nevils new genetic's

as yall can see this dude has multiple ghost accounts not just on RIU he claims everyone talking bad is rasta khan yet someone told me he was rasta khan before I ever heard of the name. this guy sent me well over 30 e-mails and several times I asked for photos of this stock of seed he's holding I received not one photo of seed he showed me a bunch of bud shots. I have also recently found out DR. Gruber is more then likely dr. greenthumb it really make sense when you look at what he's done here and elsewhere.

now do I believe nevil has the energy to pump out over 30 legit crosses hell no the guy is well over 50 years old. Not too mention half these strains are extinct no way in hell is nevil some cannabis god he's human just like us and it took years upon years to collect parent stock for mns and in 1 year nevil has more then half the strains shanti has I think not. I have no idea if this is really nevil's work if it is he's doing some serious pollen chucking so I doubt its really quality work like was done at mns with huge selections and what not. Also with guys like Rimmeo if it is him with all these ghost accounts and bs going on I've really lost respect for nevil the guy aligns himself with people as shady as that makes me wonder just how shady nevil is.
thats a total of 42 strains that nevil supposedly bred in the year he's been gone from mns also since when has he done fems? I call bullshit on this shit I just checked out mns and shantibaba only has 43 strains and it took his and nevil a whole lifetime to create but nevil must be some god to do what took several decades to build but in 1 year he has 1 less strain then mns. come on nevil this shit is just laughable say rimmeo is full of shit please for your reputation cause this dude made you look like the ultimate pollen chucker.
you must feel like a real dick blunt master fuzziehead and rimmeo are partners and work with nevil the real nevil on the fake on spammer herecheck out he castle and his dogs and the test field id say we know what we are talking about do myou mnp you dont
no way I feel like a dick as I just posted your e-mail stating fuzziehead, medicalguy508 and rimmeo are all the same guy dumb ass. answer me this why do you have all these interesting sounding strains and reeferman only has nevilles haze crosses? can it be your trying to hustle people. I love how you ganged up on me with ghost accounts that shits fucking hilarious.:bigjoint:
no way I feel like a dick as I just posted your e-mail stating fuzziehead, medicalguy508 and rimmeo are all the same guy dumb ass. answer me this why do you have all these interesting sounding strains and reeferman only has nevilles haze crosses? can it be your trying to hustle people. I love how you ganged up on me with ghost accounts that shits fucking hilarious.:bigjoint:

Ouch! Damn do you think that big thing is going to fit in that little hole? I don't know??? You had better spit on it!
I just seen the seed list that u got from nevil's friend. Well from wat I've seen it looks like something madeup....I for one wouldn't buy any of them. Nevil would never use a NH that was northern lights #5 Dom....second, he only has seeds of NH so why would he back cross them? Funny how ppl try and sell others hype without the truth.
I have also recently found out DR. Gruber is more then likely dr. greenthumb it really make sense when you look at what he's done here and elsewhere.

Now thats funny dude.

Doc is a bit older then i am and lives in another country. You better check your source.
Now thats funny dude. Doc is a bit older then i am and lives in another country. You better check your source.
Well for one almost every grow you have is of the doc's I think neville's is the only other. It also seems funny you don't live in Canada but you grow the doc's gear almost exclusively. I found more about you but I'm not at my cpu right now but you, rimmeo and scarhole all have history together. Also who likes dr. greenthumb that much I personally wouldn't drop any cash in his hands guy is selling bs G13 for $100 per seed and you know its fake as G13 never had high yields like the doc implies it truly makes sense for him to have a ghost account promoting his beans I bet you sold a bit of seed through your ghost account. Now think back to the thread on mns forum were Jim Ortega AKA Dogless claimed doc's g13 came from him nevil, rimmeo, kanga, and you were all trying to back up the story and remember what you said before even being asked? ( I'm not DR. Greenthumb) and you go on and on standing up for you $100 dollar per seed business. Now most of us know g13 had shit yields and the only really good thing was the potency but now this g13 rimmeo claims nevil has rimmeo said it came from jim ortega so if it is nevil's shit he's lieing about it just like Greenthumb. I really don't care anymore but I do know anything from nevil is a load of bullshit unless the guy who claimed that nevil never even worked on half of that list was correct he said he spoke too nevil but I take everything I hear about nevil with a grain of salt especially after rimmeo got me looking into yall. p.s. I'll be back later with the links to jog your memory doc I know how hard it is you tell yourself your not the doc for so long you forget who you really are. lol
With the current climate in the canna seed industry, Nevil should come out of the shadows and back up his own work. Every other breeder/seed maker has...

