Neoliberalism has wrecked the planet

We having a saying that goes: you know that, I know that, but the Belgium guy doesn’t. So it still works :)

Italy... not sure if touche or just a cheapshot example. I mean come on, what did you expect with Berlusconi. That’s just poor management. The neoliberal Netherlands, as one of the founding states was the largest net contributor to the EU for 15 years, all flowing towards too socialistic countries with inneffective overregulating governments.

Iceland was all because of greed (of especially non-Icelanders), a sin of desire, and not because of neoliberalism.

To be frank, I can see it going all wrong in the US because of the two party system. If neoliberalism would prevail it would have to get the majority. With a multi party system and cabinet they’d have to adjust to the wishes of others to form a cabinet. Ya’ll basically fucked then.
The Netherlands are one of the LEAST neoliberal countries in the EU.
We having a saying that goes: you know that, I know that, but the Belgium guy doesn’t. So it still works :)

Italy... not sure if touche or just a cheapshot example. I mean come on, what did you expect with Berlusconi. That’s just poor management. The neoliberal Netherlands, as one of the founding states was the largest net contributor to the EU for 15 years, all flowing towards too socialistic countries with inneffective overregulating governments.

Iceland was all because of greed (of especially non-Icelanders), a sin of desire, and not because of neoliberalism.

To be frank, I can see it going all wrong in the US because of the two party system. If neoliberalism would prevail it would have to get the majority. With a multi party system and cabinet they’d have to adjust to the wishes of others to form a cabinet. Ya’ll basically fucked then.
when you talk about "preserving western civilization", who do you identify as the threat(s)?
Oh ffs. Why are all americans so contrarian nowadays. I mean that just so far from the truth it’s closer to the opposite. The neoliberal party in the Netherlands was the largest yesterday in the county elections and is the largest in the national goverment, by far. The current prime minister is a neoliberal, in place since 2006. The fact we aren’t 100% neoliberal is because of the multi party system. So they have to rule together with christian and social democrats to get a majority. They don’t call themselves neoliberals because lefties tried so hard to turn it into a bad word and dumb folks associate neo directly with neonazi. They prefer the term economic liberal but their program is as neoliberal as it gets and matches your wiki quote nicely.

I appreciate parts of the bible too. That thin paper can be used to roll a cigarette or a joint in a pinch.
That’s hardcore, whether you are using paper from wood as is the case for modern bibles or whether you are smoking old bibles made of rice paper (which opposed to its thickness is what makes them suitable for smoking)
Oh ffs. Why are all americans so contrarian nowadays. I mean that just so far from the truth it’s closer to the opposite. The neoliberal party in the Netherlands was the largest yesterday in the county elections and is the largest in the national goverment, by far. The current prime minister is a neoliberal, in place since 2006. The fact we aren’t 100% neoliberal is because of the multi party system. So they have to rule together with christian and social democrats to get a majority. They don’t call themselves neoliberals because lefties tried so hard to turn it into a bad word and dumb folks associate neo directly with neonazi. They prefer the term economic liberal but their program is as neoliberal as it gets and matches your wiki quote nicely.

That’s hardcore, whether you are using paper from wood as is the case for modern bibles or whether you are smoking old bibles made of rice paper (which opposed to its thickness is what makes them suitable for smoking)
didn't you say you enjoyed the judeo-christian society you live in and that it was under "invasion" from immigrants and muslim people who were trying to destroy western society?

want to try again?
Lol indeed. So desparate. Show me a quote where I said I wanted to preserve western civilization. They were your words, or specifically one of your nazi buddies. I asked you if you don’t want to preserve it, as in your black and white mind that equals wanting to destroying it.

It does not follow you utterly dumb fool.

