Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

As a consumer, I have choices. So do the artists. Fuuuuk Spotify.

@DurumGallico , do you even know what Cancel Culture originally meant?

Boycotts. An agreement to boycott brands that either directly or indirectly support the inhumane treatment of people or degradation of the environment.

You can't stop people for not attending a concert or buying a product. Stop wasting your and our time with your vacuous arguments and get vaccinated, idiot.
Oh yeah never said the contrary.

Actually cancel culture is way more than just boycotting brands. Look by yourself what's it about.

If you consider losing your time reading my posts and speaking to me, why are you doing so ? IDIOT. :)
I think we should treat rich hippies better by listening to their music before they all leave Spotify, ffs now legend old hippy Joni Mitchell is getting herself off. They are a dying breed who clearly need lots more money to survive.
If they disagree with what the they feel is hurting people by what Spotify is promoting is is not there prerogative to leave that platform? Not sure how that is “hypocritical”. Yes they are wealthy, they should be, they all are obviously great artists. Why are you against what they are doing other than they “should do more of what I feel they should be doing” and “they have to much money”
It isnt though. Can you pass us a link or something that would explain further? I can't think of any instances where it was something other than people reacting to some shit they don't like and boycotting it.
Well some people who don't have anything to sell are socially ostracized, only because of their political stances or else, or even one single sentence they said once that a few snowflakes found offensive.

Also question : how can you boycott someone who's already dead ? Some crazy dudes in France called to cancel freakin Napoléon. Since it's not the same it makes sense (even though they are stupidly wrong about Napoléon), how could you "boycott" him?

Another one. When you start book burning in schools, it's not boycott. You're cancelling Tintin comics or something else only because you find them "offensive", you're not just avoiding it.

"“We bury the ashes of racism, discrimination and stereotypes in the hope that we will grow up in an inclusive country where all can live in prosperity and security,”

Is that boycott to you ? I think it's more fucked up propaganda and absurd cancelling.

And yeah, only two examples amongst many.

Obama and the pope do agree with me though.

"Former US President Barack Obama warned against social media call-out culture, saying that "People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids and, you know, share certain things with you.""

"Pope Francis said that cancel culture is "a form of ideological colonization, one that leaves no room for freedom of expression", saying that it "ends up cancelling all sense of identity""

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Well I do see it as a boycott...but those are good examples.

Why are they wanting to cancel napoleon? There is a move to be more accurate in how we view history, I support that. We stopped saying native Americans were savages for instance. Similarly, Columbus stopped being celebrated as he discovered a country full of people some other dude found 1000 years earlier.

I dont back book burning, in all fairness though, that's always been a one sided issue in America...and the side burning books (or demanding they be removed from public institutions) are the conservatives.
Well I do see it as a boycott...but those are good examples.

Why are they wanting to cancel napoleon? There is a move to be more accurate in how we view history, I support that. We stopped saying native Americans were savages for instance. Similarly, Columbus stopped being celebrated as he discovered a country full of people some other dude found 1000 years earlier.

I dont back book burning, in all fairness though, that's always been a one sided issue in America...and the side burning books (or demanding they be removed from public institutions) are the conservatives.
It’s not “cancel culture “ if the right does it. “It’s gods will” :oops:
“If you are a healthy person, you play sports, you are young and you eat well, I do not think you need to worry. If you're 21 and you ask me 'should I get vaccinated', I'd say 'no'."
Joe Rogan

If it is what you call "misinformation", well yeah you are full of shit my friend.
I wonder what the MMA and UFC meathead thinks about infectious diseases, asked no one with a functioning brain.
Both Canada and the US did genocide the hell out of the native populations. I am not at all on board with teaching that was noble. For a very long time it was portrayed as some sort of war or struggle, that is how it was taught up till at least 1980s. It wasn't, we killed them off and took their shit. People don't want to admit or accept that. Similar to European countries going in to Africa, it was portrayed as some noble conquest and all sorts of weird explanations...they just machine gunned dudes trying to defend themselves with spears and took their resources.

It's wrong to teach people that version of history written by the victors. It isnt true or accurate.
Well I do see it as a boycott...but those are good examples.

Why are they wanting to cancel napoleon? There is a move to be more accurate in how we view history, I support that. We stopped saying native Americans were savages for instance. Similarly, Columbus stopped being celebrated as he discovered a country full of people some other dude found 1000 years earlier.

I dont back book burning, in all fairness though, that's always been a one sided issue in America...and the side burning books (or demanding they be removed from public institutions) are the conservatives.

They wanted to shut down all statues of him, stop any celebration related to the napoleonic era, this kind of shit. Basically because he was a "white male promoting slavery and discrimination".
It's only one point of view, that's seriously questionable historically speaking. I think it's also completely irrelevant to make a moral stance about things that happened two centuries ago, when morale was something completely different. Just teach it the way it was with no ideology, and let people make their own opinions about it. No reason to cancel every thing that's related to what you think is bad.

I totally agree with you about that, actually i think it's how history works, you always find new things to update what you already know about.
About US conservatives pushing censorship, really don't know nothing about it i let it to you.