Instead of talking shit offline and leaving it to hacks & spammers to sell false claims. Shit anybody can set up an email account or facebook and sell random bag seed in anybodys name, till the man himself comes out of hiding and speaks up, only then will I take the word that it's genuine. Till then it's all just speculation and mis-information.
heres the first page of ortega's claim to g13 and gave it too doc

also check greenthumb's posts all but 1 is in the thread about doc's g13 all sticking up for himself from 9/06/11 till 9/14/12 his 29 of 30 posts were on his g13 thread.

and here on post 937 he is confronted for stating he is not doc.

now here is an interesting post from Shantibaba from 09...

Hi All
well read most of the thread and got to mention a few things that bother me.

First Neville offered the G13 originally and it was never copied ...only a decade later when Soma and Reeferman bought some old hybrid seeds from Nevil through third parties did it appear again in other companies. The original G13 mother died and only seed existed from the early 90s onwards. No one including Arjan ever had access to Nevil and my library of mothers and fathers...just what was on the greenhouse list pre 98...but considering no one kept things alive they were forced to use F1 seed to gain back things...but even then there was no access to G13 in any pure form.

So now that Medical seeds are offering G13 as a feminised seed or other companies are offering G13 hybrids...well they are only names with distant relation to the originals. People renamed things and use a common name to piggy back their new seed on to the market. Why would I tell the growers that G13 mother died if I was only interested in making money from other people's dreams of owning something pure? It is not my or Nevilles way so it is not the truth that so many of these G13 strains survived so well through time.

Since I re-released G13 skunk and G13 widow some years back the piggy backers took off again...and the legend was rekindled. Whatever you all believe I find it most difficult to believe there is a pure G13 alive. The best that could be expected would be an old F1 seed or even F2 seed...but most of the time it is a new breeder using an old name to sell his wares.It does not help anyone except that breeder and it would be best for them to rename it with affiliated origins attached to G13 in some way. I am really afraid that all these ways of new companies do not help clarify an urban myth but propagate it to the maximum.Those who believe what is written rather than research perpetuate the myth and so it goes on and on and on...just like this G13 myth. I am sorry to all of those who really educate themselves but the facts are so evident , if it were not for money makers in this industry maybe people who start their own seed companies would name their own seeds with original names and stop confusing the masses.

All the best Sb


sounds like greenthumb and nev had a reason to try making people believe. Oh wait I forgot the connection to rimmeo, kanga and scarhole...check out a few pages from here they all seem to have the same agenda.

and here goes rimmeo slipping up again in this e- mail he claims nevil has been working for over 2 years now the nevils agenda seems clear as day make people believe you are the only one holding extinct genetics sell more seed from hype just like shanti said in the quote from 2009........
and here we are nevil has been at it for two years and the g13 came from Ortega....

we know greenthum aint real because we know jim ortega thats why nevil name his strain ortega. suposeable nevils clone lost it vigor but jims did not i dont no why but we are legit so please dont say we arent i was the one who flew to the dam to pick up the pure nl#5 seeds before ben dronkers destroyed them that what those pic's are so please dont say we are frauds because we are try8ing to rebuild the gene pool after all these wannabe breeders screw the gene pool up. I dont care if you buy our seed or not but ill tell you one thing for sure everything you buy from gypsy are garbagage nevil is rebuilding the steed strains sensi seeds has no mothers left from nevils seedbank so they suck too!! but dont put us down we are trying to rebuilod the seed pool and if you can help that would be great all everyone want is quailty seeds again. Kanga's just got busted in NSW jimortega is a real guy from the states in new mexico!! but we are trying to help the industry dont try to sabotage us please weve been working on this for 2 years now. please help dont try to hurt the industry that you Rimmeo. I always thought you were a great person and working for the cause I have genuine seedbank seeds if i can help you i will dont ruin our mission. we want people to buy one pack of seed and find multi keepers in a single pack thats are goal. and for changing my usename everytime gypsy finds out who i am he banneds me unlike shanti he' working for the cause too. He is working on the roadkill skunk strain once again. So please help us dont hurt us the gene pool needs ouratention
:bigjoint: it was fun a lot of shit to sift through but I think we all know he don't have these extinct genetics. I love the part everything you buy from gypsy is garbage I think rimmeo believes nevil can turn water into wine. lol