If only you had the intellect to see how you fell for your own routine. Ignorance is bliss I guess. But then, perma butthurt as I warned you upfront. ;)

didn't you say you enjoyed the judeo-christian society you live in and that it was under "invasion" from immigrants and muslim people who were trying to destroy western society?
Well, I do live in a judeo-christian society, and I am to an extend enjoying that. Beats living in a desert where Islam rules. But muslim people trying to destroy... sounds like a dramatized mutation of my words. I’m sure I pointed out once or twice I don’t oppose indivuals, I do oppose degrading liberties for the sake of a misinterpretation of the constitutional freedom of religion.

when you talk about "preserving western civilization", who do you identify as the threat(s)?
Anti-intellectuals, which includes muslims, evangelicals, and immoral extremist like you.

You haven’t answered my question yet coward...
Do you think we need to adjust or stop reinforcing laws and ethics accepted as morally correct in western countries where people are the happiest in the world to accomodate for immigrants who do not respect the law, equality between man and women, the liberties my ancestors and great minds have fought for longer than your failed experiment of a country existed?
Show me a quote where I said I wanted to preserve western civilization.


You are enjoying the fruits of western civilization yet you don't want to preserve it?

you also affirm it later in the very post i am responding to

muslim people trying to destroy... sounds like a dramatized mutation of my words.

"the invasion of a third major religion...a real ongoing threat to western society"

i'd have to be a real drama queen to get "destroy" from "invasion" and "real ongoing threat"

what an idiot i am

so you're a close the borders type of guy who wants to literally ban muslim people and re-educate their children because of the "real ongoing threat" to "western society". you want to preserve your nation's "judeo christian" heritage, "western civilization" and "western society" from immigrants and muslims.

so does this group of literal neo-nazi eugenicists and white supremacists.

you also affirm it later in the very post i am responding to

"the invasion of a third major religion...a real ongoing threat to western society"

i'd have to be a real drama queen to get "destroy" from "invasion" and "real ongoing threat"

what an idiot i am

so you're a close the borders type of guy who wants to literally ban muslim people and re-educate their children because of the "real ongoing threat" to "western society". you want to preserve your nation's "judeo christian" heritage, "western civilization" and "western society" from immigrants and muslims.

so does this group of literal neo-nazi eugenicists and white supremacists.
There's plenty of room in the rest of this subforum for you to foam at the racial warrior mouth. This thread is about financial issues, not that you ever show any respect for anyone's threads.
nope, don’t see it. I reflected your words back to you.

“i'd have to be a real drama queen to get "destroy" from "invasion" and "real ongoing threat"
Agreed with your statement and the one I actually made. Still valid, still a fact.

“what an idiot i am”
Yeah, what’s that about anyway? Dropped on your head while you got clipped?

“so you're a close the borders type of guy who wants to literally ban muslim people and re-educate their children because of the "real ongoing threat" to "western society". you want to preserve your nation's "judeo christian" heritage, "western civilization" and "western society" from immigrants and muslims.”

Nope, that sentence does not logically follow from my words. Nor does your extremist conclusion. All basic non sequitur fallacy, something you and most abrhamic religion followers need re-education on. America adapted English as their languague but it came with an evangelical protestant mindset which you are expressing so clearly now. Ban muslim people? How does one ban people... from what? Lol. Just your extremist emotive conjugation. How do you function being stuck in a limbo of fallacies like that?

Keep avoiding my question coward. Are you against opposing forced marriage, child marriage, honor violence and female genitalia mutilation? Should we add this or tolerate this in our or any society? Do you believe islam provides a solid basis for education in our western or any other society? Perhaps you should start your own thread about that... FYI, that leading neoliberal party (see Im slightly on topic lol) here in a NL would agree entirely with my words, including their muslima members, and yet they refuse to work with the anti-muslim party. Must be total mindfuck to even try to comprehend there is more than just extreme lefty and extreme right.

How much do you hate crappy amateur painters? Simpleton.

Pre-reply: no dumbass, read the sentence again.
nope, don’t see it. I reflected your words back to you.

