Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

Why for existing in your world ?
seems the mom might be at fault for being just as FREEDUMB as you

She carried her kids, not you. Even if the risk of adverse events are small , it’s a risk. She shouldn’t be forced to put her kids at risk because people like you say so.
Anyways , I’m not mad even though your ignorant. I would shake your hand if I saw you or even give you a hug. Human shit
She carried her kids, not you. Even if the risk of adverse events are small , it’s a risk. She shouldn’t be forced to put her kids at risk because people like you say so.
Anyways , I’m not mad even though your ignorant. I would shake your hand if I saw you or even give you a hug. Human shit
When you woke up
You can still contract and pass it. Vaccinated folks still get sick and need hospitalization. I had it and I was just fine. I’m not saying you shouldn’t get it. I’m saying I don’t think people should be mandated to get it if it’s not preventing infection.
I can appreciate the sentiment that the gov cares so much about me that they want me to be safe but that’s where I disagree. If this vaccine prevented infection and the spread that would be something different. But it doesn’t. Show me where it prevents transmission and infection , then I may “come around “
Here we go again. Another Trumper bleating right wing propaganda.

I'll just say it and post a link. Vaccinated people are less likely to spread the virus.

How long ago were you infected? Immunity drops over time. People like you, who don't get vaccinated or boosted, they are due for their next infection some number of months after recovering.

"The government" just wants your taxes and maybe your children to be educated. They don't care if you get infected. Regarding mandates, "The Government" ruled against itself. "The Government" it cannot mandate vaccinations.

Companies can. The military can. Schools can. They have their own reasons for doing it. It doesn't have anything to do with "protecting" you. They have their reasons. Nobody owes you and explanation.
thats all you people know how to do. It’s trump , Russia, Libtard, sleepy Joe. All the same stupid shit. It’s bigger then politics. Every republican doesn’t refuse vaccination. Not every democrat gets vaccinated. This is pure garbage

you're right, not all democrats get vaccinated, and many republicans do...but numbers don't lie, there are a lot more unvaccinated republicans than there are unvaccinated democrats
If it is so effective , why are vaccinated people still getting sick ? Some even hospitalized ? Some even dying.
Who knows, maybe some q nutter who is brainwashed to believe the same shit you are pretending is reality here gave them a placebo shot. Or they were just going to have a really shit reaction for whatever other reason shit happens. Also they could not be fully vaccinated, so many things that happens in the real world that makes 100% a bullshit expectation that death cult trolls will jump on to sow confusion for people who do their own 'research' and trick themselves into doing stupid shit like not getting the proven safe and highly effective (like 2200% more likely to end up hospitalized if not fully vaccinated and end up catching the virus effective) vaccine. A vaccine that 95+% of the doctors and scientists who have dedicated their lives into doing little things like almost doubling the life expectancy of humanity over the last century are getting themselves and telling us is what is the most effective and safe method to get through this pandemic.

'Some' is a bullshit metric, but about what I would expect from someone that thinks that they know enough to use youtube/hate radio/right wing propaganda tv/bullshit troll news-esque looking website to do their 'research'.
'Some' is a bullshit metric, but about what I would expect from someone that thinks that they know enough to use youtube/hate radio/right wing propaganda tv/bullshit troll news-esque looking website to do their 'research'.

you dont have a answer either. fully vaccinated people still get infected and hospitalized. if the vaccine was that effective, why is this happening ? 2200% less likely right ? Are you one of those people who drive alone with a mask on ?