Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial

And you're now just lying, that is a generic photo splashed all over the web, in fact first google result for surveillance camera, such as it's namesake.

Just remember, those cameras will be in stations, that kind of thing, not in every single street


America is little different to the UK, learn to accept this, your mission statement seems to be that america must appear superior..

i thought photo looked off but didnt check to see if it was a barefaced lie or not i did think a little bit more of him than that
I knew from the moment i saw the photo that a. it was not the photograph of a random tourist and b. that it was familiar. What am i supposed to trust you on nodrama if you lie over something as trivial as a photograph? Is there even any point discussing anything with you further?
well, in europe, you can throw stuff at cops or even attack them, without fear of anything more than a few slaps and jail.

since, the cops know full well, the citizens dont have guns, while in america they just assume from the start that the person has a gun.

in some countries the police dont even carry guns themselves, just special forces that get called out if needed.

sure you get to shoot burglers, but looks like anyway they´d just sue your ass off.

here we´d just grab a baseballbat, sure that the thief doesnt have a gun or just call the cops.

plus it kinda seems quite alot of your killings are because of misunderstandings.
I knew from the moment i saw the photo that a. it was not the photograph of a random tourist and b. that it was familiar. What am i supposed to trust you on nodrama if you lie over something as trivial as a photograph? Is there even any point discussing anything with you further?

i thought it would have been something like heathrow or maybe central london it was when he put "Cheshire" up that i had doubts
Since were on the subject.

In the UK it is the case that the police do not carry guns, only of late have they upped the outward show around london to keep people scared, but even then it is only highly trained officers who's job is armed response. Not that they are as highly trained as one would like given the nature of the weapon.

I just figured that the photo was too clean and professional, not to mention the height that it must have been taken from, just didn't fit in with ya average holiday snap.
it still doesnt equate to mulitple camera's on every fucking street corner. i live here and i know this to be true

tiptop live here too and says your wrong.

one pic is hardly proof of anything
ok ok , not EVERY street corner, but the UK is the most surveilled nation on the planet and far far and above anything going on in the USA. You can concede your defeat now in that the USA is as bad as the UK, cuz it was just proved to you that the UK is many many times worse.
well, in europe, you can throw stuff at cops or even attack them, without fear of anything more than a few slaps and jail.

since, the cops know full well, the citizens dont have guns, while in america they just assume from the start that the person has a gun.

in some countries the police dont even carry guns themselves, just special forces that get called out if needed.

sure you get to shoot burglers, but looks like anyway they´d just sue your ass off.

here we´d just grab a baseballbat, sure that the thief doesnt have a gun or just call the cops.

plus it kinda seems quite alot of your killings are because of misunderstandings.
In murders per capita, the USA doesn't even break into the top 50.
If gun bans prevented murder, we would expect the murder rate in the UK to have been trending downward since 1997, if not before then (in the decade preceding the 1997 total ban on handguns, the UK government passed a series of laws and regulations making it harder and harder to get guns). We don't... we see a country where the rate of murder is increasing, where there are some areas that are more dangerous than America's most dangerous city, and where criminals have all the guns they need. When we look at the UK, we see a country where the violent crime rate is 2.5 times higher than that of the US.
ok ok , not EVERY street corner, but the UK is the most surveilled nation on the planet and far far and above anything going on in the USA. You can concede your defeat now in that the USA is as bad as the UK, cuz it was just proved to you that the UK is many many times worse.

lol and? i watch you cops programs i read your news and when one of you guys proclaims "land of the free" i feel sorry for you guys cause as many camera's as there are in uk our police and justice system is much less oppressive than your guys

and what about your bareface lie in pic?
lol and? i watch you cops programs i read your news and when one of you guys proclaims "land of the free" i feel sorry for you guys cause as many camera's as there are in uk our police and justice system is much less oppressive than your guys

and what about your bareface lie in pic?
My bareface lie? That really is a picture i took back in 2007, prove it isn't.
My bareface lie? That really is a picture i took back in 2007, prove it isn't.

you should be earning a pretty penny off it then everyone is using it


أثارت كاميرات مراقبة ثبتتها السلطات البريطانية في شوارع مدينة بيرمنغهام وسط البلاد غضبا واسعا في أوساط المسلمين، واعتبروا أنها حولت مدينتهم إلى "غيتو للإرهاب".​
وأوقفت السلطات مؤقتا العمل بهذه الكاميرات وستغطيها بأكياس تمنع التصوير إلى حين استكمال المشاورات مع سكان المدينة –وأغلبهم مسلمون- وذلك بعد احتجاجات حادة منهم.​
وقالت هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية (بي بي سي) إن هذه الكاميرات نصبها برنامج الشراكة من أجل جعل بيرمنغهام أكثر أمنا، الذي تشارك فيه الشرطة ومجلس البلدية ووكالات محلية أخرى.​
وأضافت أن عدد هذه الكاميرات يبلغ نحو 218، أغلبها تم تثبيته بتمويل من صندوق مكافحة الإرهاب في منطقتي ووشوود وسباركبروك اللتين تقطنهما أغلبية مسلمة، وأنها تهدف إلى التصدي لجميع أنوع الجرائم.​
وكشف البرنامج في بيان له أنه تلقى ثلاثة ملايين جنيه إسترليني من وزارة الداخلية لتحسين إجراءات الأمن في المدينة والحد من الجريمة.​
ونسبت بي بي سي إلى البيان قوله إنه على الرغم من أن وحدة مكافحة الإرهاب هي المسؤولة عن إنفاق الأموال الحكومية المخصصة لكاميرات المراقبة واختيار مواقع تركيبها، فإن الاختيار تم على أساس بيانات الجريمة عموما، وليس فقط استنادا إلى توجيهات الأجهزة الأمنية بشأن مكافحة الإرهاب.​
ومن جهته أبلغ نائب حزب العمال البريطاني المعارض روجر غودسيف بي بي سي أنه أدرج اقتراحا على جدول أعمال مجلس العموم (البرلمان) يعرب فيه عن قلقه إزاء الطريقة التي تم من خلالها نصب كاميرات للمراقبة دون التشاور على

نحو مناسب مع الجمهور.​

bare faced liar
does anything happen that isnt a conspiracy?

what about this vid?