“i'd have to be a real drama queen to get "destroy" from "invasion" and "real ongoing threat"
Agreed with your statement and the one I actually made. Still valid, still a fact.

“what an idiot i am”
Yeah, what’s that about anyway? Dropped on your head while you got clipped?

“so you're a close the borders type of guy who wants to literally ban muslim people and re-educate their children because of the "real ongoing threat" to "western society". you want to preserve your nation's "judeo christian" heritage, "western civilization" and "western society" from immigrants and muslims.”

Nope, that sentence does not logically follow from my words. Nor does your extremist conclusion. All basic non sequitur fallacy, something you and most abrhamic religion followers need re-education on. America adapted English as their languague but it came with an evangelical protestant mindset which you are expressing so clearly now. Ban muslim people? How does one ban people... from what? Lol. Just your extremist emotive conjugation. How do you function being stuck in a limbo of fallacies like that?

Keep avoiding my question coward. Are you against opposing forced marriage, child marriage, honor violence and female genitalia mutilation? Should we add this or tolerate this in our or any society? Do you believe islam provides a solid basis for education in our western or any other society? Perhaps you should start your own thread about that... FYI, that leading neoliberal party (see Im slightly on topic lol) here in a NL would agree entirely with my words, including their muslima members, and yet they refuse to work with the anti-muslim party. Must be total mindfuck to even try to comprehend there is more than just extreme lefty and extreme right.

How much do you hate crappy amateur painters? Simpleton.

Pre-reply: no dumbass, read the sentence again.

"You are enjoying the fruits of western civilization yet you don't want to preserve it?"

exactly the question i would ask if i had no interest whatsoever in "preserving western civilization"

invasions and real ongoing threats could never destroy anything either

i want to ban an entire religion but YOU'RE THE EXTREMIST

you're not the intellectual you fancy yourself to be. a lot of nazis considered themselves to be intellectuals too, but they weren't. they were just nazis
If workers can be asked to sacrifice a decent wage, benefits, be asked to pay for their own healthcare and still pay taxes, why is it anathema to ask billionaires to do the same? After all, aren't they the ones with most of the money?

Based on my research, I think it's because the mass media propaganda machine (including but not limited to the Big Six presstitutes) is bought and paid for by the rich, who don't want that idea getting out- nevermind that over half of all income in America is earned by the top 10%. These people pay far less than half of all taxes, though.

This line of reasoning is the knife in the heart of neoliberalism.
nope, don’t see it. I reflected your words back to you.

“i'd have to be a real drama queen to get "destroy" from "invasion" and "real ongoing threat"
Agreed with your statement and the one I actually made. Still valid, still a fact.

“what an idiot i am”
Yeah, what’s that about anyway? Dropped on your head while you got clipped?

“so you're a close the borders type of guy who wants to literally ban muslim people and re-educate their children because of the "real ongoing threat" to "western society". you want to preserve your nation's "judeo christian" heritage, "western civilization" and "western society" from immigrants and muslims.”

Nope, that sentence does not logically follow from my words. Nor does your extremist conclusion. All basic non sequitur fallacy, something you and most abrhamic religion followers need re-education on. America adapted English as their languague but it came with an evangelical protestant mindset which you are expressing so clearly now. Ban muslim people? How does one ban people... from what? Lol. Just your extremist emotive conjugation. How do you function being stuck in a limbo of fallacies like that?

Keep avoiding my question coward. Are you against opposing forced marriage, child marriage, honor violence and female genitalia mutilation? Should we add this or tolerate this in our or any society? Do you believe islam provides a solid basis for education in our western or any other society? Perhaps you should start your own thread about that... FYI, that leading neoliberal party (see Im slightly on topic lol) here in a NL would agree entirely with my words, including their muslima members, and yet they refuse to work with the anti-muslim party. Must be total mindfuck to even try to comprehend there is more than just extreme lefty and extreme right.

How much do you hate crappy amateur painters? Simpleton.

