Need some life advice.

Don't do dogs. - N. Reagan

So would a Golden Retriever be a Gateway Dog? cn

No they're expensive. I get what you're saying though. My dog plays fetch only to try and kill the ball. If I find out she was actually retrieving to those punks I'm going to give her a guilt trip that sends her into depression.
I'm a wolf. I like dirt. grass and carcasses. Cat tongue is not that gross...

I'd gladly take your kitty but I might just eat it...

As for the OP, I still think having to take care of another life might help.
I'm a wolf. I like dirt. grass and carcasses. Cat tongue is not that gross...

I'd gladly take your kitty but I might just eat it...

As for the OP, I still think having to take care of another life might help.

I was resisting the temptation of asking you if you sometimes chase the cat. I have stopped resisting. cn
We have an odd inter-species relationship. It's fine most of the time because I'm housebroken and he thinks he's a dog. We play, we groom, we sleep together... but if he pulls up the carpet, my fangs come out.
i feel like I'm going crazy, i feel overwhelmed, i feel empty inside and sad. Pretty much these last couple of days during spring break i have realized what a fuck up my life has become... let me explain

I'm an 18 year old male finishing school this year. I don't have a job or a resume made to even get one, I don't have a car or my N license, I have no 'real' friends that live close to me, I haven't been in a relationship with a girl in almost 3 years now to top it off. I just feel so useless and lonely every single day. I smoke weed constantly because i have no self control on my use of it and because I'm so alone, I just sit at home all day and do nothing but sleep and sit around getting high which doesn't even make me feel better anymore. I keep trying to do things in order to improve my life but i just can't find the energy and motivation to do things anymore and i can't figure out why, i just get so stressed out with everything piling up and it just gets to be a bigger and bigger problem the longer i leave it, I feel so overwhelmed with everything i need to do. I'm sure i would be a lot happier and content with my life if i had somebody once in a while to talk to, like somebody that actually cared about me. That's why not having a girlfriend or even friends is so hard, because i know inside that I'm a nice, funny, smart, and outgoing person that can make a lot of people laugh, it's just that i don't have anyone anymore to experience the good times with and it depresses the shit out of me.. I don't even know what i want to study or do after i finish highschool.. I used to enjoy life, i don't know what happened to me.. I don't blame anything though but myself for what my life is today.

I just feel so tired and.. unmotivated, is the only word i can think of.. I want all those things so badly but i can't do anything it seems..I'm desperate to change my life around before i lose my sanity, I am asking this here because i don't know where else to ask it and why not ask other fellow stoners for some advice? I appreciate any help i get.

be respectful and drink plently of water, not forever just until you're in a position to flip people off without being told off. If you can get hold of sativa buds you can still enjoy smoking and will feel a little bit more energetic.

respect brings respect that could be to others or yourself. water is life.

This will sound aimless but try not to worry, the worry is what will get you. Life gets better I promise, it's well worth sticking around for ...
Chin up and fast forward.
i feel like I'm going crazy, i feel overwhelmed, i feel empty inside and sad. Pretty much these last couple of days during spring break i have realized what a fuck up my life has become... let me explain

I'm an 18 year old male finishing school this year. I don't have a job or a resume made to even get one, I don't have a car or my N license, I have no 'real' friends that live close to me, I haven't been in a relationship with a girl in almost 3 years now to top it off. I just feel so useless and lonely every single day. I smoke weed constantly because i have no self control on my use of it and because I'm so alone, I just sit at home all day and do nothing but sleep and sit around getting high which doesn't even make me feel better anymore. I keep trying to do things in order to improve my life but i just can't find the energy and motivation to do things anymore and i can't figure out why, i just get so stressed out with everything piling up and it just gets to be a bigger and bigger problem the longer i leave it, I feel so overwhelmed with everything i need to do. I'm sure i would be a lot happier and content with my life if i had somebody once in a while to talk to, like somebody that actually cared about me. That's why not having a girlfriend or even friends is so hard, because i know inside that I'm a nice, funny, smart, and outgoing person that can make a lot of people laugh, it's just that i don't have anyone anymore to experience the good times with and it depresses the shit out of me.. I don't even know what i want to study or do after i finish highschool.. I used to enjoy life, i don't know what happened to me.. I don't blame anything though but myself for what my life is today.

I just feel so tired and.. unmotivated, is the only word i can think of.. I want all those things so badly but i can't do anything it seems..I'm desperate to change my life around before i lose my sanity, I am asking this here because i don't know where else to ask it and why not ask other fellow stoners for some advice? I appreciate any help i get.
yo I'm just the same as you, I just accept the fact that I'm a disciple of Kid Kudi; lonely stoners ftw.
You sound like an old washed up 34 year old down on his luck. You're 18 fucking years old. show up at a random party and get a blowjob. I get lonely like that too a lot but i got my girl mary with me, plus......I'll wait until I'm 26-30 to cry about this shit. For now just have patience and keep looking for that perfect girl, and try to meet some more homies or whatever.
You sound like an old washed up 34 year old down on his luck. You're 18 fucking years old. show up at a random party and get a blowjob. I get lonely like that too a lot but i got my girl mary with me, plus......I'll wait until I'm 26-30 to cry about this shit. For now just have patience and keep looking for that perfect girl, and try to meet some more homies or whatever.

ahahahahaha where do you live?

i don't know anywhere around here where i could just walk in a random persons house party and get my dick sucked.
At eighteen, you have all your vitality. Find a hard physical job worth doing (like an oilfield job in North Dakota ... I hear they're hiring). It'll snap the purpose of your life into sharp focus, teach the value (at a high valuation) of self-reliance, and give you a toolset of skills and self-confidence that'll serve you well for the next 70 years. Jmo. cn

They drug test and random test during work also.