Just want to clarify part of this story for you all, the students claim they where being peaceful and after the cops showed up so did some guys they never seen before in masks, they claim the guys ripped down a stopped sign for no reason and started burning it and thats when the cops came in.
those college kids are lucky.

this wasn't a real RIOT squad.

i've seen how those operate, seen WOMEN dragged accross the floor by their hair.... this would've happened in some other rougher parts of the country, there would've been some cracked skulls...
you should be earning a pretty penny off it then everyone is using it


أثارت كاميرات مراقبة ثبتتها السلطات البريطانية في شوارع مدينة بيرمنغهام وسط البلاد غضبا واسعا في أوساط المسلمين، واعتبروا أنها حولت مدينتهم إلى "غيتو للإرهاب".​
وأوقفت السلطات مؤقتا العمل بهذه الكاميرات وستغطيها بأكياس تمنع التصوير إلى حين استكمال المشاورات مع سكان المدينة –وأغلبهم مسلمون- وذلك بعد احتجاجات حادة منهم.​
وقالت هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية (بي بي سي) إن هذه الكاميرات نصبها برنامج الشراكة من أجل جعل بيرمنغهام أكثر أمنا، الذي تشارك فيه الشرطة ومجلس البلدية ووكالات محلية أخرى.​
وأضافت أن عدد هذه الكاميرات يبلغ نحو 218، أغلبها تم تثبيته بتمويل من صندوق مكافحة الإرهاب في منطقتي ووشوود وسباركبروك اللتين تقطنهما أغلبية مسلمة، وأنها تهدف إلى التصدي لجميع أنوع الجرائم.​
وكشف البرنامج في بيان له أنه تلقى ثلاثة ملايين جنيه إسترليني من وزارة الداخلية لتحسين إجراءات الأمن في المدينة والحد من الجريمة.​
ونسبت بي بي سي إلى البيان قوله إنه على الرغم من أن وحدة مكافحة الإرهاب هي المسؤولة عن إنفاق الأموال الحكومية المخصصة لكاميرات المراقبة واختيار مواقع تركيبها، فإن الاختيار تم على أساس بيانات الجريمة عموما، وليس فقط استنادا إلى توجيهات الأجهزة الأمنية بشأن مكافحة الإرهاب.​
ومن جهته أبلغ نائب حزب العمال البريطاني المعارض روجر غودسيف بي بي سي أنه أدرج اقتراحا على جدول أعمال مجلس العموم (البرلمان) يعرب فيه عن قلقه إزاء الطريقة التي تم من خلالها نصب كاميرات للمراقبة دون التشاور على

نحو مناسب مع الجمهور.​

bare faced liar

LOL that doesn't prove anything, I can find the exact same picture used on over 5000 different sites.
Just want to clarify part of this story for you all, the students claim they where being peaceful and after the cops showed up so did some guys they never seen before in masks, they claim the guys ripped down a stopped sign for no reason and started burning it and thats when the cops came in.

Agent provocateurs?
lol first time i actually love youtube and its "evidence" there are hundreds of people here filming this its really easy to get a good idea what happened

no masks...
LOL that doesn't prove anything, I can find the exact same picture used on over 5000 different sites.

exactly you should be getting royalties for all those plagiarized pics

it just shows you were very lazy in selecting your pic to lie about
questioning authority is called dissent-

and practicing it is not thug. it's american. there is no question showing up to the party with guns and bats IS thug. police in riot gear overwhelmingly says "wanna fight?". as a matter of fact..... .

also. aren't the police in america employed by the citizens to "protect us, and serve us"?!"

You are correct dear sir...questioning authority is dissent.
Correct me if I'm wrong....but when those students started a fire and started haggeling the cops? That's called starting trouble.

I've no idea why there's a loss of translation for you.
Seems real simple to me.
The students choose to start shit.

And while I am NOT praising the cops...I can assure you there's no obscure weakness within myself that needs to feel better, rotflmao.
no they didn't start a fire, check the student interviews on youtube, the students claim that people they have never seen before showed up with masks and ripped down a stop sign and set it on fire and that was the one and only act of violence that caused the cops to move in, it sounds like a setup to me if you listen to their stories.
no they didn't start a fire, check the student interviews on youtube, the students claim that people they have never seen before showed up with masks and ripped down a stop sign and set it on fire and that was the one and only act of violence that caused the cops to move in, it sounds like a setup to me if you listen to their stories.

strange that the only videos up there show students without masks standing around a fire while someone without a mask puts the sign on fire

there are other video's from other angles and i see no masks i see no one trying to stop anyone doing anything all i see is chanting and cheering..

you might want to write your own history on this but there are many videos there that paint a much different pic