Both Canada and the US did genocide the hell out of the native populations. I am not at all on board with teaching that was noble. For a very long time it was portrayed as some sort of war or struggle, that is how it was taught up till at least 1980s. It wasn't, we killed them off and took their shit. People don't want to admit or accept that. Similar to European countries going in to Africa, it was portrayed as some noble conquest and all sorts of weird explanations...they just machine gunned dudes trying to defend themselves with spears and took their resources.

It's wrong to teach people that version of history written by the victors. It isnt true or accurate.

I'm ready to accept anything that happened during the past, glorious or not. But yeah, accuracy is really important.
And your vision of european colonization is not that clear indeed. Of course we did awful shits to africans and asians. but that was not a systematic thing first, then it was only after centuries of slave trade being done honestly with african countries from this time. Portuguese slave traders during the 17th century were not hunting and abducting people. African countries that let them install commercial counters were also trading slaves with them, that's how european dudes got their slaves.
Also, beside the bad shit they did, europeans brought billions of money to construct infrastructures, hospitals, roads, schools, accessible electricity etc etc.. So yeah, as we said, accuracy is important, colonization had really bad consequences but also really good ones.
One of the myths of colonization that's clearly proven wrong now, is that european countries earned from it. that's false. Only speaking of France, we lost billions and billions, it was a massive money hole that never went beneficial. Of course, some individuals went rich as fuck with it, but state and overall european population didn't gain anything from it.
They wanted to shut down all statues of him, stop any celebration related to the napoleonic era, this kind of shit. Basically because he was a "white male promoting slavery and discrimination".
It's only one point of view, that's seriously questionable historically speaking. I think it's also completely irrelevant to make a moral stance about things that happened two centuries ago, when morale was something completely different. Just teach it the way it was with no ideology, and let people make their own opinions about it. No reason to cancel every thing that's related to what you think is bad.

I totally agree with you about that, actually i think it's how history works, you always find new things to update what you already know about.
About US conservatives pushing censorship, really don't know nothing about it i let it to you.

I'm ready to accept anything that happened during the past, glorious or not. But yeah, accuracy is really important.
And your vision of european colonization is not that clear indeed. Of course we did awful shits to africans and asians. but that was not a systematic thing first, then it was only after centuries of slave trade being done honestly with african countries from this time. Portuguese slave traders during the 17th century were not hunting and abducting people. African countries that let them install commercial counters were also trading slaves with them, that's how european dudes got their slaves.
Also, beside the bad shit they did, europeans brought billions of money to construct infrastructures, hospitals, roads, schools, accessible electricity etc etc.. So yeah, as we said, accuracy is important, colonization had really bad consequences but also really good ones.
One of the myths of colonization that's clearly proven wrong now, is that european countries earned from it. that's false. Only speaking of France, we lost billions and billions, it was a massive money hole that never went beneficial. Of course, some individuals went rich as fuck with it, but state and overall european population didn't gain anything from it.
They wanted to shut down all statues of him, stop any celebration related to the napoleonic era, this kind of shit. Basically because he was a "white male promoting slavery and discrimination".
It's only one point of view, that's seriously questionable historically speaking. I think it's also completely irrelevant to make a moral stance about things that happened two centuries ago, when morale was something completely different. Just teach it the way it was with no ideology, and let people make their own opinions about it. No reason to cancel every thing that's related to what you think is bad.

I totally agree with you about that, actually i think it's how history works, you always find new things to update what you already know about.
About US conservatives pushing censorship, really don't know nothing about it i let it to you.

I'm ready to accept anything that happened during the past, glorious or not. But yeah, accuracy is really important.
And your vision of european colonization is not that clear indeed. Of course we did awful shits to africans and asians. but that was not a systematic thing first, then it was only after centuries of slave trade being done honestly with african countries from this time. Portuguese slave traders during the 17th century were not hunting and abducting people. African countries that let them install commercial counters were also trading slaves with them, that's how european dudes got their slaves.
Also, beside the bad shit they did, europeans brought billions of money to construct infrastructures, hospitals, roads, schools, accessible electricity etc etc.. So yeah, as we said, accuracy is important, colonization had really bad consequences but also really good ones.
One of the myths of colonization that's clearly proven wrong now, is that european countries earned from it. that's false. Only speaking of France, we lost billions and billions, it was a massive money hole that never went beneficial. Of course, some individuals went rich as fuck with it, but state and overall european population didn't gain anything from it.

I think some of the book removal is due to how it creates a nationalized view of history, which isn't accurate.

That explanation of the benefits of colonization is kind of like pointing at an Indian reservation as a good thing. The government gave them schools and an education...oh those schools...
I think some of the book removal is due to how it creates a nationalized view of history, which isn't accurate.

That explanation of the benefits of colonization is kind of like pointing at an Indian reservation as a good thing. The government gave them schools and an education...oh those schools...
You can make warning about questionable books without burning them.
In France basically each single school has Tintin comics there, and no african child is offended by a past vision they know irrelevant from today's standards.

Actually you're already giving me an ideological stance, which i didn't have. It's just a fact, colonization had good side effects, i'm not saying it was a good thing to do, not saying we were right, just saying facts.

Says the “feels” historian.
prove me i'm wrong so. Instead of your childish poo poo meme !