Neighbors spraying for weeds


Well-Known Member
Going to start my 2nd outdoor grow this year. Last year one of my 4 out door must have hermied on me. Pretty trusted genetics ( Dinafem). I've grown them indoor for years with no herms. They did however go through a hail storm and some pretty windy days. Too add to that, I have them along the fence and my neighbor has "theweedman" come a few times a year spraying on the other side of my fence for weeds. Not sure what chemicals they use. They always looked healthy even after the spaying. Was this the dirty "weedman" or just too much bad weather stress ?

Can't really ask him not to spray. He's never complained about my indoor/outdoor grow stinking up his property and I vent my indoor grow about 15 feet away from his bedroom window lol.

One way to avoid the theweedman visits would be offer to weedwack his yard. It's the least you can do after venting into his bedroom lol

As for a herm plant I'm guessing genes or possibly outdoor lighting (motion lights).

Someone else with more knowledge about the chemical or weather related stress side could provide more information.