New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

I'm out of trim much dab for a batch of moderate cookie mix?
Is a gram okay for a bag of cookie mix, ~24-30 or a bit trippy?
Wouldn't that need to be decarbed or is the heating in the press taking care of that...?
I have some cod thawing out for fish and chips with Guinness batter. I need to add a little somthin somthin to spice it up a bit for my taste. I'm thinkin some cayenne should do it. I'll figure it out.
Last night's fish and chips. I need to add a Tbsp of Emeril's Cajun spice from now on. 2 Tsp wasn't quite enough. I love that the Guinness flavor stands out even after cooking.

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Previous dinners, Ahi steak with zucchini and potato wedges.


I eat salad sometimes with my dressing. I like Bleu cheese, not my fault. Chunk of Porterhouse steak.

Finally! I love cookies. But those Danish butter cookies make me think of my great grandparents. They always had a tin....probably had a whole pantry full somewhere, withe the way we ate them lol

They remind me of my grandparents as well! And not the warm and fuzzy lol! I bought those danish cookies at the dollar tree today. Strictly to throw the cookies away and put my cookies in the tins lol.
So a short while back I bought the Ooni Karu 16 pizza oven.
Spent some hours reading and researching dough formulas, cheese recipes, sauce bases.... damn there's a lot of info.
Now 30 years ago I ran Papa Gino's restaurant, pizza ,yep I can do this!
Tried successfully, a poolish dough starter by mixing yeast, flour and water, let ferment and add more stuff... wait,shape then wait....
And cook!
Oven, I tried to keep at 600 deg F
Cook time was about 2 min.
First ones in a long time,.... I'll be better soon.
But the flavor was way beyond good.20221218_164458.jpg