nevils new genetic's

To those who feel nevil is just a simple breeder.....super skunk, nl5, nl5 hz, ssh, big bud, silver haze, Juicy Fruit, skunk haze, Ortega, g13/hash plant, g13skunk, g13widow, Black Domina, garlic bud, Maple Leaf, afghani haze, nevil haze, HPxNL1, HP.1xG13, NL2xKush4, Jack Flash, Nl2, NL2xGarlic, Ort #1, Ort #2, Ort #3, early pearl, early skunk, skunk#1, silver haze, silver pearl, hash plant haze, early queen, hash plant/NL1, ortega15 x ortega#3, g13 haze......and many many more. And someone keeps saying he's a pollen chunker. Well if he is I'd like to learn from him. After 30 to 40 plus years his shit is still around and still the most talked about. And there ain't a hybrid out that doesn't contain something he had to do with.........

well sorry I'm so stupid just when a guy leaves one company doesn't have any parent plants with him and 1 year later has over 40 strains when in what over 10 years him and Shanti which not even all where listed as bred with nevil only got just over 40 strains. Now I never said he was always a pollen chucker but now it sure looks that way he looks more like Rare Dankness now IMO. also according to shanti nevil has not helped with plants in years so g13 widow sounds more like shanti's work. Oh you did not list Skunk #1 as a Nevil creation I shouldn't even need to explain that one oh and nevilles haze was bred by shantibaba if you look at the strain descriptions everything nevil had a hand in has nevil and shanti as the breeder but nevilles haze only has shantibaba as the breeder he gave credit on everything else why not NH because he had no part.:wall: Also not everything has nevils genetics in it Durban Poison, blueberry, everything mandella puts out a lot from Ace, deep chunk, Skunk#1, the list goes on even northern lights would have made it out if nevil never existed. Sure he did a lot of good but yall think way to highly of the guy. Oh I almost forgot black widow is brazillian sativa crossed with kerella indica you don't think nevil created landrace do you? maybe he's really Jesus.......

Really Sam The Skunkman and Robert C. Clarke did a whole hell of a lot more good for cannabis then Nevil they should get more respect but they don't yall are giving Nevil credit for there work. Name me one IBL Nevil is responsible for Tom Hill is more important then Nevil imo just look at all the deep chunk F1 crosses. If you give credit where it is do then Nevil aint much a breeder even the NH cuts oaxacan and a few more are from Kangavita so grubers plant is what it is cause of Kanga not Nevil he's still just riding off other peoples work but yall give him the credit you know he created little himself NL5 was a clone-only that came from someone elses work the haze was not created by him either he just crossed them but yall worship him thats fine just stop saying he created everything and that he is the best. even better yet stop talking shit cause I don't have the same point of view I don't worship or idolize anyone and I can go all day on how he is not the best or all that important just all this ganging up by nev fanboy's is just too much fun yall say I'm stupid but look at yall you worship nevil and give him credit for other peoples work.
When ppl say what he just said....nobody listens to it. As for skunk#1, do your history homework and then lets talk about it. As for any G13 crosses well if u know yo history aint but one person could've made those crosses. U said name one IBL that he create well, AFGSK would be one, I think shanti calls it nordle. G13H would be another one not unless shanti is claiming to have a G13 mother plant. Open yo mind and free that dumbness. Even the cbd crew uses his afghan skunk in most of their crosses. I guess nevil's genetics has nothing to do with them since it wasn't his doing. I guess since it was shanti's doing and nevil's genetics the credit goes to shanti....right? He did all the work right.
When ppl say what he just said....nobody listens to it. As for skunk#1, do your history homework and then lets talk about it. As for any G13 crosses well if u know yo history aint but one person could've made those crosses. U said name one IBL that he create well, AFGSK would be one, I think shanti calls it nordle. G13H would be another one not unless shanti is claiming to have a G13 mother plant. Open yo mind and free that dumbness. Even the cbd crew uses his afghan skunk in most of their crosses. I guess nevil's genetics has nothing to do with them since it wasn't his doing. I guess since it was shanti's doing and nevil's genetics the credit goes to shanti....right? He did all the work right.
Skunk#1 is not Nevils line it was sams and a lot of breeders worked with it not just from nevil and shanti does not have g13 neither does Nevil it died what shanti has is an f3 g13 skunk selected for g13 dominate same thats in mns g13 haze as said before nevil did very little breeding at mns I could even find shanti's words to prove it.
U mean u didn't know that g13 widow g13sk and g13h was around way before...mns? Nevil didn't do any breeding for mns becuz everything they're selling he already had bred. Shanti told said seeds and clones and done his own breeding.......I bought Sams skunk and Sam was part of that group. The first line was a 7.1 line, I later got the 18.2 line and I think there was another line after 18.2. The last versions were much better. I'd worked on the last line of Sk1 for 5 or 6 gens. It was leagues ahead of the early stuff. I crossed this with AfgT. It was the best SS yet. SB got that stuff. I expect that it's in much of what your smoking these days (skunk wise). So if u have some shit seeds guess where they came from.....shanti, nevil or Sam?
U mean u didn't know that g13 widow g13sk and g13h was around way before...mns? Nevil didn't do any breeding for mns becuz everything they're selling he already had bred. Shanti told said seeds and clones and done his own breeding.......I bought Sams skunk and Sam was part of that group. The first line was a 7.1 line, I later got the 18.2 line and I think there was another line after 18.2. The last versions were much better. I'd worked on the last line of Sk1 for 5 or 6 gens. It was leagues ahead of the early stuff. I crossed this with AfgT. It was the best SS yet. SB got that stuff. I expect that it's in much of what your smoking these days (skunk wise). So if u have some shit seeds guess where they came from.....shanti, nevil or Sam?
G13 haze was an F1 hybrid before mns.

