Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

I am not sure if I am understanding where Neil is coming from. Maybe you could help me understand since you seem to have an uncanny ability to determine what information is true and what information is not in this time of great propaganda in mainstream media local, national, and world news. Is Neil Young against Rogan because Rogan is against Vaccine Mandates? That is different that Rogan being anti-Vaccine. Most people I know that haven't taken the vaccine are not anti-vaccine, they are just anti-vaccine mandates. A lot of people I know that have taken the vaccines are anti-vaccine mandates.

So tell me, since you know the true facts, is Neil Young for Vaccine Mandates? Neil is for big government forcing people to get the health care that the government decides what is best, and not ones family doctor? Maybe next the government will come out with mandates to round up all marijuana users and put them on pharmaceuticals, "for their own good" to "get them off dangerous drugs". Being anti-vax is one thing, and being anti-vax mandate is a whole different ball of wax.

It is amazing how the biased media always reports people that are against vaccine mandates as anti-vax. But thank God we have people like you that can help us decide what is misinformation for us so we don't believe something false and go out there and catch a cold that has a 99.9% survival rate. That would be terrible! LOL!
Why don’t you tell us if Rogan is an antivaxxer, you seem confused but here I’ll help out.

Lol, c'mon over to Amazon where we exploit our workers, and polute the planet with excess packaging and other waste. Nothing to see here folks, certainly not misinformation.

Oh, the moral outrage-n-stuff.

A Facebook link?

I am not sure that it is more polluting though due to people not driving back and forth to the store to get the item and outside of the cardboard box, also not sure about the extra waste of getting those items at the store.

I do agree about exploiting workers though. But pretty much any store front would be doing the same with their employees.

So not so sure your snowflake about it being the same as a propaganda pushing podcaster media broadcaster who is pushing the same type of bullshit that the death cult trolls have been during a pandemic is valid.
I am not sure if I am understanding where Neil is coming from. Maybe you could help me understand since you seem to have an uncanny ability to determine what information is true and what information is not in this time of great propaganda in mainstream media local, national, and world news. Is Neil Young against Rogan because Rogan is against Vaccine Mandates? That is different that Rogan being anti-Vaccine. Most people I know that haven't taken the vaccine are not anti-vaccine, they are just anti-vaccine mandates. A lot of people I know that have taken the vaccines are anti-vaccine mandates.

So tell me, since you know the true facts, is Neil Young for Vaccine Mandates? Neil is for big government forcing people to get the health care that the government decides what is best, and not ones family doctor? Maybe next the government will come out with mandates to round up all marijuana users and put them on pharmaceuticals, "for their own good" to "get them off dangerous drugs". Being anti-vax is one thing, and being anti-vax mandate is a whole different ball of wax.

It is amazing how the biased media always reports people that are against vaccine mandates as anti-vax. But thank God we have people like you that can help us decide what is misinformation for us so we don't believe something false and go out there and catch a cold that has a 99.9% survival rate. That would be terrible! LOL!
i can't answer for Neal Young, i can only tell you what it seems like to me, and it doesn't seem like it's either one, it seems like hes a lot more upset about the irresponsible lies that rogan is spreading about the virus and ways to treat it, than he is about rogans personal opinion, one way or the other, and don't think for one minute that what rogan says on air or in public is what he actually believes, that is a persona designed to make him money, not who he really is (although, in this case, it seems like there isn't a lot of difference between the two)...
about the rest of your snarky post, i couldn't give a fuck less about your opinion of Neal Young, or myself...maybe next the government will come out with a mandate that people with I.Q.s under 75 can't vote, can't spend over 500 dollars without supervision, and can't listen to idiots like joe rogan...and i wouldn't fight that mandate for one second...
. . . . . . . . . . . . But thank God we have people like you that can help us decide what is misinformation for us so we don't believe something false and go out there and catch a cold that has a 99.9% survival rate. That would be terrible! LOL!
Welcome to rollitup. I wish what you were saying was true, but I can see you have a small problem with percentages, so let me help you out.

Right now we have 75.6M official cases of covid, and 893K deaths. We all know the case numbers are a drastic undercount, so we will just go with the total population of the US to help explain. Let's call that 350M. Round numbers are easier.

If you were to take 1% of 350M it would be 3.5M. (350,000,000 X 0.01 = 3,5000,000) Are we good so far? When dealing with percent, back when I used to tutor, I would use a dollar in pennies as a teaching tool. Each penny is 1% of the total dollar. If you need more work, this might help.

So 0.1% of 350M is 350K. (350,000,000 X 0.001 = 350,000. But we have had almost 900K dead, not 350K.

I hope this helped.
Welcome to rollitup. I wish what you were saying was true, but I can see you have a small problem with percentages, so let me help you out.