Pre-reply: no dumbass, read the sentence again.
There's a large group of people who self identify as 'left' who in fact aren't. Worse, if anyone disagree with their views- whether it be from a right IT left direction, they're instantly set upon as enemies and it's suddenly okay to treat them as awfully as one knows how.

It's only possible if one is hiding behind a keyboard, because the world would certainly assert it's disapproval if done in person.

It isn't debate, it isn't intelligent discussion; it's schoolyard bullying and just like the schoolyard, it displays the maturity level of the bully.
"You are enjoying the fruits of western civilization yet you don't want to preserve it?"

exactly the question i would ask if i had no interest whatsoever in "preserving western civilization"

invasions and real ongoing threats could never destroy anything either

i want to ban an entire religion but YOU'RE THE EXTREMIST

you're not the intellectual you fancy yourself to be. a lot of nazis considered themselves to be intellectuals too, but they weren't. they were just nazis
I know and converse with intellectuals on a regular basis.

You, sir, are no intellectual.

If anyone emulates the tactics of Trump here, it's you.
If anyone emulates the tactics of Trump here, it's you.
Exactly, that does follow. Different side, but same coin. Buck lacks the intellect as well as the morals to conclude what the right thing is by himself, he need to be told. Nazis vs jews, that he gets, so he desperately tries to reduce complex matters to the same obvious bad vs good guys using simplistic association fallacies. Different place and circumstances and he would have grown out to be a fanatic trump supporter.

One of the main reasons Europe has immigration and integration problems is because of lefties reduced everything to left vs extreme right. This is by now common knowledge here across the entire spectrum as well as educated intellectual immigrants from muslim countries. Not just NL, but also countries like Sweden and Denmark. They all learned one should not tolerate the intolerant. That’s the limit of being liberal. Islam is not like a skin color as buck seems to think, it’s in fact islam ruled societies from which most flee, looking for the same liberties we enjoy. Unfortunately many find out they won’t get to enjoy those liberties because the same repressing practices and dogma they experienced back home are protected here by freedom of religion. And by the fear of center and left parties to be considered far right, or nazis... ad hominems to try and silence the opponent - very much like trump indeed. Or Erdogan. That association is logically entirely valid and justified, but the belgium guy doesn’t get that.

The problem with not addressing real issues such as immigration, integration and the resulting parallel societies is that it will lead to enough unhappy people to put some racist pig in power.

There's a large group of people who self identify as 'left' who in fact aren't.
Sure, same thing goes for not so social socialists, repressing liberals and “christian democrats”. Any direction can be taken too far. Neo liberalism is working well for NL, for now, and the bloated overregulating EU can certainly use some of that, but wanting for example a smaller government is only wise if it’s too large in the first place. It’s always a balancing act, and that should mean trying to reach a consensus, meet towards the middle. If however one or more sides refuse the authority of reason it’s like trying to solve an equation with made up math rules, like buck trying to debate or be clever, utterly pointless.
Exactly, that does follow. Different side, but same coin. Buck lacks the intellect as well as the morals to conclude what the right thing is by himself, he need to be told. Nazis vs jews, that he gets, so he desperately tries to reduce complex matters to the same obvious bad vs good guys using simplistic association fallacies. Different place and circumstances and he would have grown out to be a fanatic trump supporter.

One of the main reasons Europe has immigration and integration problems is because of lefties reduced everything to left vs extreme right. This is by now common knowledge here across the entire spectrum as well as educated intellectual immigrants from muslim countries. Not just NL, but also countries like Sweden and Denmark. They all learned one should not tolerate the intolerant. That’s the limit of being liberal. Islam is not like a skin color as buck seems to think, it’s in fact islam ruled societies from which most flee, looking for the same liberties we enjoy. Unfortunately many find out they won’t get to enjoy those liberties because the same repressing practices and dogma they experienced back home are protected here by freedom of religion. And by the fear of center and left parties to be considered far right, or nazis... ad hominems to try and silence the opponent - very much like trump indeed. Or Erdogan. That association is logically entirely valid and justified, but the belgium guy doesn’t get that.

