way). They end up looking pretty nice that way.

Also another thing you can look into is called the FIM method...its like topping but instead of taking the whole growth tip you leave about 10% of it there. Instead of 2 shoots coming out like a topping does, anywhere from 2-8 shoots may form.

another idea you may wish to consider is removing any small bottom branches before the first 2 weeks in flower. This will prevent them from making small low quality nuggets there and send that wasted energy to your colas, where the main weight of the plants buds are formed.
I do this as well, anything that isnt nice and budded up like the tops tend to be by the second week in, I chop off the plant and either clone it or throw it away.


New Member
Hi bear!! So this is the second plant. She is in the same tub and is a bit hard to spot seeing as her sister is 1ft taller than her and way bushier. I tried to move the bigger plant out of the way a bit. Here ya go!


Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Ah I see now babe, thank you very much.
I would suggest getting a piece of rope, shoelace etc...and tieng the other gal a bit out of the shorter gals way. Just pulling on her from the bottom of the tub a little to the left should do it and may help the smaller one get lots more light....
Just a thought:P


New Member
I am fixing to tie the stems of the bigger plant inward away from the smaller plant. tomorrow will be the soonest. Right now its all about eating finally. I havent eaten all day, then go for a ride to the local shopee and pick up ph down!!!!! woo hoo!!!!

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
I am fixing to tie the stems of the bigger plant inward away from the smaller plant. tomorrow will be the soonest. Right now its all about eating finally. I havent eaten all day, then go for a ride to the local shopee and pick up ph down!!!!! woo hoo!!!!

I just ate for the first time today myself...just because Im lazy and havent fixed anything though, Im not on any kinda diet. LOL

BTW I can see more bud progression on your plant as well.


New Member
Yeah its going great! The pistils are coming in full and abundant. I just got some GH flora bloom and after i eat, im picking up some ph down by Advanced nutrients. Its a very merry x-mas for me!!!

So.... How long do you think this current grow will take? Rough projection time...


Well-Known Member
Could take up to 12 weeks flower it all depends on strain net. Some take that long tho. Man how come i have to scroll all the way toooooooo the side to read a sentence.

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Yeah its going great! The pistils are coming in full and abundant. I just got some GH flora bloom and after i eat, im picking up some ph down by Advanced nutrients. Its a very merry x-mas for me!!!

So.... How long do you think this current grow will take? Rough projection time...
i use Gh 3 part alone in my grows and it works awesome. Im sure that their flora series will only work better.

rough time guessed by pistil production Ive already seen and based by your plants leaves (both sativa while one is a indica dominant sativa blood) I would say anwhere from 10-12 weeks. Some sativas can take as long as 16 weeks though so Its hard to say.


New Member
im @ 5.8 currently. It usually stays stable throughout the week. I do 1 week res change. do you thin i should do a 2 week??


Well-Known Member
I dont see how 1 week res changes could hurt anyone without a ppm meter.
Ive done this in the past often especially when u have to top and renut so frequently during latter stages of flower.even early stages. Stay on track and follow ur directions on ur nute bottles that awesome.
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