Hi All

sorry been a little busy of late with school holidays and well those of you with kids know it is a busy time of the year.

Now got to read a little of this thread and found it amazing how quickly little inuendos get made into facts which grow into myths of legend no time.

Nevil is free to do as he wishes and always has been. We are different people and neither of us need permission to do breeding on any strains we choose to work on, but we do and have discussed things at length in the past. Up until a year ago Nevil did not work online, maybe surfed a little but generally preferred to not use internet. I have always decided everything that is MNS and what to work on and what to bring out. Howard always trusted me and Nevil did too. So ultimately I am responsible for all content, descriptions, strains and genetic material being used in the MNS camp. There is a need for one to be responsible for all going on or else it takes time to get 3 together to decide all issues.

I run the breeding , seed production and mother/father plants of MNS...keep the seed stored and organise all liason with clients and shops and along with Howard do a few shows each year....Nevil is living elsewhere and in a place unlike the lenient laws of Holland for seed companies. We all have decided for ourselves and families these decisions and cannot even begin to say otherwise as we are all old enough to be responsible for what we do and how we do it. We all have had our fair share of trials and tribulations, each of us deals with this in their own way... Obviously we have different personalities and different emphasis on our preferences in plants and interaction with the public. Nevil was never one for the shows or the cups, and therefore it was not really planned but evolved to what we all are today. Some people love it others not. But we do not ask anyone to be here if they do not like it, nor do we feel we need to explain ourselves as we are probably the most transparent 3 in the entire industry by choice. We know what we do and believe we do it well and always made the best effort possible to do our best work for we still do to this day.

