Dr Gruber
Well-Known Member
I really have no interest in rehashing the G13 debate; I think everything has been said about that a million times over. But, I would like to point out something to you that you may not have learned yet.
When you make false accusations about someone, everything you've said becomes suspect.
You actually had me thinking it was possible rimmeo was a fraud until you went back to the old lies about me. And so I have to ask myself, "if you lie about me, are you lying about rimmeo as well"?
False Statement #1- "Gruber is greenthumb". (not true. If you dont believe me ask our resident greenthumb hater Chongsbuddy)
False Statement #2- "With the exception of Nevilles Haze Gruber only grows greenthumb gear". (Again, not true. If you would have said i only "journal" Greenthumb gear you would have been closer to the truth. You can look up my grubers mixed garden thread to see some. I've also included a picture of the Sharksbreath I harvested today. Look at Greenthumbs list...sharksbreath is not on it. I also have a Purple Bubba OG going right now..not from GT either.)
False Statement #3-"Gruber is paid by Greenthumb" ( strike 3..false again. I have disclosed my relationship with greenthumb from the start...he sends me seeds for the price of a journal...no pay whatsoever.If you consider $200 for 4 months work pay, then knock yourself out.)
False Statement #4- "Gruber is Greenthumb and in conspiracy with Scarhole, rimmeo greenthumb and nevil ....and gruber".( you have me so confused with this one....my conspiracy with scarhole is we have traded with each other and have sent a few emails. With rimmeo i bought some of the Neville seeds from him and have traded some emails. Never met or talked to neville in my life. Never met Greenthumb but have emailed numerous times and talked on the phone a handful of times)
Now, you link me up in conspiracy with these guys and you have to ask why i would tell people that im not Greenthumb before they accuse me of it? Get real dude.
The very fact that you accuse all of these people of conspiracy underscores why people feel the need to go on the defensive. Do you really need to ask that question? Does is really seem like evidence to you?
I have no idea if rimmeo has faked this and did his own breeding but if he did, judging by the 1 plant that i ran, he did a fine job. Very stable, very nice plant. If i had to go by what you've said and by your character then i have to believe rimmeo is the real deal because it's certain that you are not.
I really have no interest in rehashing the G13 debate; I think everything has been said about that a million times over. But, I would like to point out something to you that you may not have learned yet.
When you make false accusations about someone, everything you've said becomes suspect.
You actually had me thinking it was possible rimmeo was a fraud until you went back to the old lies about me. And so I have to ask myself, "if you lie about me, are you lying about rimmeo as well"?
False Statement #1- "Gruber is greenthumb". (not true. If you dont believe me ask our resident greenthumb hater Chongsbuddy)
False Statement #2- "With the exception of Nevilles Haze Gruber only grows greenthumb gear". (Again, not true. If you would have said i only "journal" Greenthumb gear you would have been closer to the truth. You can look up my grubers mixed garden thread to see some. I've also included a picture of the Sharksbreath I harvested today. Look at Greenthumbs list...sharksbreath is not on it. I also have a Purple Bubba OG going right now..not from GT either.)
False Statement #3-"Gruber is paid by Greenthumb" ( strike 3..false again. I have disclosed my relationship with greenthumb from the start...he sends me seeds for the price of a journal...no pay whatsoever.If you consider $200 for 4 months work pay, then knock yourself out.)
False Statement #4- "Gruber is Greenthumb and in conspiracy with Scarhole, rimmeo greenthumb and nevil ....and gruber".( you have me so confused with this one....my conspiracy with scarhole is we have traded with each other and have sent a few emails. With rimmeo i bought some of the Neville seeds from him and have traded some emails. Never met or talked to neville in my life. Never met Greenthumb but have emailed numerous times and talked on the phone a handful of times)
Now, you link me up in conspiracy with these guys and you have to ask why i would tell people that im not Greenthumb before they accuse me of it? Get real dude.
The very fact that you accuse all of these people of conspiracy underscores why people feel the need to go on the defensive. Do you really need to ask that question? Does is really seem like evidence to you?
I have no idea if rimmeo has faked this and did his own breeding but if he did, judging by the 1 plant that i ran, he did a fine job. Very stable, very nice plant. If i had to go by what you've said and by your character then i have to believe rimmeo is the real deal because it's certain that you are not.