nevils new genetic's


I really have no interest in rehashing the G13 debate; I think everything has been said about that a million times over. But, I would like to point out something to you that you may not have learned yet.
When you make false accusations about someone, everything you've said becomes suspect.

You actually had me thinking it was possible rimmeo was a fraud until you went back to the old lies about me. And so I have to ask myself, "if you lie about me, are you lying about rimmeo as well"?

False Statement #1- "Gruber is greenthumb". (not true. If you dont believe me ask our resident greenthumb hater Chongsbuddy)

False Statement #2- "With the exception of Nevilles Haze Gruber only grows greenthumb gear". (Again, not true. If you would have said i only "journal" Greenthumb gear you would have been closer to the truth. You can look up my grubers mixed garden thread to see some. I've also included a picture of the Sharksbreath I harvested today. Look at Greenthumbs list...sharksbreath is not on it. I also have a Purple Bubba OG going right now..not from GT either.)

False Statement #3-"Gruber is paid by Greenthumb" ( strike 3..false again. I have disclosed my relationship with greenthumb from the start...he sends me seeds for the price of a pay whatsoever.If you consider $200 for 4 months work pay, then knock yourself out.)

False Statement #4- "Gruber is Greenthumb and in conspiracy with Scarhole, rimmeo greenthumb and nevil ....and gruber".( you have me so confused with this conspiracy with scarhole is we have traded with each other and have sent a few emails. With rimmeo i bought some of the Neville seeds from him and have traded some emails. Never met or talked to neville in my life. Never met Greenthumb but have emailed numerous times and talked on the phone a handful of times)

Now, you link me up in conspiracy with these guys and you have to ask why i would tell people that im not Greenthumb before they accuse me of it? Get real dude.
The very fact that you accuse all of these people of conspiracy underscores why people feel the need to go on the defensive. Do you really need to ask that question? Does is really seem like evidence to you?

I have no idea if rimmeo has faked this and did his own breeding but if he did, judging by the 1 plant that i ran, he did a fine job. Very stable, very nice plant. If i had to go by what you've said and by your character then i have to believe rimmeo is the real deal because it's certain that you are not.


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thank you gruber number 3 you admit you work for greenthumb I was correct now he pays you in seed or whatever you still work for the doc I was right.:bigjoint:

  • False Statement #3-"Gruber is paid by Greenthumb" ( strike 3..false again. I have disclosed my relationship with greenthumb from the start...he sends me seeds for the price of a pay whatsoever.If you consider $200 for 4 months work pay, then knock yourself out.)

just so you can't edit it.
thank you gruber number 3 you admit you work for greenthumb I was correct now he pays you in seed or whatever you still work for the doc I was right.:bigjoint:

just so you can't edit it.

You got me to admit what i've been saying for years. Wow! You are so tricky.
So you admit you lied about the other points just not #3 huh?
i can tell you scarhole is a good guy and not spamming for greenthumb in any way...i know the dude....and gruber seems legit as well....see what happens when you get mixed up with the doc,everyone thinks you are shady too....coinsidense...i dont think so....guilty by association.

too bad,greenthumb seems to have some tight gear,but the reviews on his pesonality are very bad.lots of people seem not to trust him...aint karma a bitch?
Nice try Rimmeo. lol
Bluntmassa1 you really have a imagination Nevil was one of the first seedbanks of all times and the only legal one at that time where do you come up with 42 strains in a year. I can see this aint worth the time to aurgue. it's kind of funny how referman is selling his new strains now also but you use his posts as evidence. It's kind of funny Grubers greenthumb LOL you have smoked too much it must be the NH21
Bluntmassa1 you really have a imagination Nevil was one of the first seedbanks of all times and the only legal one at that time where do you come up with 42 strains in a year. I can see this aint worth the time to aurgue. it's kind of funny how referman is selling his new strains now also but you use his posts as evidence. It's kind of funny Grubers greenthumb LOL you have smoked too much it must be the NH21
I posted the list Rimmeo gave me I didn't make it up it was 42 strains straight up but I also recently found a thread where someone actually got ripped off trying to buy nev's seed probably through Rimmeo's e-mail account but by all means buy his seed through reeferman I know he's a legit source bit overpriced imo but at least you should get them. And I never said it was in a year he had left mns for about a year when I was given the list of strains rimmeo claimed he had bred for 2 years so while he was still at mns I guess who knows I just wouldn't recommend buying seed through no known source I'll see if I could find dudes thread that got ripped off.
I know that list it's strains from the 80's to the current time and yes they are all nevils creation havent you seen the seedbank catalogs. If you have you would no nevil owned the seedbank thats no one year of strains it's over 20 years of work. if you want the truth go back to MNS forum and see the posts from nevil and Rimmeo they are very good friends. I was happy with what i got from him and nevil himself vouched for rimmeo. Thats good enough for me the rest of you can argue i no the truth theads like this is why nevil wont come here and speak and i cant blame him
Now im being pulled in why would you go to icmag when it's know icmag and nevil dont get along do you know that ic is in the seed business so why would they give you good advise when nevil scares the shit out of IC mag because they know if nevil gets going they will be out of business. Ic wants you to but Gypsy seed not nevil seed
Now im being pulled in why would you go to icmag when it's know icmag and nevil dont get along do you know that ic is in the seed business so why would they give you good advise when nevil scares the shit out of IC mag because they know if nevil gets going they will be out of business. Ic wants you to but Gypsy seed not nevil seed
whats it really matter about IC they did delete the thread on me in minutes and it don't change the fact that 2 people got ripped off trying to acquire nevils seed in the thread I posted just ike I suspected I told Rimmeo to show me pictures of these 42 seed packs he pulled ancient shit half of which are at the mns forum. you seem to be trying to push these 42 lines are legit while your name is coincidentally close to Rimmeo's ghost account medicalguy508. But I really don't care who buys nevs shit all the more power I just wouldn't buy from some dude who calls himself rimmeo had 2 ghost accounts here oh and to top it all off there is a thread I just posted with not 1 but 2 dudes who got ripped off. All I'm saying is go through reeferman pay $180 for 12 beans and get what you payed for its better then ending up like the 2 dudes in the thread I pulled up and I wasn't even looking for a rip-off I googled nevils seeds or some shit and about 5 pages in boom.