Right now we have 75.6M official cases of covid, and 893K deaths. We all know the case numbers are a drastic undercount, so we will just go with the total population of the US to help explain. Let's call that 350M. Round numbers are easier.

If you were to take 1% of 350M it would be 3.5M. (350,000,000 X 0.01 = 3,5000,000) Are we good so far? When dealing with percent, back when I used to tutor, I would use a dollar in pennies as a teaching tool. Each penny is 1% of the total dollar. If you need more work, this might help.

So 0.1% of 350M is 350K. (350,000,000 X 0.001 = 350,000. But we have had almost 900K dead, not 350K.

I hope this helped.
Next up: Right wing trolls will claim a CDC cover up because so many cases and deaths were not counted.
If a homegrown terrorist group attacks Americans
I like that men will stand against them
It should have happened in the 1930’s as well

Yup. Should have smacked FDR down hard! He stole gold, tried to stack the Supreme court and prolonged the depression caused by the Federal Reserve and other financial rapists. Not to mention he let Pearl Harbor happen to drag the USA into a war.

RWNJs like this guy are big into censorship, obviously, and for good reason, apparently...
Censorship is a long-used tactic of fascism --- liberals have always condemned censorship, wherever it's found, and we always will...
Exactly. Fascists also lie their asses off. Such as when they say musicians who have control of who profits from their work can't exercise their rights. Exercising one's rights is not censorship. Crosby, Stills and Nash just did the same.

What Neil Young and many other artists are doing is taking content away from a site that supports vaccine disinformation. That is their right. Liberals stand up for peoples rights.
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RWNJs like this guy are big into censorship, obviously, and for good reason, apparently...
right wing fascination with pedophilia is creepy.
Indeed, and 'freedom of speech' just happens to be a peoples right!
You conflated censorship with property rights.

Not buying your argument.
Whatever, but the upside to all this is that Rogan seems to have the (rapt) attention of Trumpists and it looks like the US still has a superfluity of those.
Whatever, but the upside to all this is that Rogan seems to have the (rapt) attention of Trumpists and it looks like the US still has a superfluity of those.
"whatever"? So you admit I'm right. lulz.

What a dumbass concession. Rogan got a hundred million dollars from Spotify BECAUSE consumers of right wing propaganda went to the site. Guess what? They are an old worn out demographic. The money is in the 20-40 set. The reason right wing propaganda are crying censorship is because socially minded artists are pulling content and explaining that Spotify is a dirty name to them because they are pushing right wing propaganda antivaxxer myths for profit. Spotify is a toxic brand now. Same with Facebook.

I'm laughing at your idea that losing at least half the population's good will is worth it.
I am not sure if I am understanding where Neil is coming from. Maybe you could help me understand since you seem to have an uncanny ability to determine what information is true and what information is not in this time of great propaganda in mainstream media local, national, and world news. Is Neil Young against Rogan because Rogan is against Vaccine Mandates? That is different that Rogan being anti-Vaccine. Most people I know that haven't taken the vaccine are not anti-vaccine, they are just anti-vaccine mandates. A lot of people I know that have taken the vaccines are anti-vaccine mandates.

So tell me, since you know the true facts, is Neil Young for Vaccine Mandates? Neil is for big government forcing people to get the health care that the government decides what is best, and not ones family doctor? Maybe next the government will come out with mandates to round up all marijuana users and put them on pharmaceuticals, "for their own good" to "get them off dangerous drugs". Being anti-vax is one thing, and being anti-vax mandate is a whole different ball of wax.

It is amazing how the biased media always reports people that are against vaccine mandates as anti-vax. But thank God we have people like you that can help us decide what is misinformation for us so we don't believe something false and go out there and catch a cold that has a 99.9% survival rate. That would be terrible! LOL!
That "cold" has killed more Americans than the Civil War. Sorry you don't love your grandparents.

Don't forget that we are also trying to keep you from spreading the BS idea that the election was stolen despite their being no credible evidence. Sorry you don't love democracy, but it never did suit the backward Russian culture anyway. You guys crave the boot on your neck when it isn't there.
Indeed, and 'freedom of speech' just happens to be a peoples right!
And yet we still have all kinds of laws about things like yelling fire in a crowded theater, lying under oath, FCC stopping actual news (which is why companies like Fox News claim to be entertainment in court and not news) from lying on air, etc.

Propagada is a very real problem that we need to solve as a nation. And if it takes artists demanding their work be removed from a company that is not paying them enough to look the other way as liars like Joe Rogan spread the death cult propaganda that has led to almost a million Americans losing their lives during this pandemic to help point a spotlight on this, so be it.
That's what can be called a 'terminological inexactitude', when one doesn't really want to call the other guy "a fucking liar...

Forgot to mention FDR shat on due process, when he stole property from Japanese - Americans and jailed them without due process during world war II. He was a real piece of shit that loved his buddy Josef Stalin and wished he could be a dictator too.