also he's contradicting what he was saying in the doc's g13 thread here he states greenthumb aint real you mad gruber I mean doc? just when you think you have a friend in the shady area of the seed business.bongsmilie
Mr Rimmeo Is VERY legit.
Hes Known Nev an ortega for many yrs.
If yall only knew.....

Want to know What realy blew me away an proved he was legit?
He told me how Nev was leaving MNS an Why a yr before it went down.

Go read nev an rimmeo's posts @ mns an youll learn a bit....

Dr Gruber isnt DrGT
He Just journals an grows his gear?

How much is a 84 cut of g13 pure, kept by ortega an his hippies in cali (even after nev lost her)
Then reworked with tissure culture to rid it of disease worth?
And its about 65$ a seed not 100
How much was DD selling his for...
Mr Rimmeo Is VERY legit.
Hes Known Nev an ortega for many yrs.
If yall only knew.....

Want to know What realy blew me away an proved he was legit?
He told me how Nev was leaving MNS an Why a yr before it went down.
Exactly nev planned on leaving while still on the forum when he got all his buddies to claim the g13 was still alive meanwhile helping greenthumb and it wasn't just g13 he claimed. real smart business move.

Go read nev an rimmeo's posts @ mns an youll learn a bit....
aint it obvious I have?

Dr Gruber isnt DrGT
He Just journals an grows his gear?

maybe your right he's getting paid at the very least.

How much is a 84 cut of g13 pure, kept by ortega an his hippies in cali (even after nev lost her)
Then reworked with tissure culture to rid it of disease worth?
And its about 65$ a seed not 100
How much was DD selling his for...

well both reeferman and shantibaba can answer that I just posted shanti's from 09 here is reef..

This thread is a fucking joke prime example of why the global mj community is so messed up where is waldo would be a good name for the g13 debate ? I have worked with g13 for years I never bought the stories the question for me is "is this a good plant" I found "qualities in the Airborne cutting in hybrids" could not be matched. G13 on its own was crappy tasting but it imparted qualities like knock out high pain killing resin production etc without changing qualities of the strains I bred with it including SMCg , Burmese , Blueberry etc the flavor of these strains remained the same while g13 medical strength was passed on it also reduced the stretch of pure sativa's making them suitable to grow under lights and shortening the flowering periods , I gave the cutting to many years ago on my pay it foreword program I would give the cuttings to 1 person they would give it to 2 people each around and around it was suppose to go I gave away romulan , g13 ab , willie nelson , texada timewarp pink kush and others but greed is a reality and I can not even get back things i gave away hundreds of to preserve elites in north america
Many cuttings have been around for many years Nevil has confirmed the DD's story as true .
I do not buy DD's story of a locked down cutting but that does not matter the real question is is the cutting good is it something that contributes to the best interest of preservation of the gene pool so Green thumb is charging $100 per seed his business don't buy from him if you don't want to .
The seed bizz is full of really $ hungry people .
Most of the seedy sellers do not create anything unique or new they just carbon copy for quick $ I was just filled in by Big Buddah on the fate of all the genetics I left in NL same thing .
Its easy to get into history and demand detail pedigree's but this is a black market bizz again ruled by $ in many circles its funny how those who really care about the plant have had interesting history with the same players and eventually learn to recognize sincerity in each other that bypasses all the BS like all the anger and shit slinging about g13 and the sorted history 1 cutting has left .
I could have said so much to stir this pot (lol) english as I have had history with almost everyone spoken of here but I am taking the HIGH rode (lol) english again and trying to get some more info how was the smoked buds ? I had 1 person tell me they got a very close product to the burmese x g13

no its in no way worth being sold false dreams in a seed for $65 dollars each are you on crack? So what the doc dropped $35 bucks shit I wouldn't pay more then $10 per seed.
Mabey your right nothing old survived.
And Nevils, doc an ortegas gear is a scam.


