Netflix must-watches?


Active Member
arrested developent
trailer park boys
the killing of rosie larson
battle star gallatica
walking dead

Ali G in da house
lars and the real girl
jeff who lives at home
growing op
rango(not just for kids)
A good old fashioned orgy
hot wet american summer
safety not gauarnteed


Well-Known Member
arrested developent
trailer park boys
the killing of rosie larson
battle star gallatica
walking dead

Ali G in da house
lars and the real girl
jeff who lives at home
growing op
rango(not just for kids)
A good old fashioned orgy
hot wet american summer
safety not gauarnteed
TV Show list is awesome. Haven't seen a lot of the movies. Snatch is good, but they should have picked a real irish dude to talk like that, instead of Brad Pitt. It was just too hilarious watching him make no sense.


Active Member
-Degenerate Art-
All about glass blowing and how the scene progressed.

Didn't feel like reading through 7 pages of comments to see if it'd already been mentioned but check it out regardless if you haven't already..


Well-Known Member
I just clicked on one and I'm only 2 minutes and 30 seconds in but it looks HILARIOUS. It's called "The Thing with Two Heads", and the like sub-name-title was "They transplanted a bigots head onto a soul brothers body." :lol:


New Member
How many of you have seen the movie The Human Centipede, would seriously not recomend anyone watching that, if you have then you can feel my pain, i wish i could un-watch it.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Lmfao, my buddy told me about that shit, literally for fuck sakes, wouldn't watch it if you taped my eyes open and put in front of my face, would blank it out somehow someway, sick


New Member
dude it was fucked because, i was unaware at the time as to wat i was watching, i went over to a friends house, and we were smokin and he was like lets watch this movie, i was totally unaware of what he had and i was like ok, i was so baked and started watching it i was tripping at the beginning then it progressed and i told him to turn it off after it revealed what the movie was about. i think i left his house after that


Active Member
Human centepede I saw the promo-- NO WAY! Thats just too gross.. even for me!

Weird-- Draig and I used to watch the Hellraiser series (have em all on DVD) But just can't watch em anymore...??? They gross me out...

I do like a few of the older Sci-Fi Thrillers/horror...
Event Horizon
The Cell
Lake Placid (Campy-funny & gross)
And of course- all the "Jaws" movies! LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
a short list that is surely subject to ridicule:


Donnie Darko - if you've not seen it

He Was a Quiet Man

Home Grown

Blue Velvet


Those are are all mind benders but amazing movies and excepting Gummo all have major stars in them (Chloe Svegney or whatever her name is is the biggest name in Gummo)


Well-Known Member
French movie, "Le Femme Nikita". It is a great movie that I love watching. They have remade it a couple of times, but the French one is a must see.

Oops, just realized not offered on streaming anymore