So before you all begin taking sides to a story that does not exist for us, maybe take a look at why you are on this forum or why you even bothered to join in the first place. We are merely people like yourselves nothing more nothing less. We were lucky and unlucky like you all. The difference is we believe what we did and how we did it made a difference! We have always tried to be clear and honest and present the known facts as true to us. We always tried to supply correct breeding information and not keep it secret as there really are no secrets unless you do not know things yourself! So we may have pushed the dial a little more at times in our lives, but all by our own choice. Suffered the consequences of our own choices as well as benefitted from them...but we had the balls to follow and stand up for what we did and do. You can think or say what you wish till the cows come home but we 3 have been the hands of nature , nothing more, nor did we claim more. So the only thing I can tell you is we are all still around doing things we love. Sure situations always change and we have had to change with them to still be around doing what we do...the easiest thing would be to retire and not do this sort of job, since it really is not a job offered at University ! We do all have more than one skill but we love what we choose to contribute to on earth. Some think we are great and others think otherwise...but this is neither here or there for all of us in the end. We do what we do out of choice...we go for gold, and sometimes pick up the pieces later as a consequence, but mostly we do our job well.

To get back to the point of the thread, I run the MNS and ultimately responsible for it. If I let the mothers and fathers die it is lost, as I was entrusted to carry on with things handed down as well as what I work on myself...and this is how it is to this day. Nev or Howard do not have this daily responsibility with the strains we offer here, and for over a decade have left it to me to do. So without saying more personal stuff that is not relevant, this is the reality of MNS and the heirloom strains and seeds we work with.

If you feel you are treated correctly and get what you pay for we at MNS are successful, if not there are many other companies claiming big things that maybe true please feel free to try them out.

I say that while I am still willing to do this work I will do it as impartially as possible, treating everyone as importantly as the next. I am approachable and available to many as much as i can be. So without telling you all what to do , I try to help and guide where i can. We are experienced in our field after 25years, and that what counts. So rather than begin debates that spark rumors that kindle stories that burn down truths...try to plant a seed and see if that proves who we are or not.

All the best to all of you...Shantibaba

As you can see nevil lived in Australia for a whole decade while shanti bred and took care of day to day business. I'm pretty sure Shanti has come out with a few strains in the last decade.:bigjoint: sorry it took so long I got better shit to do.
His early skunk sucks ass..., his early pearl were autos and sucked major ass... let me see... and his juicy fruit was the shit on top of the burn pile. First hand experience and my last experience with his junk
I have something that could compare to nevil's....nh21 x mm. Shanti's, grail widow. I would think nevil would rather have a cutting of his mother plant to nh to breed with than just some seeds to play with.
not even compareable you have no idea what your talking about they are two totally differnt strain structures black widow is alright but nowhere near the quailty of th NH21 x MM
Seems to me u have no idea what shanti used as the mother plant to the grail widow. Well I know but won't say at this time. I'll let shanti tell that, but he did tell me. So not knowing and knowing makes a big difference. Anyway I'd put any of my female grail widows up against anything nevil has becuz he doesn't have his parent plants.
As for quality goes well its all there. As for taking a NH and crossing it to some else almost anybody can make that cross but only one person can make the cross that produced Grail Widow. Not even nevil himself could because he doesn't have his plants.
From the words, of nevil himself....Crossing Nevil's Haze to unrelated top quality cultivars will produce outstanding hybrids. But only a few knows what happens if u used the mother of NH to create something. I'm one of them!!!!!
Blunt sounds like someone who works for TGA or somebody who works for Greenhouse

really buddy? your not even close I've never said a good thing about either ones a fem breeder the others a pollen chucker just like nevil is now, also when I listed good breeders they where not on the list. I don't work for anyone
As for quality goes well its all there. As for taking a NH and crossing it to some else almost anybody can make that cross but only one person can make the cross that produced Grail Widow. Not even nevil himself could because he doesn't have his plants.
I thought you whern't gonna say what shanti crossed it with? now its NH's mother. I don't get you at all first you stick up for nevils 40+ strains now you just talk how great shanti is when I've been saying all along nevil aint got shit cause shanti has everything decent he ever created while nevils done nothing in years but suddenly has about as many strains as shanti so obviously nevil is chucking some serious pollen. But I'm stupid for even thinking the great nevil would chuck pollen so how do you explain over 40 strains in under 2 years not having any of the parents? I'll pull the list up for you.........
1990 varieties
Old school varietys newly available packs of 15 for 100.00

we sell pure oaxican and karibia and now we have mumblin maddness pure and NL#5 pure and NL#1 x nl#5 hybrid just came in NL#5 x skunk#1 g13x hashplant G13 x northernlights #2 Hash plant pureHashplant x northernlight#1 Northernlight5x2

