Neoliberalism has wrecked the planet

Trump has. Ended the Korean War. Appointed the first openingly gay person as ambassador to Germany. Just stick around 7 more years. The list of positive influences will continue to grow.
The Chump didn't have fuck all to do with the recent warming of relations between the Koreas.

It's also far from certain anything will come of it besides a few pleasantries, though I do fervently hope for peace.
I've always taken the position that the US's threatening of North Korea is why they want nukes as a deterrent. How does it feel to be losing your memory?

edit: "viciously berated" LOL Histrionic much?
I remember your hypocrisy just fine.

Yep, getting rich is easier in socialist countries than in the US. So much for all that whining about high taxes.
Of course you Trump haters won't give credit were credit is due. Fortunately though South Koreas President knows the real deal. He even thinks Trump deserves a Noble Peace Prize for his role in the peace agreement. Keep drinking the Koolaid snowflakes. The real America enjoys watching you fail when you think your winning.
Of course you Trump haters won't give credit were credit is due. Fortunately though South Koreas President knows the real deal. He even thinks Trump deserves a Noble Peace Prize for his role in the peace agreement. Keep drinking the Koolaid snowflakes.

Certainly better than Hillary lying about being under Sniper fire.
Of course you Trump haters won't give credit were credit is due. Fortunately though South Koreas President knows the real deal. He even thinks Trump deserves a Noble Peace Prize for his role in the peace agreement. Keep drinking the Koolaid snowflakes. The real America enjoys watching you fail when you think your winning.
All that tweeting and name calling was diplomatic af
Is that all you got? LMAO!!!!
What do you have, Stink Bug? Your president has the lowest approval rating in history for a president at this stage in his term. He's got nothing to show to the US voters from his first year except a tax cut for the wealthy. The tax cut for the wealthy is political poison to Republican congressional office seekers and not a help. There is a mass exodus of Republicans from congress because they don't want to face the music for their ineptitude.

All signs point to the fact that after November, all chance of Republicans to do even more damage to this country will be over. We'll face two years of deadlock and then Trump will be nothing more than a bad memory.

What keeps you going bug brain? Facts, not opinion please.
Just like Hillary had it all wrapped up. Wait, she lost. Fact.
Keep drinking the koolaid why quoting biased polls and reporting.
You live in a fairytale liberal haze.
Just like Hillary had it all wrapped up. Wait, she lost. Fact.
Not really. If you could read and understand what you were reading, the polls didn't say Clinton had it all wrapped up. If that's your belief and narrative, you have nothing.
Of course you Trump haters won't give credit were credit is due. Fortunately though South Koreas President knows the real deal. He even thinks Trump deserves a Noble Peace Prize for his role in the peace agreement. Keep drinking the Koolaid snowflakes. The real America enjoys watching you fail when you think your winning.
You are sooooo right. When Trump called Kim Jung Un, "Rocket Man", they realized they were facing a man who was not to be trifled with.

You are sooooo right. When Trump called Kim Jung Un, "Rocket Man", they realized they were facing a man who was not to be trifled with.

Not sure what 'trifled' is. But he not one to be fucked with. Unlike Obama he has a pair of balls.
Just face it, you can't handle reality. Your best bet is to stay in your safe place with your coloring book.
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Not sure what 'trifled' is. But he not one to be fucked with. Unlike Obama he has a pair of balls.

Like those missiles into Syria. Took big balls to warn everybody they were coming so nobody's feels would be hurt.

Tell me, bug: Do Trump's supporters expect North Korea to give up their nuclear arms? Is Trump going to even put that on the negotiating table?
We've got a live one here! :lol:

A trump chump who does not understand that he has been duped, and is actually repeating the bullshit that forrest trump spews!

This is gonna be good! Here is an example of that below-average IQ that we have been wondering about. :lol:

Is that all you got? LMAO!!!!

they were bigger lies, that were more demonstrably lies, and needless as well.

the point is that trump lies even when there is no point to lying

so maybe don't act like you're upset if you think someone else is lying. clinton may very well have believed she was under sniper fire. but trump knows he did not pick the location of the RNC, and he knows his inauguration was smaller.

yet he lied anyway

you are a cuckold