Neighbor has some Plants


Well-Known Member
Ok first off I would wait till you see him in his back yard. Then as someone else stated .......go in your back yard and spark one up. Dont be a dumb ass about it. Just casually do it. You stumbled across his smell so let him think he stumbled across yours! DO NOT say anything to him about it. DO NOT ask him if he wants a puff. Finish your J and go back inside. Do this for a week or so. Then one day just go over there and interduce your self and start a conversation and let him know you are just a local cool dude.Do not talk about weed(as stated before would not hurt to wear a legalize it shirt LOL) Just be cool and then the next time you go out back to spark one up and if he is out side me just might poke his head over the fence. Just take it slow and dont be pushey about it. :) But remember he might not want you to know that he smokes! Some people are very strange about it and he might want to keep it that way.DO NOT say anything about his plants!!!!! Let him tell you about that.And act like you dint know!
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Well-Known Member
yeah leave him be like the guy above if someone noticed me and came saying something i would start looking for a new house i like my privacy and you would piss mne off too mentioning you saw them
I have to agree with you,knowing somebody was peeking in my yard would freak me out.Knowing that there was another potential person to rat me out would freak me out even worse yep time for a new house.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
damm you guys are way over analysing this...................just say yo man you smoke weed.............he'll say yeah............then you say you wanna smoke this blunt i got..........and he will say hell yeah? neighbor aske me 2 weeks ago if i smoked because he smelled the smoke from his porch.........I told yeah i smoke weed.............he told me he smokes inside all the time because he lives on the first floor...........later that day i brought a blunt downstairs and we smoked it.....whats the big deal


Well-Known Member
damm you guys are way over analysing this...................just say yo man you smoke weed.............he'll say yeah............then you say you wanna smoke this blunt i got..........and he will say hell yeah? neighbor aske me 2 weeks ago if i smoked because he smelled the smoke from his porch.........I told yeah i smoke weed.............he told me he smokes inside all the time because he lives on the first floor...........later that day i brought a blunt downstairs and we smoked it.....whats the big deal
I have to agree with natrone.

I needed a jump after 2 weeks out of town (forgot to unplug the radar detector), knocked on his door, conversation started, weed mentioned, now I have a new friend. Turns out he grows, and now I am too.

Just ask him, "do you smoke?"


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend lighting a fat blunt in your backyard when you know hes around the house or yard.. I'm sure he'll peek over, then invite him for a smoke. ask him if he wants to take a hit


Well-Known Member
If I had a plant in the backyard and a new neighbor moved in I would want to know he's cool. The guy is probably worried about the situation. It's up to your relationship with the neighbor as to how it comes up. Or, you could rip him off at harvest and sell him weed all winter.


Well-Known Member
Fuck it..

What if he gets arrested or busted? He'll know you knew..


Well-Known Member
It's obvious that your neighbor has some pretty big brass balls to be putting a plant in his backyard in plain sight. If you noticed it, maybe someone else did and their not as cool as you are.
All it takes is one phone call......
I certainly would not want to associate myself with someone that doesn't take precautions.


Well-Known Member
Just start casual small talk, invite him over for a beer and just bring up weed in your conversation. If he admits he smokes just light up a joint and you now have a new friend. Although I wouldnt say anything about the plants as I would not want people knowing about my grow.


Well-Known Member
While I was working out in the backyard I took a deep whiff and thought I smelled a skunky scent. I looked around and sure enough I found out that my neighbor has some plants in his garden.

If you were in my position, how would you start a conversation with my neighbor? We just moved in and I want to see babies really bad :mrgreen:
thats neighbor grows also...the first summer i was at where i live now it started to smell skunky:mrgreen:..i followed my nose and saw it over the fence....i went over to his house and asked him if he wanted to burn one( im bold)...he laughed said hell yeah, then asked me how i knew he burned...i asked him why i wouldnt know he burned with all the funky skunky coming over the fence...we became friends and he showed me his backyard grow...a few months later i was having some problems with my indoor and asked him to try and help me figure it out...(it was a stealth cab in the garage)...after he saw my indoor he said fair is fair and brought me nextdoor to show me his indoor worked out well for the both of us...and we are able to keep each other in a constant supply of fresh herb......:hump::joint:

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't discuss any plants. Just smoke from time to time. Smoke him out with your shit and he will smoke you out with his. Never ask where he gets it...because you obviously know. He will show you if he feels comfortable. But if he gets poped....he is coming after your ass when he makes bail.


Well-Known Member
i re read this alot higher and the best way i saw was the wear a legalize it shirt, that just sounds like a good one
go knock say hi and show that your proud to smoke ganja :)


Well-Known Member
Alright there are way too many quotes I want to respond to but I don't have the time.

I live in a country sort of town in California. Medical marijuana isn't too uncommon around here because I saw an old pick-up with a Prop. 215 sticker on the bumper

The only reason I smelled it was because the wind was going in my direction, hitting the plants first (and then I looked in his yard through a little opening in the fence). I'm thinking of just letting it slide and wait until flowering time until it is obvious (cause of the strong smell) that he grows. I'm doing some gardening myself on the other side of the fence so around that time I'll start a conversation on gardening.

I also own a couple of horses so I'll get some horse "byproduct" and ask if he wants some for his garden.

I'm almost positive he is a medical mj patient or else he wouldn't be growing outside with all the helicopters we have flying around all the time.

I like the shirt idea, BTW


Alright there are way too many quotes I want to respond to but I don't have the time.

I live in a country sort of town in California. Medical marijuana isn't too uncommon around here because I saw an old pick-up with a Prop. 215 sticker on the bumper

The only reason I smelled it was because the wind was going in my direction, hitting the plants first (and then I looked in his yard through a little opening in the fence). I'm thinking of just letting it slide and wait until flowering time until it is obvious (cause of the strong smell) that he grows. I'm doing some gardening myself on the other side of the fence so around that time I'll start a conversation on gardening.

I also own a couple of horses so I'll get some horse "byproduct" and ask if he wants some for his garden.

I'm almost positive he is a medical mj patient or else he wouldn't be growing outside with all the helicopters we have flying around all the time.

I like the shirt idea, BTW

well, now that i know that you had to make an effort to see the plant...dont say shit about it to him, as there are a reason for fences; they arent called privacy fences for nothing. on the other hand, if he is growing weed, you can be pretty damn sure he smokes, so just talk to him a little bit and figure out how you are most comfortable going about it and just invite him to have a smoke with you. casual yet conservative, dont want to scare him; but at the same time, he is prob just itching to know if you, his new neighbor is cool or not. keep us posted:joint:


Well-Known Member
dude weird...
i guess there people who just don't like making friends. lone wolfs :neutral:

friend?? Or someone else to support. ?? I like smoking with friends but if your the type to never have weed or constantly gonna ask to buy $5 worth then don't bother him.

become friends and he might let u know about it.

Too many Sheba hawks. "u dident put in on this Mann " smokey


Well-Known Member
gogrow, it's not a "privacy fence", it's just chain link. He did put a sort of blanket which stops most people from seeing, except there is a small opening where I can see from my yard


New Member
Yeah thats a good idea. If you go over with a glass bowl then buddy might get a bit paranoid about his grow whereas if you let him bring it up, that might be more comfortable for him.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Kind of a tough call. On one hand, there is something to be said about minding your own business. On the other hand, you could go say hi, maybe right after you smoke one so you stink like the ganja. It might let him know that you are "cool".