All seeds come in packs of 10 except for fem’s they come in 6 packs fem’s are 110.00 per pack regulars are 100.00 no shipping charges.
3)NH21 X MMS
4)NH36 X OAX
7)MML X NH03
10)NH21 X OAX
12)NH35 X KANGA’S2004
13) NH42X MML OR S
15) NH21 X MML
18)pre 89 hashplantpure
19)pre 89 NL#5 x sk1
20) G13 x hashplant pure pre 89
21) 89 hash plant x nl
22) NL#5 x MM
23) Mulliumkush

24) Haze Kush
The New SEED Bank
The address to send is:
Updated on occasion

Fems pack contains 6

(male Mullem Madness Late Flower)
(female Mullem Madness Late Flower)
MM S (male Sk/Mullem Madness Early Flower)
NH 3 (male Nevils Haze ) Early NH male. Very resinous when reversed with a complex, pungent somewhat unpleasant smell. Very potent male that transmits these qualities to its offspring)
NH4 (male Nevils Haze ) Early Nevils Haze male is a more NL5 dominant NH, which exhibited a sweet fruity flavor and smell when the sex was reversed.

  1. NH21 X OAX (Oaxacan from Kanga. Strong trance inducing effects. Typically a little earlier than MM. Tastes range from sweet to fruity. Pale sativa with thin leaves. Cures gold)

2) MM X NH4 (Late MM X early NH male.
NH4 is a more NL5 dominant NH, which exhibited a sweet fruity flavor and smell when the sex was reversed)

3) NH21 X MM L ( Late MM male. A regular version of the fem below)

4) MM L X NH21 FEM ( The NH21 was induced to produce pollen and was mated to the late MM female. A union of two top producing females of high quality. )

5) MM X NH3 ( Late MM X early NH male. Early NH male. Very resinous when reversed with a complex, pungent somewhat unpleasant smell. Very potent male that transmits these qualities to it's offspring)

6) NH19 X Sk/MM (early) NH19 was an early more indica leaning NH(early) and was crossed with an early MM male


here you go looks like some pollen chucking to me but the great nevil would never do that...
As for g13hash plant, hash plant/nl and nl5 x sk those are a few that nevil already had. As for a pure nl5...I'd love to know where the nl5 male came from.....just doesnt sound right. Those others well I wouldn't grow those out. But I'd love to get my hands on his hash plant x nl's pure indica at its best. The only way I'd grow out the others is if they were given away. Plus kanga had nothing to do with these breedings that's a known fact. But nevil did get a few cuttings from him. As for Jim well he's a big question mark if u ask me. Some say he saved g13 others say its dead. But who cares its only one cutting.
As for me saying shanti was a better breed than nevil....where u see that at? I was saying that his grail was better than any NH cross. Stop reading between the lines becuz all u come up with is lies. I said wat I said and that's wat it meant. Blunt....I notice one thing about u.....u know nothing about marijuana....looks like u been reading too many mns thread and not enough growing. Go put out every seed that u have without labels or knowing which is which, grow them out, select which female and male u like take cuttings from them and I bet your best mother plant won't be from anything shanti bred. Becuz he breed great males. I bet the best female will end up outta something nevil created.
He does know Nevil.
Maybe you don't know shit?
He realy is Nevs guy.

Nevil worked with strains of the old day, preserved by folks like rimmeo an Ortega.
And some new donated by friends for his grail search.
He selected from those for his new stuff
You have known both of them for 30 years.... Your so full of shit and you know it

for real dudes from RI,USA he may have met them 30 years ago and I don't think Shanti came out till the 90's so if he had met him in the 90's that would have been no more then 23 years ago.