enjoy your 10$ seed$
Mabey your right nothing old survived.
And Nevils, doc an ortegas gear is a scam.


enjoy your 10$ seed$

fuck $10 dollar seeds I got mango haze for less then $5 shit shark shock was less then a buck I got 60 for just over 40€ and the list goes on I also have g13 skunk and g13 haze for well under the price of my mangoes.:bigjoint: I also got blue satellite 2.2 30 seeds for a bill just for some tasty purple buds I don't think I'm missing out on shit but I am going to buy a few packs of dj's bb.

but the greatest thing is you know shanti spent years upon years getting his parent stock and 43 strains. While on the other hand you got nev in just 2 years has 42 strains now thats straight pollen chucking tossing that shit in the air and pulling names out of a hat and he charges $10 per seed yeah I'm good at least I know my g13 skunk is g13 skunk and not some hack.
fuck $10 dollar seeds I got mango haze for less then $5 shit shark shock was less then a buck I got 60 for just over 40€ and the list goes on I also have g13 skunk and g13 haze for well under the price of my mangoes.:bigjoint: I also got blue satellite 2.2 30 seeds for a bill just for some tasty purple buds I don't think I'm missing out on shit but I am going to buy a few packs of dj's bb.

but the greatest thing is you know shanti spent years upon years getting his parent stock and 43 strains. While on the other hand you got nev in just 2 years has 42 strains now thats straight pollen chucking tossing that shit in the air and pulling names out of a hat and he charges $10 per seed yeah I'm good at least I know my g13 skunk is g13 skunk and not some hack.

Shanti BoB is a hack an a scammer.
Is he making auto fems yet, resin seeds was better off with out him.
Do you know why nev left MNS.
Try an ask bob why he named his NL crosses "ortega' an it herms, or if he out sources all his seed breeding to spanish guys now days.
Ariajan wrote true about shanti BoB I believe.
Take away nevs stock an Ingmars White widdow an MNS has very little.
Just another company that used to be worth a f_ck when Nevil was with them....
Scarhole that almost makes sense but there's one thing that doesn't add up. Why would shanti let someone else play with his parent plants?
Shanti BoB is a hack an a scammer.
Is he making auto fems yet, resin seeds was better off with out him.
Do you know why nev left MNS.
Try an ask bob why he named his NL crosses "ortega' an it herms, or if he out sources all his seed breeding to spanish guys now days.
Ariajan wrote true about shanti BoB I believe.
Take away nevs stock an Ingmars White widdow an MNS has very little.
Just another company that used to be worth a f_ck when Nevil was with them....

why the fuck would shanti make auto fems? also if shanti was some big joke that never did nothing why did nev give him all his stock? Also how did he know how to select a killer male if you read Soma's book shanti gave him a Hawaiian x afghan father in which he has used since his first strain all the way up to NYC Diesel. Now about Arjan do you really think he's that stupid to give his waterboy ownership of his company? my guess is no. Also I can't remember did nev actual breed at mns? oh wait that was what you where referring too about Arjan he did state nevil never bred there. Now what I get out of it nev gave shanti a few cuts and old seed and left shanti too make selection from there. also how could they be not worth a fuck? you seemed to like them before and the parent stock has not changed.

Also I got a pack of Ortega mns and you know morphote is far from a great grower and not one f2 hermed on him if that don't have grower error written all over also joe king never got a hermy from it along with a few others actually from what I found there are only a few with herms and many more without. its not like he don't sell a lot about every other week he sells a pack at auction yet I don't see many herm reports about it just a few guys who stress there girls.

Also do you really believe nevil bred 42 strains by hand? the guy is pretty fuckin old I don't believe it for a second. now 10 strains I might believe but 42. lmao