and another thing about gypsy why the hate hes got the cheapest seedbank he don't just push gypsy seed either hes got a few lines but come on I just love gypsy's prices on breeders like chimera, spice of life, serious, sensi, a few others you can't get anywhere as cheap as gypsy. Also it really just makes you sound like the Rimmeo I talked to he hated gypsy too had nothing nice to say about the guy even though you can't find seed cheaper elsewhere at least of the breeders I listed that too me makes gypsy a stand up dude plus the fact he was growing some serious weed in Maine makes me love him.:bigjoint:plus he seems to have gotten away with it last I seen at ICmag dude was in a country the US couldn't extradite him dudes almost my hero. lol
Santero has some of my nev strains ive sent him some I made and is a fan of old Nevil gear.

et is a ninja, guys like bohdi give him test sativas, and yet he still buys nev new stuff.
cant wait to see how he does with Ortega death weed. I sent all mine off.
rimmeo an bohdi had all males? This time its going to be forced female for s1.

that skunk school dude flipped cause Rimmeo was in the hospital for 3 weeks an couldnt reply.
guy went Internet stalker and wouldn't let Rimmeo resend.
a friend ibezphill got him his order, an shut him up.
not a peep of bad quality from him after it was done.
I believe this is why rimmeo uses alias's now.

rimmeo is a stand up guy an a keeper of old things for nev.
he does Nevils work for free, just to help him.
they go back decades........

Jb was mad @ Rimmeo for not sending nev over to verify legitimacy.
And most who sell there give jb a cut of the proffit.

but nev dosent go on forums any more and there will be no proof untell he's safe and ready....
I think its great mr Rimmeo does it this way , those in the know , who waited arround yrs @ mns get em first.
The rest of y'all can wait for Nevil....
Also I believe. Canna collective got a small amount of grails an ripped nev off.
they sold out ASAP .
But over a yr later they still sell that small drop?
they are so full of shit, an are not legit.

i also cought them slinging DrGt g13 5 packs cheep.
dj said they were from doc?
DrGt dosent sell seed anywhere, and g13 was always 3 seed per pack.
and they weren't cheep.
I was banned for asking about em..

i assume the reeferman stuff is legit tell I hear otherwise.
I see spam on every seed company out there so whats the hype every one dont be such a idot your the one looseing i dont even know why i care im dnoe here you too youg to relize
I see spam on every seed company out there so whats the hype every one dont be such a idot your the one looseing i dont even know why i care im dnoe here you too youg to relize
sure I'm loosing out cause aint a breeder alive as good as nevil I really don't think there is such a thing as a best breeder I have learned the most from dj short, robert clarke, shantibaba and Chimera. But I wouldn't call any of them the best cause they all have some good shit and even if you find the best are you really gonna smoke nothing but fuck no there is no such thing as the best cause the best gets old after a while when its all you smoke.

But yes Nevil can germinate seed with his ass and fertilize with his spit and water with his piss he's just that good sometimes I don't even think he is human at all.

p.s. whats up Rimmeo I knew that was you if it is really you just finding dudes that claim to have been ripped off makes me think your not plus I still aint got a pic of these 42 strains you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble by just proving to me you are actually holding what you claim. and maybe having nevil get his ass on with all this rip off shit around the man better stand behind his business unless I'm right and you are the rip off and nevil only sells to banks.
sure I'm loosing out cause aint a breeder alive as good as nevil I really don't think there is such a thing as a best breeder I have learned the most from dj short, robert clarke, shantibaba and Chimera. But I wouldn't call any of them the best cause they all have some good shit and even if you find the best are you really gonna smoke nothing but fuck no there is no such thing as the best cause the best gets old after a while when its all you smoke.

But yes Nevil can germinate seed with his ass and fertilize with his spit and water with his piss he's just that good sometimes I don't even think he is human at all.

p.s. whats up Rimmeo I knew that was you if it is really you just finding dudes that claim to have been ripped off makes me think your not plus I still aint got a pic of these 42 strains you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble by just proving to me you are actually holding what you claim. and maybe having nevil get his ass on with all this rip off shit around the man better stand behind his business unless I'm right and you are the rip off and nevil only sells to banks.
well i know for a facy chimera and dj short both purchase seeds through rimmeo and thats a fact