The problem with not addressing real issues such as immigration, integration and the resulting parallel societies is that it will lead to enough unhappy people to put some racist pig in power.

Sure, same thing goes for not so social socialists, repressing liberals and “christian democrats”. Any direction can be taken too far. Neo liberalism is working well for NL, for now, and the bloated overregulating EU can certainly use some of that, but wanting for example a smaller government is only wise if it’s too large in the first place. It’s always a balancing act, and that should mean trying to reach a consensus, meet towards the middle. If however one or more sides refuse the authority of reason it’s like trying to solve an equation with made up math rules, like buck trying to debate or be clever, utterly pointless.
Exactly, that does follow. Different side, but same coin. Buck lacks the intellect as well as the morals to conclude what the right thing is by himself, he need to be told. Nazis vs jews, that he gets, so he desperately tries to reduce complex matters to the same obvious bad vs good guys using simplistic association fallacies. Different place and circumstances and he would have grown out to be a fanatic trump supporter.

One of the main reasons Europe has immigration and integration problems is because of lefties reduced everything to left vs extreme right. This is by now common knowledge here across the entire spectrum as well as educated intellectual immigrants from muslim countries. Not just NL, but also countries like Sweden and Denmark. They all learned one should not tolerate the intolerant. That’s the limit of being liberal. Islam is not like a skin color as buck seems to think, it’s in fact islam ruled societies from which most flee, looking for the same liberties we enjoy. Unfortunately many find out they won’t get to enjoy those liberties because the same repressing practices and dogma they experienced back home are protected here by freedom of religion. And by the fear of center and left parties to be considered far right, or nazis... ad hominems to try and silence the opponent - very much like trump indeed. Or Erdogan. That association is logically entirely valid and justified, but the belgium guy doesn’t get that.

The problem with not addressing real issues such as immigration, integration and the resulting parallel societies is that it will lead to enough unhappy people to put some racist pig in power.

Sure, same thing goes for not so social socialists, repressing liberals and “christian democrats”. Any direction can be taken too far. Neo liberalism is working well for NL, for now, and the bloated overregulating EU can certainly use some of that, but wanting for example a smaller government is only wise if it’s too large in the first place. It’s always a balancing act, and that should mean trying to reach a consensus, meet towards the middle. If however one or more sides refuse the authority of reason it’s like trying to solve an equation with made up math rules, like buck trying to debate or be clever, utterly pointless.
Neoliberalism is tearing Europe apart in much the same way and for all the same reasons as it's tearing America apart. Austerity is the road to ruin for all but a tiny few already irresponsibly rich oligarchs and their vassals.

People are fleeing only those 'Islamic' societies that we have bombed, wrecked their economy, overthrown their government or all three. The correlation is perfect. It has nothing to do with race or religion. If it did, Morocco and Indonesia would also be emptying out but amazingly enough, they're doing fine.

Would you also have us believe that Venezuelans want to come to America because their government can't manage their economy, or will you allow that American sanctions, banking prohibitions and covert efforts at destabilisation might have something to do with the mounting humanitarian disaster in a country that has not lifted a finger to threaten American security or interests?

You are right that our media isn't doing a good job of telling us what is going on in the world, but with a bit of digging it's not actually that hard to find out the truth.

Buckwit is the local exemplar of what happens when one simply swallows the narrative he's fed by imperialist neoliberal interests. In his world, the election of Conor Lamb is a victory because Democrat! Nevermind that he's a bluer dog than Nancy Pelosi. Some people are beyond reasoning with, so it's best to simply ignore their juvenile ploys to distract and get attention.
Buckwit is the local exemplar of what happens when one simply swallows the narrative he's fed by imperialist neoliberal interests. In his world, the election of Conor Lamb is a victory because Democrat!

who did you progressives run? did they win? would they have won, had they not lost?